Page 11 - Stuart Exposure - October '24
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Stuart Exposure, Page 11

                                                      All About kids

      Community Foundation                                                                                 our programming,” said Rhodes, “Our goal of increasing
                                                                                                           student reading proficiency is one of many benefits that
      Awards Grant To Education                                                                            this grant supports.”
                                                                                                             For more information on the Education Foundation
      Foundation Of Martin County                                                                            and its programs, visit
                                                                                                                                      Photo by Doreen Poreba
         The  Community  Foundation  for  Palm  Beach  and
      Martin Counties has awarded a $49,000 grant to the
      Education Foundation of Martin County. This funding will                                             In Your Community from page 10
      support the Education Foundation’s efforts to continue
      strengthening organizational operations and programs                                                 Stuart Community Concert
      by investing in staff expansion and retention. This will
      benefit  Martin  County  public  schools,  teachers  and                                             Band: A Blast From The Past
      students.                                         The Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin
         Lisa Rhodes, the Education Foundation’s executive   Counties’ grant to the Education Foundation of Martin      The Stuart Community Concert Band is excited to
      director, expressed her gratitude to the Community   County enabled the nonprofit organization to expand its staff.   announce its upcoming concert, A Blast From The Past,
      Foundation for its important support. “This grant will   From left, Candice Tedesco and Jinara Reyes recently joined   which will take place on Sunday, October 20 at 2 p.m. at
      enable us to successfully grow our operations and expand   Pamela Amsbaugh and Lisa Rhodes on the foundation’s staff.  the Kane Center. This concert will kick off the season with
                                                                                                           a nostalgic journey through some of the most beloved pop
                                                                                                           tunes from the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s.
                                                                                                              Musical  selections  will  feature Neil  Diamond  in
                                                                                                           Concert, a medley that includes four of his greatest hits
                                                                                                           which are sure to evoke fond memories. The Beach Boys
                                                                                                           Forever, seven classic hits from the iconic band, bring the
                                                                                                           sunny vibes of the ’60s to life. Big Fun In The Sun, a lively
                                                                                                           throwback medley celebrating summertime favorites, will
                                                                                                           have you tapping your feet. Barry Manilow’s Copacabana
                                                                                                           will have you reliving the excitement of this disco favorite.
                                                                                                           And Miami Sound Machine will transport you back to the
                                                                                                           dance floors of the past.

                                                                                                           Front, Samuel Gerzine and Zachary DeWitt; Back, JoLynn
                                                                                                           Lowanse, Stephanie Roberts, Harriet Jackson, Robin Sexner
                                                                                                           and Josie Kirchner

                                                                                                              This concert promises to be a delightful experience
                                                                                                           for music lovers of all ages, and we encourage everyone
                                                                                                           to come and enjoy an afternoon of fun and nostalgia.
                                                                                                              Tickets are available for purchase through the Kane
                                                                                                           Center’s website,, by clicking on the
                                                                                                           events calendar or by calling the Kane Center at (772)
                                    ADVANCED                                                               223-7800.
                                                                                                           • Advanced tickets are $14.
                              CANCER CARE                                                                  • Tickets at the door are $16.
                                                                                                             Don’t miss out on this chance to relive the music of

                                                                                                             the past!
                                                                                                             The band continues its 2024/25 season with the
                               When faced with a cancer diagnosis, the                                     following concerts:
                            Robert and Carol Weissman Cancer Center at                                     Celebrating Christmas Around The World
                                                                                                           December 7, Blake Library, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.
                       Cleveland Clinic Martin Health will be with you every                               Let’s Go To The Movies
                         step of the way. Our team of surgeons and cancer                                  January 26, 2025, Kane Center, 2 p.m.
                            specialists deliver the care that’s best for you,                              The Wild West
                                                                                                           March 2, 2025, Kane Center, 2 p.m.
                           from personalized therapies and comprehensive                                   Air And Space
                               support services to robotic surgery and                                     April 6, 2025, Kane Center, 2 p.m.
                                        breakthrough treatments.                                           Beyond Our Borders
                                                                                                           May 18, 2025, Kane Center, 2 p.m.
                                                                                                              The Stuart Community Concert Band is a 501(c)
                                Complete cancer care is close to home.                                     (3) not-for-profit organization of over 70 dedicated
                                                                                                           volunteer musicians who play for the love of music.
                                                                                                           For more information on the band and how you
                                                                                                           can help support your community band, visit www.
                   Learn more at                               

                                                                                                             Rehearsals are held at the Elliott Museum on
                   or call 877.463.2010 to schedule an appointment.                                        Hutchinson Island most Mondays from 7 to 9 p.m. We
                                                                                                           invite our fellow musicians to join us.
                                                                                                              For more information, please visit our website,
                                                                                                   or  email  us  at
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