Page 6 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - October '24
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Page 6, Jupiter Ocean Mile

        Medicare Corner                                 What Is The Difference Between

        With Kathy O                                    ADD And ADHD?

                                                        Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                                 impulsivity the diagnosis would be ADHD, predominately
        It’s Time For Medicare                          Licensed School                                    hyperactive presentation and if your child had both
                                                                                                           symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity,
        Annual Enrollment Period                          You may have wondered                            they  would  be  diagnosed  with  ADHD,  combined
                                                                                                           presentation. What this shift in terminology did was
                                                        things like “What is ADD?
        (AEP) Oct. 15 To Dec. 7                         Is it different from ADHD?”                        combine both inattentive and hyperactive impulsive
                                                        or “How do I know if my                            symptoms into one disorder with specific presentation
        What Does This Mean                             child has ADD or ADHD?”                            types so everything could be categorized the same way.
        To Me, What Are My                              ADD was an older term for                          How Do I Know If My Child Has ADHD?
        Options?                                        attention deficit disorder,                          Children  can  be  evaluated  for ADHD  with  several
        • Change from Original                          which is the classification                        instruments that assess their functioning in different areas
        Medicare to a Medicare                          for symptoms like                                  and look at the severity of their symptoms. The testing we
        Advantage Plan                                  inattention, distractibility, forgetfulness, and making   provide in our office targets the specific areas of concern
        • Change from a Medicare                        careless mistakes. While people still use the term ADD   related to ADHD and allows us to diagnose and provide
        Advantage Plan back to                          to classify these symptoms, it is no longer the technical   specific recommendations to support your child at home
        Original Medicare                               term used in the medical and psychology community to   and at school. Our evaluations are comprehensive and
        • Switch from one                               diagnose  these  types  of  symptoms.  In  the  late  1980’s   offer a “whole child” approach so we will be able to assess
        Advantage Plan to                               the  medical  community  shifted  to  the  term ADHD  or   their cognitive processing, like attention, memory, and
        another Advantage Plan                          attention  deficit  hyperactivity  disorder.  In  the  early   processing speed, as well as their social-emotional and
        •Join, drop or change Medicare Drug coverage    1990s ADHD was classified into three different types,   behavioral functioning. Our testing will provide you with
                                                        or presentations, that we use today. The three types are:   the answers to know if your child really has ADHD or if
        Supplement Or Advantage                         inattentive presentation,  hyperactive presentation, and   they are struggling in some other area that is contributing
                                                        combined presentation.
                                                                                                           to their ADHD-like symptoms. You will leave this process
        Plan?                                             So, if you’re seeing inattentive symptoms in your child   with targeted and specific recommendations tailored to
                                                        and they were to be diagnosed, the official diagnosis   your child’s strengths and weaknesses.
          Advantage Plans must cover all the medically   would be ADHD, predominately inattentive presentation.     Call (561) 625-4125 to discuss about your child.
        necessary services that Original Medicare covers.   Likewise, if your child struggled with hyperactivity and
        Most plans offer extra benefits that Original Medicare
        doesn’t cover – like prescription drugs, dental, vision
        and hearing.
          Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans (also called
        Medigap) help fill “gaps” in Original Medicare and
        are sold (extra cost) by private companies to cover
        deductibles and copays.
          Prescription drug coverage must be purchased    Feeling like you paid too
        separately.                                       much in taxes this year?
        What Do I Look For? How Do I Know  What
        Advantage Plan Is Best For Me?
          First, we review the costs of supplement and drug   Learn about investment strategies
        plans and look at your healthcare budget. Then we   that could potentially lower next year’s
        review the Advantage plans to see if your doctors   tax bill. Contact your financial advisor
        in network and review the cost of medications you   today to learn how.
        take. Another consideration is to determine which
        of the ancillary benefits of Advantage plans are
        most important to you; dental, eye exam, glasses,
        gym membership, hearing aids, over-the-counter               Sally S Stahl, CFP®, AAMS™
        medication, etc.                                             Financial Advisor
        How Do I Decide?
 offers tools to look up medications           1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
        and all plans in your area. However, there is an             Jupiter, FL 33458
        overwhelming amount of information there. A licensed         561-748-7600
        local agent like me can review your plan and help you
        make an informed decision.
        I Am Already  On An Advantage  Plan  I  Like  …
        Should I Change?
          Each year you receive the Annual Notice of Change   Are You Ready                                                   Hurricane?
        (ANOC) for your plan which outlines the changes for
        the upcoming year. A free plan review will let you
        know if other plans you previously ruled out may have     For The Next Storm?
        coverage that better meets your needs now or if your
        current plan is sufficient.
          If you do not do a plan review, you miss out on                                                                 No Air Conditioning?
        a plan with lower costs, higher benefits or lower                                                                   No Refrigeration?
        maximum out of pocket costs in and out of network.
        This  is  your  financial  exposure.  It  is  important  to                                           FREE
        ensure a major illness will not bankrupt you.                                                                              10% OFF
          Happy AEP and Happy Medicare Planning!                                                             7 Year Warranty
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        Advantage plan.
          For your free Medicare plan review please call me:                                                   $ 350                     $ 1,000
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                                                          *Terms and Conditions: Offer only valid on purchases until 06/03/24, and when the Generac home standby generator is purchased directly from Generator Supercenter of
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                                                          Generator must be installed and activated in order for the warranty to be applied. Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches reserves the right to rescind or change this
                                                                           offer at any time. For questions related to eligibility, please call Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches.
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