Page 8 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - October '24
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Page 8, Jupiter Ocean Mile
      Financial Focus                          ®

      Vote For Solid Investment                         before—should you make some moves in anticipation of     •  Your time horizon – Where you are in life is an

      Strategies                                        possible changes in policy?                        important consideration when investing. When you are
                                                          Let’s look at the big picture first, through the lens of
                                                                                                           young and just starting out in your career, you may be able
                                                        history. The financial markets have performed well—and   to focus more on growth, as you have time to overcome the
      By Sally Sima Stahl                               at times, not so well—under Democratic and Republican   inevitable short-term market downturns. But as you near
        With the presidential                           presidents alike. And the same is true about which party   retirement, you may want to consolidate any gains you
      election just a few weeks                         controlled Congress.                               may have achieved, and lower your risk level, by moving
      away, the public is naturally                       While it might be an overstatement to say that decisions   your portfolio toward a somewhat more conservative
      interested in not just the                        made in Washington have no effect on the markets, it’s not   approach. Even in retirement, though, you will need some
      outcome but what the results                      always so easy to draw a direct line between what happens   growth potential to stay ahead of inflation.
      will mean for issues of                           there and how the markets perform. For one thing, political     •  Your needs for liquidity – As you invest, you’ll
      national importance. As a                         candidates often make promises that are not fulfilled, or, if   need to maintain an adequate amount of cash and cash
      citizen, you likely share these                   they are, have different results than intended. Also, other   equivalents in your holdings. Without this liquidity, you
      concerns—but how about                            institutions can have a significant impact on the markets.   might be forced to sell long-term investments in case you
      as  an  investor? After  the                      For example, the Federal Reserve, which controls short-term   have unexpected expenses.
      votes are counted—or even                         interest rates, can certainly affect many market sectors. And     In any case, when it comes to investing, you may want
                                                        there will always be external events, such as foreign conflicts   to pay less attention to what names are on the ballot—and
                                                        and even natural disasters, that can make short-term impacts
                                                                                                           instead “vote” for the longer-term strategies that reflect
        Commissioner’s                                  on the investment world.                           your needs and goals.
                                                                                                             This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
                                                          So, rather than making changes to your portfolio in
        Update                                          anticipation of what might happen if certain candidates get   your  local  Edward  Jones  Financial Advisor,  Edward
                                                        elected, or even in response to actual policy changes, look
                                                                                                           Jones, Member SIPC.
                                                        to other factors to drive your investment decisions.
                                                                                                             Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
                                                          These factors should include the following:      all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.
        Advocacy And Civic                                • Your goals – You probably have short- and long-term   Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and
                                                                                                           Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
                                                        goals you’d like to achieve. For your short-term goals, such
        Engagement In Government                        as a wedding, a down payment on a house or a long vacation,   of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of
                                                        you may want to invest in instruments that provide stability   New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency
        By Vice Mayor                                   of principal. For your long-term goals, most important of   of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
        Maria G. Marino                                 which may be a comfortable retirement, you’ll need to own     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
          Advocacy and                                  a reasonable number of growth-oriented investments.  cannot  provide  tax  advice.  You  should  consult  your
        civic engagement are                              • Your risk tolerance – When you build and maintain   qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
        fundamental to a healthy                        your investment portfolio, you’ll need to accommodate your     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, CFP ,
        democracy. These                                individual risk tolerance. All investments carry some type   AAMS , 1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL
        practices allow citizens                        of risk, but you need to be comfortable with the overall risk   33458.
        to influence government                         level of your investments.
        policies, hold officials
        accountable, and
        actively shape the
        decisions that impact
        their communities. When citizens and organizations
        engage, they can drive government responsiveness,
        transparency, and effectiveness.
          Advocacy refers to the efforts of individuals,
        groups,  or  organizations  to  influence  public  policy                       $                   $ 100 OFF                  $ 250
        and government decisions. These efforts can take                                  39Usually  95
        various forms, such as lobbying, public campaigns,                            SERVICE CALL WITH           ANY NEW             UV LIGHT WITH ANY
        and grassroots mobilization. It often involves educating                        ANY A/C REPAIR          WATER HEATER          NEW INSTALLATION
                                                                                                                                         ( 750 Value)
        decision-makers  and  the  public  on  specific  issues,                     CALL FOR SERVICE       CALL FOR SERVICE       CALL FOR SERVICE
        persuading them to adopt certain policies or actions.                        561-741-2825           561-741-2825           561-741-2825
          Civic engagement is a broader concept that encompasses                    Not valid with any other discounts,   Not valid with any other discounts,   Not valid with any other discounts,
        any activity that allows citizens to be involved in public                  offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount   offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount   offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount
        life. This ranges from voting and participating in town                     per transaction. Expires 11/07/24.  per transaction. Expires: 11/07/24.  per transaction. Expires: 11/07/24.
        halls to volunteering and joining community boards.
        Civic engagement emphasizes collective action to address
        societal issues and fosters a shared responsibility between
        citizens and their government.
          A recent example of effective advocacy and civic
        engagement occurred in Palm Beach County when
        the Florida Department of Environmental Protection
        (FDEP) unveiled its 2024/25 Great Outdoors Initiative.
        This  initiative is  aimed  to  increase public  access,
        recreation and lodging at Florida state parks. However,
        the proposal to amend the Unit Management Plan

        Commissioner’s Update on page 10

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