Page 9 - Jupiter Spotlight - October '24
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Jupiter Spotlight, Page 9

      Lead The Fight from page 8

      CAPE Team, Mobile Response Team, and community-based                                                  Medicare Corner
      agencies with whom the district partners.
        Center for Child Counseling CEO Renée Layman gave                                                   With Kathy O
      a brief overview of the agency’s public health framework
      and their data-to-action approach of prevention, early
      intervention, and treatment. The center realizes that children                                        It’s Time For Medicare
      don’t necessarily need treatment only, the caregivers need
      ways to help their own kids.                                                                          Annual Enrollment Period
        “We have focused largely on building the capacity of people
      who work and live with kids to promote their well-being and                                           (AEP) Oct. 15 To Dec. 7
      resilience,” said Layman.                         Sam and Karry Meshberg   Stephanie Noel, Denise Lafoy
        Dominika Nolan, director of education and prevention                                                What Does This Mean
      services for CFCC gave an overview of all of the services offered                                     To Me, What Are My
      to children, families, schools, and communities in order to build                                     Options?
      the capacity and promote positive mental health for all.                                              • Change from Original
        In the closing remarks for the evening, Dr. Fox-Levine                                              Medicare to a Medicare
      encouraged all attendees to think about, “How can you                                                 Advantage Plan
      take action now and step out of this room tonight and                                                 • Change from a Medicare
      into your day tomorrow and be a superhero, even more                                                  Advantage Plan back to
      than what you have been in the past, with the information                                             Original Medicare
      and energy from tonight about the exciting things that                                                •  Switch from  one
      are happening with our schools and being able to partner                                              Advantage Plan to
      with schools?”                                                                                        another Advantage Plan
        In 2015, Center for Child Counseling launched Fighting                                              •Join, drop or change Medicare Drug coverage
      ACEs to build awareness and action to mitigate the impact
      of ACEs and build well-being through positive childhood                                               Supplement Or Advantage
      experiences (PCEs). In conjunction with Leadership Palm
      Beach County Class of 2017, the center developed “Lead   Dr. Anna Irizarry Cardona, Dr. Claire Mucenic  Plan?
      the Fight” in 2016 to bring awareness to system leaders
      around fighting childhood adversity with advocacy and   for Palm Beach and Martin Counties, and private donors.    Advantage Plans must cover all the medically
      action. Since that time, the agency has educated tens of     CFCC’s pediatric integration program is made possible   necessary services that Original Medicare covers.
      thousands of parents, professionals, and systems leaders.   thanks to the support of Quantum Foundation,  The   Most plans offer extra benefits that Original Medicare
        Partnership sponsors who are leading the fight in   Frederick DeLuca Foundation, and Palm Beach County   doesn’t cover – like prescription drugs, dental, vision
      making these important  and  necessary conversations   Community Services Department.                 and hearing.
      possible include: BeWellPBC; Children’s Services     Part 3 of the Lead the Fight 2024 series, Positivity Will     Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans (also called
      Council of Palm Beach County; Florida Association for   Give HOPE for Our Future, will take place on December   Medigap) help fill “gaps” in Original Medicare and
      Infant Mental Health; Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital;   4. The event focus will be on understanding the effect of   are sold (extra cost) by private companies to cover
      Hanley Foundation; Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies   positive childhood experiences on countering the long-  deductibles and copays.
      Coalition of Palm Beach County; Mead Johnson Nutrition;   term possible effect of adverse childhood experiences.    Prescription drug coverage must be purchased
      Palm Beach Pediatrics; Palm Beach Pediatric Society; and     For more information about Center for Child   separately.
      Searcy, Denney, Scarola, Barnhart & Shipley.       Counseling visit www.centerforchildcounseling.     What  Do  I  Look  For?  How  Do  I  Know  What
        CFCC’s Fighting ACEs initiative to build trauma-  org,  Twitter: @ChildCounselPBC, Facebook: @      Advantage Plan Is Best For Me?
      informed communities is made possible with the generous   CenterforChildCounseling, Instagram: @childcounselpbc.    First, we review the costs of supplement and drug
      support of Quantum Foundation, Community Foundation                Photos by Tracey Benson Photography  plans and look at your healthcare budget. Then we
                                                                                                            review the Advantage plans to see if your doctors
                                                                                                            in network and review the cost of medications you
                                                                                                            take. Another consideration is to determine which
                                                                                                            of the ancillary benefits of Advantage plans are
                                                                                                            most important to you; dental, eye exam, glasses,
                                                                                                            gym membership, hearing aids, over-the-counter
                                                                                                            medication, etc.
                                                                                                            How Do I Decide?
                                                                                                     offers tools to look up medications
                                                                                                            and all plans in your area. However, there is an
                                                                                                            overwhelming amount of information there. A licensed
                                                                                                            local agent like me can review your plan and help you
                                                                                                            make an informed decision.
                                                                                                            I Am Already  On An Advantage  Plan  I  Like  …
                                                                                                            Should I Change?
                                                                                                              Each year you receive the Annual Notice of Change
                                                                                                            (ANOC) for your plan which outlines the changes for
                                                                                                            the upcoming year. A free plan review will let you
                                                                                                            know if other plans you previously ruled out may have
                                                                                                            coverage that better meets your needs now or if your
                                                                                                            current plan is sufficient.
                                                                                                              If you do not do a plan review, you miss out on
                                                                                                            a plan with lower costs, higher benefits or lower
                                                                                                            maximum out of pocket costs in and out of network.
                                                                                                            This  is  your  financial  exposure.  It  is  important  to
                                                                                                            ensure a major illness will not bankrupt you.
                                                                                                              Happy AEP and Happy Medicare Planning!
                                                                                                              I  speak  Medicare:  supplement,  drug  plan  and
                                                                                                            Advantage plan.
                                                                                                              For your free Medicare plan review please call me:
                                                                                                            Kathy Olejniczak, Agent, at (561) 835-5413, Cell/text
                                                                                                            at (561) 212-7640.
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