Page 7 - Jupiter Spotlight - October '24
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Jupiter Spotlight, Page 7
      Live Like Jake Announces

      Sell-Out Of Seventh Annual Be The Light Gala

      Fundraiser On October 4 At Pelican Club, Jupiter

        Live Like Jake, the                             more perfect, and we are so grateful to the Live Like Jake   Lee Petereit; The Gilbert Family; The Barone Family; The
      local foundation created                          community for the opportunity. Based on the response, I   Broadhead Family; and The McCarty Family.
      in the memory of Jake                             know we are not alone in our enthusiasm, which bodes well     For information about future events, scholarships, or the
      Roarke Morrison                                   for support of our mission to end childhood drowning,” says   foundation, please visit or call (561)
      announces that tickets to                         Morrison. “We have fun surprises in store, and I can’t wait   441-7611.
      its upcoming “Buoys &                             to welcome everyone on October 4 at the Pelican Club.”   About The Live Like Jake Foundation
      Bourbon”-themed gala                                All monies raised from the fun-filled event go to support     Committed to honoring the life and joy of Jake Roarke
      are sold out.                                     Live Like Jake’s mission of raising awareness for drowning   Morrison, the foundation’s mission is to raise awareness for
        The Seventh Annual                              prevention through self-rescue swim scholarships, outreach   drowning prevention. Following the 2013 tragic drowning
      Be  the  Light gala                               programs and financial assistance to families who have lost   of their 2-year-old son, Keri Morrison and her husband
      fundraiser  took  place                           a child or have a child with critical care needs.   Roarke created the Live Like Jake Foundation to raise
      October 4 at the elegant, waterfront Pelican Club, Jupiter.     Sponsors for the night include: The Atkins Family, Life   awareness for childhood drowning prevention. Partnering
      Along with special libations celebrating this year’s theme,   Saver Pool Fence, Infant Swimming Resource (ISR), The   with other drowning prevention agencies and instructors,
      the evening includes a live and silent auction, open bar, hors   Weinberger Family, Counter Forced Labor Technologies,   supporting other families who have experienced the same
      d’oeuvres, a sumptuous dinner and dessert, dancing, awards   Hobgood Estate Services, Ritter & Ramsey General and   loss; providing an indoor, heated pool dedicated to infant
      ceremony, and a live musical performance by country music   Cosmetic Dentistry, Window Doctor, Trelles Injury Law, 16   swimming resource (ISR) instruction, and connecting with
      artist, Ricky Young.                              Handles, The Forgatch Group – Compass, Atlantis Car Wash,   their community, the foundation has been able to provide
        “We are absolutely overwhelmed by the outpouring of   Allyson Sullivan & Lang Realty, Nanny, Pandora, Illustrated   thousands of self-rescue swim scholarships and critical care
      support and excitement for this year’s gala,” says Live Like   Properties and Love, Tito’s.          funds around the nation.
      Jake Founder, Keri Morrison. “Having our Be the Light Gala     Table Sponsors: A&S Electric; Premier Pediatrics; Dr.     Visit and and
      underneath the actual beams of the lighthouse could not be   Michael Connor, MD; Guardian Angel Inspections, Inc.;   @livelikejake3939 on Instagram.
      What Is The Difference Between ADD And ADHD?

      Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                                distractibility, forgetfulness, and making careless mistakes.   would be ADHD, predominately inattentive presentation.
      Licensed School                                   While  people  still  use  the  term ADD  to  classify  these   Likewise, if your child struggled with hyperactivity and
      Psychologist                                      symptoms, it is no longer the technical term used in the   impulsivity the diagnosis would be ADHD, predominately
        You may have wondered                           medical and psychology community to diagnose these types   hyperactive presentation and if your child had both
      things like “What is ADD?                         of symptoms. In the late 1980’s the medical community   symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity,
      Is it different from ADHD?”                       shifted to the term ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity   they  would  be  diagnosed  with  ADHD,  combined
      or “How do I know if my                           disorder. In the early 1990s ADHD was classified into three   presentation. What this shift in terminology did was
      child has ADD or ADHD?”                           different types, or presentations, that we use today. The three   combine both inattentive and hyperactive impulsive
      ADD was an older term for                         types are: inattentive presentation, hyperactive presentation,   symptoms  into  one  disorder  with  specific  presentation
      attention deficit disorder,                       and combined presentation.                         types so everything could be categorized the same way.
      which is the classification for                     So, if you’re seeing inattentive symptoms in your child   How Do I Know If My Child Has ADHD?
      symptoms like inattention,                        and  they  were  to  be  diagnosed,  the  official  diagnosis     Children  can  be  evaluated  for ADHD  with  several
                                                                                                           instruments that assess their functioning in different areas
                                                                                                           and look at the severity of their symptoms. The testing we
                   Experience Dentistry                                                                    provide in our office targets the specific areas of concern
                                                                                                           related to ADHD and allows us to diagnose and provide
                                                                                                           specific recommendations to support your child at home
                                                                                                           and at school. Our evaluations are comprehensive and
                                                                                                           offer a “whole child” approach so we will be able to assess
                                              with a                                                       processing speed, as well as their social-emotional and
                                                                                                           their cognitive processing, like attention, memory, and
                                                                                                           behavioral functioning. Our testing will provide you with
                                                                                                           the answers to know if your child really has ADHD or if
                                                                                                           they are struggling in some other area that is contributing
                                                                                                           to their ADHD-like symptoms. You will leave this process
             Woman’s Touch                                                                                 with targeted and specific recommendations tailored to your
                                                                                                           child’s strengths and weaknesses.
                                                                                                             Call (561) 625-4125 to discuss about your child.

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