Page 3 - Stuart Exposure - October '24
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Stuart Exposure, Page 3

      Kitty Catalina — The PurrFect Event from page 1                                                      a no-kill animal welfare organization located at 4100 S.W.
                                                                                                           Leighton Farm Ave., in Palm City, Fla. Since 1955, it has been
         At the end of the                                                                                 the leading advocate for animal protection and well-being
      event, guests were                                                                                   in the Martin County area. A 501(c)(3) private, nonprofit
      hoping to have their                                                                                 organization, the HSTC is independent and locally operated
      raffle ticket number                                                                                 and relies on donations to support its programs and services.
      called for the 17 prizes                                                                             Follow the HSTC on Facebook at
      that were available.                                                                                 humanesocietyTC and Twitter at
         Of  course,  the                               Michele and Sam Adler with                         hstc1. For more information, visit or
      su p e r st a r s we r e                          Salem                                              call (772) 223-8822.
      the cats and kittens,                                                                                                           Photos by Doreen Poreba
      as supporters gave                                   Although it rained most
      them additional                                   of the evening, the night   Volunteers Neda Story and
      love throughout the                               skies were capped off with   Kimberly Smart
      evening. Because of   Author and animal rescue    a double rainbow over the
      Dunn’s  sponsorship,   advocate Sherry Dunn, who was   humane society’s Memorial Garden.
      the adoption fee was   the presenting event sponsor     For more information about future events, contact Alyssa
      waived during the event                           Bean, community events specialist, at (772) 600-3215, or
      for felines over one year old. Additional sponsorship
      support was generously provided by TC Palm, Seacoast   About The Humane Society Of The Treasure Coast
      Bank and Publix.                                     The Humane Society of the Treasure Coast (HSTC) is

                                                                                                           Michelle Johnson is all
                                                                                                           smiles as she claims her   Liz and Martin County
                                                                                                           basket of goodies.      Commissioner Ed Ciampi

                                                                                                           Melony  Zaravelis  and
                                                                                                           Brittany Robinson with Blair  Lisa Alloe and Jeff Taylor

                                                                                                            Dancing With The Martin Stars from page 1

                                                                                                            Right, with Eva B. Velez and directed by Marianella
                                                                                                            Tobar; and Sue Whittington, with Jang Don.
                                                                                                               For months the dancers have been learning their steps
                                                                                                            and choosing fabulous costumes. That’s only part of the
                                                                                                            challenge, however. They have also been raising funds
                                                                                                            with a variety of mini events like dinners, wine tastings,
                                                                                                            and auctions to boost their fundraising totals.
                                                                                                               The goal for this year’s event is $280,000. “The
                                                                                                            dancers have just blown us away with their passion and
                                                                                                            enthusiasm,” Suffich said. “We truly believe that they’re
                                                                                                            going to reach the goal and exceed it.”
                                                                                                               For more information, visit https://www.
                                                                                                               For more information about Martin County Healthy
                                                                                                            Start Coalition and its ongoing programs, visit www.
                                                                                                  , call (772) 463-2888 or follow the
                                                                                                            organization on Facebook.

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