Page 8 - Jupiter Spotlight - October '24
P. 8

Page 8, Jupiter Spotlight
      Lead The Fight Event Connects Pediatric

      Professionals To School-Based Mental Health Services

        Center for Child Counseling with Palm Beach Pediatric
      Society lead the fight in children’s mental health by
      connecting pediatricians to the supports offered in Palm
      Beach County schools.
        The Center for Child Counseling (CFCC) continued its Lead
      the Fight series to move forward its efforts addressing adverse
      childhood experiences (ACEs) and childhood trauma with
      the healthcare providers who are on the frontlines of seeing
      children and families. In partnership with the Palm Beach
      Pediatric Society, CFCC hosted part two of a three-part series,
      The Trauma-Informed Pediatric Practice: The Superheroes Have
      Arrived, on August 28, at the National Croquet Center in West
      Palm Beach.
        Led by Dr. Shannon Fox-Levine, president of the Palm   Renée Layman, Angie Lykins, Elizabeth  Margaret Rollins, Dr. Michael Glazier,   Dominika Nolan, Lizeth Henry, Andrea
      Beach Pediatric Society and medical director of Center for   Searles                Elizabeth Larsen                 Goytia Rios
      Child Counseling, this part of the series focused on how Palm
      Beach County Schools are helping students with mental health
      and behavioral concerns – and how pediatricians can tap into
      available supports to help their patients. The goal of the event
      was to help pediatricians connect their patients to school-based
      mental health services – from prevention to crisis support.
        Featured guest speakers included Dr. Seth Bernstein,
      executive vice president at United Way of Palm Beach County,
      and Dr. Mary Claire Mucenic, director of behavior and mental
      health for the School District of Palm Beach County.
        Overarching themes of the evening included the superpower
      in being an advocate for children’s mental health and the
      necessity of not waiting for a child to fall apart before helping.
        Dr. Bernstein provided the history of mental health supports in
      schools over the last few decades and the research that supports
      early intervention and reaching children before diagnosis.   Jessica Cecere, Heather Bennett         Dr. Seth Bernstein, Dr. Shannon Fox-Levine
        “All children should get the supports that they need and
      not have to rely on a diagnosis to bill Medicaid or insurance,”   … I’m totally committed to supporting the mental health of our     The schools recognize the importance of destigmatizing
      Bernstein stated.                                  children and the support of our families and hope that you will   mental health services and share the message throughout their
        Bernstein also shared his personal story of undergoing his   be superheroes also in this fight,” advocated Bernstein.   campuses that, “It’s okay to be okay. It’s okay to not be okay.
      parents’ divorce and his introduction to school mental health as     Dr. Mucenic re-stressed the importance of students and   It’s okay to ask for help.”
      a recipient of services. When in high school, the school social   families being able to access mental health supports in schools     Mucenic emphasized, “We have people on every school
      worker, Mr. C, invited him to join a “divorce group.” This group   and gave a detailed overview of the services that are provided   campus to support mental health. It’s really important.”
      helped Bernstein gain the support of his peers, learn coping skills,   in the 179 schools that make up the Palm Beach County     Each school’s mental health team includes: school
      and build resiliency. He then took a peer support class and by   School District.                    counselor(s), ESOL school coordinator, school psychologist(s),
      senior year was leading a class for the younger classmen and     As part of the school district’s strategic plan, they are   school behavioral health professional, co-located mental health
      giving back.                                       measuring and following objectives to support mental health   professional (at 115 of the schools), and SBT/CST leader. There
        “He [Mr. C] really set me on this path of who I am today …   and well-being, including enhancing a sense of belonging,   are also supports provided at the district level, such as the
      it really made me into an advocate to really eliminate barriers to   safety, and acceptance for all students; and trauma-informed
      access school mental health services for youth and their families   care and practices.              Lead The Fight on page 9

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