Page 14 - Stuart Exposure - October '24
P. 14

Page 14, Stuart Exposure

      Stuart Chamber Happenings from page 13

                                            These men enjoyed a fun night out at the
                                            Stuart/Martin County Chamber’s August
      Jensen Beach Bowl owner Michelle Sprague   Business After Hours, hosted and sponsored
      (left) and her daughter Nicole exhibit the   by Jensen Beach Bowl. Shown (from left)
      fun side of life as they hosted and sponsored   are Trustee Jimmy Collins, DreamWorks
      the Stuart/Martin County Chamber’s August   Companies; new member Jurgen Schwanitz,
      Business After Hours. The Sprague family   act Computers; Trustee Josh Brown, CBS-12
      have been the proud owners of the bowling   News; and Mark Kovalsky, BBQ Island Style.
      center for 38 years.
                                                        Stuart Chamber Happenings   Stuart/Martin County Chamber members had a roaring good time as they gathered at Jensen
                                                        on page 15               Beach Bowl for the Business After Hours on August 21.

                                                           • LARGEST SELECTION of in-stock hearing aids
                                                           • SALES, SERVICE, & REPAIRS on all major brands             Best Price
                                                           • Tinnitus & Earwax Management                              Guarantee
                                                           • Insurance Accepted & Financing Available
      The Business Advocate Award  The  Business Advocate
      was presented to Stuart/Martin  Award was presented to
      County Chamber Trustee Jill  former Stuart Mayor Troy                                                    FREE            Hearing Evaluation &
      Marasa, Ashley Capital, in  McDonald in recognition for                                                  FREE Consultation ($249 Value)
      recognition for her many  his many years of dedicated
      years of dedicated service,  service, professionalism,                                                   PREMIUM           $  1  , 000      off
                                                                                                                                 $1,000 off
      professionalism, fair minded  fair minded influence and                                                  HEARING AIDS
      influence and commitment  commitment to Martin
      to Martin County, during  County,  during  the  Stuart/                                                  FREE            Hearing Aid Cleaning
      the annual Installation Gala  Martin County Chamber’s   Elizabeth James, bc-his                                          & Checkup
      and Casino Night held on  annual Installation Gala   Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist
      September 14 at Hutchinson  and Casino Night held on             772-291-0274 •
      Shores Resort & Spa. A very  September 14 at Hutchinson
      special thank you to Jill for  Shores Resort & Spa.           5941 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart (Located in Publix Cove Shopping Center)
      being the Platinum Presenting
      sponsor of the Gala.

                               Outgoing Stuart/
      In recognition of his dedicated  Martin County Chamber
      service and commitment to  Chairwoman/Trustee Dr. Lisa
      the Stuart/Martin County  Grassam-Smith, Grassam
      Chamber and providing  Spine & Wellness Center,
      economic stability to Martin  presented her husband Martin
      County, Chamber Trustee  County Commissioner Doug
      Gary Owen, Owen Insurance  Smith with the Chairman’s
      Group, accepted the “Toots”  Award for his service and
      Armellini Business of the  dedication to our Chamber
      Year Award at the annual  and  the  community  during
      Installation Gala and Casino  the annual Installation Gala
      Night held on September 14  and Casino Night held on
      at Hutchinson Shores Resort  September 14 at Hutchinson
      & Spa.                   Shores Resort & Spa.

      Stuart/Martin County Chamber Ambassador/Trustee Tera
      Krueger, C&W Technologies (left), collected business cards
      from Director/Trustee David Snyder, Evergreen Private Care
      of Florida, and Trustee Tami Karol, Tami Karol Insurance,
      at the September Business at Lunch sponsored by Stuart Air
      Show at Hudson’s on the River.
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