Page 10 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - October '24
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Page 10, Jupiter Ocean Mile
      Impact The Palm Beaches Announces

      Start Of $100,000 Grant Process For Local Nonprofits

        Impact the Palm Beaches is seeking applications from   housing, homelessness, food
      local nonprofit organizations interested in receiving a   insecurity, job training,
      $100,000 grant to create effective change in Palm Beach   arts funding, hygiene, high
      County. The 2024/25 grant process opens on September 29   school  graduation,  marine
      and initial proposals must be submitted by October 25.  preservation, foster care, and
        Eligible Central and Northern Palm Beach County   so much more,” said Missy
      nonprofits may apply for grant funding that supports their   Agnello, Grant Committee
      mission, programs, or services.                   Cochair. “We are excited
         “As we kick off our 10th year, Impact the Palm Beaches   to continue working with
      remains committed to partnering with local organizations to   our area nonprofits to ignite
      make a meaningful and long-lasting impact on the communities   change in our community.”
      they serve,” shared Lisa Johnson, 2024/25 copresident of     Impact  grants  will  be
      Impact the Palm Beaches. Impact has set a goal of 500   awarded at an Annual Awards
      members this year. “As our membership continues to grow,   Celebration on April 30,
      we are able to support an increasing number of organizations   2025, at the Kravis Center.  2024 Impact the Palm Beaches Impact Grant winners
      and initiatives, expanding our efforts to uplift communities.”    Since its establishment
        For eligibility requirements and more information, please   in 2015, Impact the Palm Beaches has granted almost $2     Impact members contribute $1,100 annually, which includes
      visit                  million to local nonprofit organizations that are making   a $100 administrative fee, and each member’s $1,000 donation is
        Impact the Palm Beaches seeks to fund programs and   transformational changes in our community.    pooled together to fund multiple $100,000 grants. The full amount
      projects that reach underserved populations and address or     *The three $100,000 Impact Grants winners for 2024   of membership is tax-deductible. Impact grants fund the following
      satisfy unmet needs, solve a problem, or create an opportunity   were the American Association of Caregiving Youth   service areas: Arts and Culture, Education, Environment and
      for strategic change, can demonstrate specific measurable   (Caregiving Youth Project), Healthy Mothers, Healthy   Animal Welfare, Health and Wellness, and Family.
      outcomes, and are sustainable well into the future.  Babies (Basics4Babies Emergency Pantry), and The Lord’s     Impact 100 is a worldwide organization with more than 60
        Nonprofits can submit applications that align with any   Place (Project Divert: A Homeless Shelter Diversion Pilot   chapters and steadily growing. Their motto is “One Woman,
      of the five Impact focus areas: Arts and Culture, Education,   Initiative). Additionally, two $48,000 Merit Grants were   One Meeting, One Vote.” It is designed for women who
      Environment and Animal Welfare, Family, and Health and   awarded to Busch Wildlife Sanctuary (for the rehabilitation   want to find an efficient and collaborative means of creating
      Wellness. Grant requests can include new or expansion of   flight cages for large birds) and Take Stock in Children Palm   transformational change in their community. Women can
      existing programs and initiatives. Impact also considers   Beach County (for the program expansion in Central and   become as involved as they wish in the process.
      requests for capital projects.                    Northern Palm Beach County).                         The Town of Palm Beach United Way is the fiscal agent
         “Impact has awarded grants that address a variety of     To learn more about the Impact the Palm Beaches grant   of Impact the Palm Beaches.
      needs in our community, including mental health, affordable   recipients, visit                               Photo by Capehart

      Commissioner’s Update from page 8                 letter writing, phone calls, public comment on agenda items,   their government and community for the better. Thank you
                                                        and additionally once a month during Matters by the Public.   for staying engaged and making your voices heard. If you’re
      of  Jonathan  Dickinson  State  Park  (JDSP)  to  develop   When individuals realize that their voices can have an impact,   interested in learning more about the Palm Beach County boards
      environmentally sensitive lands into a golf course sparked   they become more involved in the political process. Advocacy   and committees that citizens may participate in, please visit
      wide concern.                                     and civic engagement are crucial to the health of a democracy.
        Local residents, outraged by the potential environmental     As demonstrated in Palm Beach County, when citizens come   As always, please contact me if I can be of assistance at (561)
      damage, quickly mobilized. They reached out to elected   together to advocate for change, they can profoundly impact   355-2201 or by email at
      officials at the local, state, and federal levels, voiced their
      concerns,  and  organized  protests.  In  a  matter  of  days,
      thousands of residents had signed petitions and coordinated
      protests. As a result, the outcry attracted attention from     Experience Dentistry
      officials across the state, including Florida Cabinet members,
      U.S. Congress representatives, and state senators. These
      leaders called for increased transparency and urged FDEP
      to withdraw the proposal.
        As Vice Mayor of Palm Beach County and a member of                                       with a
      the Loxahatchee River Management Coordinating Council,
      I was acutely aware of the proposed plan’s potential impact
      on the Loxahatchee River, a designated National Wild and
      Scenic River. Protection of water quality and lands has been a
      hallmark of our success as a county, much of which is a direct
      result of various partnerships between the county and FDEP.   Woman’s Touch
      However, the plan amendment was directly detrimental to
      environmentally sensitive lands and water quality to the
      Loxahatchee River. Along with my colleagues, I penned a
      letter to the secretary of the FDEP, expressing our opposition
      to the proposal and requesting its withdrawal.            Cosmetic & Comprehensive Restorative Dentistry
        Advocacy empowers individuals to take action on issues
      they care about, fostering a sense of ownership over the
      direction of government policy. As an elected official, I often   State of the Art & Same Day Restorations
      have the opportunity to hear from constituents daily through
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