Page 4 - Jupiter Spotlight - October '24
P. 4

Page 4, Jupiter Spotlight
      Cardinal Newman’s Dillon Schneider

      Achieves National Merit  Scholarship Semifinalist

        Cardinal Newman High School proudly announces     Schneider now has the opportunity to compete for one
      that  senior  Dillon  Schneider  has  been  recognized   of approximately 6,870 National Merit Scholarships and
      as  a  semifinalist  in  the  70th  annual  National  Merit    the prestigious title of Merit Scholar . To advance to the
      Scholarship Program. Over 1.3 million juniors in about   finalist stage of the competition, Schneider must fulfill
      21,000 high schools entered the program by taking   several requirements, including submitting a detailed
      the  2023  Preliminary  SAT/National  Merit  Scholarship   scholarship application highlighting his academic record,
      Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). The nationwide pool   leadership, community involvement, and extracurricular
      of semifinalists represents less than one percent of U.S.   achievements. Additionally, Schneider will need to write
      high school seniors.                              an essay and earn SAT  or ACT  scores that confirm his
        “On behalf of the entire Cardinal Newman community,   PSAT performance.
      I am proud to announce that Dillon Schneider is counted     Cardinal Newman High School is a premier college
      among this extremely select group of scholars,” said   preparatory Catholic high school in West Palm Beach.
      Cardinal Newman High School principal Ed Curtin.   Their vision is to build life’s champions through faith,
      “Being named a National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist   academics, servant leadership, and a strong family
      is truly an amazing honor, and we are very proud of   atmosphere. For more information about Cardinal   Ed Curtin, Dillon Schneider, Danielle Benvenuto, Irene
      Dillon’s accomplishment.”                         Newman High School, visit      Heidelbauer

      Athletes Race from page 1

        First held in 1985, the
      event has become a must
      on the Southeast race
      circuit. The triathlon course
      included a 3/8-mile swim
      in the Atlantic Ocean off
      Carlin Park, a 13-mile bike
      ride down A1A into Juno
      Beach, Fla., a 3.1-mile (5K)
      run to the Jupiter Inlet, and
      back to the finish line at
      Carlin Park. The event also                                                Shepard  Reback,  Kemper   Linda Robb, Barbara Shafer  Jenn Shapiro, Tracy Baynham
      featured a duathlon for those                     Lara Trump               Reback
      who opted to skip the swim,   Dr. Ahmed  Elhaddad,  Tim
      and the option to participate   Burke
      in a relay.
                Photos courtesy of Tracey Benson Photography

                                                        Becky Mitchell, Julie Brown, Dr. Ahmed Elhaddad, Debbie
                                                        Pingue                                             Bernardo Neto, Lauren Neto, Jon Colclasure, Charlotte Emilia

      AnnMarie  Foss,  Edward  Bill Picciano, Claudia Garrell,
      Foss, Yolanda Debalo     Matt Young

                                                        Mona Anderson, Nano Swetman, Bob Hohnodel, Mercedes   Brian Elkins, Caitlyn Bergman, Katie Velotta, Brittany
                                                        Loftos, Meredith Anderson                          Cartwright, Sean Reed



                                                            FREE Consultation

      Rob Lucarelli, Mariana Lamb, Adrienne Capps, Tamra
      FitzGerald, Jay Lessing, Michael Albanese             for Acupuncture

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