Page 8 - Stuart Exposure - October '24
P. 8

Page 8, Stuart Exposure

                                                          Good works

      House Of Hope Creates                             Local Bakery Launches                              Customers who order the bakery’s signature Perri bread can
      Disaster Kits With Grant                          Special Product For                                purchase the gratitude loaf for a discount, and The Good Loaf
                                                                                                           will deliver it free of charge.
                                                                                                             “Foster parents open their hearts and homes to take in
      From The Community                                Foster Parents                                       abused, neglected and abandoned children,” Natalizio said.
      Foundation Martin-St. Lucie                          Denise Natalizio knows foster care; she’s made a life   “Let’s come together as a community to give back to those
                                                                                                           who have given so much to our community.”
         If you live paycheck to paycheck, it’s almost impossible   supporting local people who open their hearts and their homes      Like many people trying to fill their time during the
      to gather the supplies you’ll need before a hurricane or the   to children who have been abused, neglected or abandoned.  lockdown of 2020, Natalizio began baking bread for her
      resources you’ll need to recover.                    Natalizio is the Martin County director and director of   friends and neighbors during the COVID pandemic. And last
         The House of Hope staff know this story all too well:   foster parent licensing for Communities Connected for Kids,   year, she started baking sourdough.
      low-income families who go into a hurricane without   the nonprofit organization that oversees the child-welfare      She opened The Good Loaf Bakery this July.
      the ability to stock up on supplies, households who lose   system in Okeechobee and the Treasure Coast.     “I really loved giving away bread, and seeing how that
      precious perishable food when the electricity goes out,      When she decided to open her own cottage industry – The   makes people feel,” she said. “I started following micro-
      hourly workers who can’t get paid because their places of   Good Loaf Bakery – foster care was still first in mind.  bakery women online and thought, ‘Hey, I can do that.’”
      employment are shuttered.                            Indeed, she debuted the gratitude loaf, a sourdough
         Thanks to a designated disaster-relief fund established   recipe dedicated to foster parents, within weeks of opening.   Good Works on page 9
      through The Community Foundation of Martin-St. Lucie,
      nonprofits like the House of Hope are able to be proactive
      in providing clients with hurricane-preparedness kits before             
      the storm and responding quickly after it.
         “Historically, in the middle of the storm, I would be
      preparing to reach out to our clients and friends to say,
      ‘Okay, it’s real. The storm hit. We’re going to need to help
      the frontline organizations really quickly,’” The Community   Early
      Foundation Martin-St. Lucie CEO Elizabeth Barbella
      said. “And when the dust settled, we’d be reaching out to
      organizations asking for some type of simple application and
      then deploying the resource.”                                   Voting

                                                                            November 5th Presidential Election

                                                                   Oct 21st - Nov 2nd, 2024 8 am - 5 pm

                                                                        Elections Center    Elisabeth Lahti Library    Hoke Library
                                                                               Robert Morgade Library    Hobe Sound Library
                                                                                        Peter & Julie Cummings Library

                                                                            Spanish Hotline: 833.912.1314

                                                                 *Vote by Mail secure ballot intake stations available during Early Voting.
      Community partners and volunteers, including a team from   Lugares de votación anticipada para las elecciones presidenciales del 5 de noviembre. Del 21 de
      Macy’s, helped House of Hope pack supplies into 1,150 kits   octubre al 2 de noviembre. Horario de 8 am a 5 pm. Biblioteca Elisabeth Lahti, Biblioteca Hobe
      for vulnerable households and for individuals experiencing   Sound, Biblioteca Hoke, Biblioteca Peter & Julie Cummings, Biblioteca Robert Morgade y Centro
      homelessness in Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee Counties   Electoral. Línea directa en español 833.912.1314. *Estaciones seguras de recepción de boletas por
      so they’ll be better prepared for hurricane season.     correo disponibles durante la votación anticipada.

         The Local Disaster Relief Fund gives donors an
      opportunity to set aside funds in advance of a hurricane
      or other disaster.  Their proactive philanthropy gives
      nonprofits like House of Hope the knowledge that
      resources will be there when needed.
         “Now we can plan, knowing we will have the resources
      in place and ready to go when our clients need them,”
      House of Hope CEO Rob Ranieri said. “It will make us
      an effective resource for the lower income community,
      and it will be almost instant, like flipping a switch.”
         This summer House of Hope began using funds from
      the program to assemble 1,150 hurricane preparedness
      kits, including 250 that have additional supplies for
      those experiencing homelessness. Supplies include                                                                 Life moves fast—
      nonperishable  food,  flashlights,  batteries,  water,  tarps,

      hand sanitizer, a manual can opener, garbage bags, a first                                     prepare for the unexpected
      aid kit, tents, bug spray, and string bags.
         Without this assistance, most of the organization’s                                              with Accident Insurance.
      clients wouldn’t be able to stockpile supplies, said House
      of Hope CEO Rob Ranieri. “It’s a couple hundred bucks
      they don’t have in their budget.”
         House of Hope is taking the lead in working with
      partner agencies in neighboring counties, distributing
      support to Mustard Seed and GraceWay Village in St.   We’re here to help.
      Lucie County and Our Village in Okeechobee County.
         “We’re grateful to The Community Foundation and its
      donors for the incredible foresight to plan ahead and put   Accident insurance complements your Florida Blue Health Plan. Call to learn more
      a structure in place that will greatly benefit the people we   about insurance plans from USAble Life.
      serve,” Ranieri said. “The Local Disaster Relief Fund is
      an ingenious concept and a lifesaver.”              M&A Insurance and Financial Services Inc.
         To learn more about House of Hope or to donate, visit   561-440-9940
      House of Hope’s website at or call
      (772) 286-4673. Updates and announcements can also be   M&A Insurance and Financial Services Inc. is an Independent Broker of Florida Blue.
      found on Facebook, Instagram, and X.                Florida Blue is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Supplemental, Life, and Disability products are offered by USAble Life. USAble Life is an independent company
                                                          and operates separately from Florida Blue.
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