Page 4 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - October '24
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Page 4, Jupiter Ocean Mile
      Live Like Jake Announces Sell-Out Of Seventh Annual Be The

      Light Gala Fundraiser On October 4 At Pelican Club, Jupiter

        Live Like Jake, the                             celebrating this year’s theme, the evening includes a live   Wash, Allyson Sullivan & Lang Realty, Nanny, Pandora,
      local foundation created                          and silent auction, open bar, hors d’oeuvres, a sumptuous   Illustrated Properties and Love, Tito’s.
      in the memory of Jake                             dinner and dessert, dancing, awards ceremony, and a live     Table Sponsors: A&S Electric; Premier Pediatrics; Dr.
      Roarke Morrison                                   musical performance by country music artist, Ricky Young.  Michael Connor, MD; Guardian Angel Inspections, Inc.;
      announces that tickets to                           “We are absolutely overwhelmed by the outpouring of   Lee Petereit; The Gilbert Family; The Barone Family;
      its upcoming “Buoys &                             support and excitement for this year’s gala,” says Live   The Broadhead Family; and The McCarty Family.
      Bourbon”-themed gala                              Like Jake Founder, Keri Morrison. “Having our Be the     For information about future events, scholarships, or
      are sold out.                                     Light Gala underneath the actual beams of the lighthouse   the foundation, please visit or call
        The  Seventh Annual                             could not be more perfect, and we are so grateful to the   (561) 441-7611.
      Be the Light  gala                                Live Like Jake community for the opportunity. Based on   About The Live Like Jake Foundation
      fundraiser took place October 4 at the elegant, waterfront   the response, I know we are not alone in our enthusiasm,     Committed to honoring the life and joy of Jake
      Pelican Club, Jupiter. Along with special libations   which bodes well for support of our mission to end   Roarke Morrison, the foundation’s mission is to raise
                                                        childhood drowning,” says Morrison. “We have fun   awareness for drowning prevention. Following the 2013
                                                        surprises in store, and I can’t wait to welcome everyone   tragic drowning of their 2-year-old son, Keri Morrison
        2024 Stuart Air Show from page 1                on October 4 at the Pelican Club.”                 and her husband  Roarke  created  the  Live  Like  Jake
                                                          All monies raised from the fun-filled event go to   Foundation to raise awareness for childhood drowning
        that will light up the sky with dazzling formations.   support Live Like Jake’s mission of raising awareness   prevention. Partnering with other drowning prevention
        Combined with the fireworks display, this futuristic   for drowning prevention through self-rescue swim   agencies and instructors, supporting other families who
        show promises to be a mesmerizing blend of      scholarships, outreach programs and financial assistance   have  experienced  the  same  loss;  providing  an  indoor,
        technology and art.                             to families who have lost a child or have a child with   heated pool dedicated to infant swimming resource (ISR)
          Of course, aviation enthusiasts won’t want to miss   critical care needs.                        instruction, and connecting with their community, the
        the final performance of the A-10 Thunderbolt II     Sponsors for the night include: The Atkins Family, Life   foundation has been able to provide thousands of self-
        Demo Team. Known for its powerful presence and   Saver Pool Fence, Infant Swimming Resource (ISR), The   rescue swim scholarships and critical care funds around
        incredible low-level maneuvers, the iconic “Warthog”   Weinberger Family, Counter Forced Labor Technologies,   the nation.
        will make its last appearance at the Stuart Air Show   Hobgood Estate Services, Ritter & Ramsey General and     Visit  and
        before the team’s retirement. This historic moment will   Cosmetic Dentistry, Window Doctor, Trelles Injury Law,   and @livelikejake3939 on Instagram.
        be one of the weekend’s most anticipated events.  16 Handles, The Forgatch Group – Compass, Atlantis Car
          Reflecting on the show’s growth, Chrissy Valvano,
        Director  of  Operations  for  the  Stuart Air  Show,
        shared her excitement: “As someone who’s grown                                            “Service is our number one priority”
        up in this area for over 30 years, seeing the Stuart                                                    561-743-0070
        Air Show grow has been incredible. This year feels
        especially meaningful  with  the  A-10  Final  Demo
        Performance—it’s truly a historical moment. Being                                          
        part of the community and witnessing such an iconic
        event makes me proud of how far the show has come.
        It’s like watching history unfold right here at home,
        and I couldn’t be more excited!”
          Tickets are selling fast, so don’t miss your chance
        to be part of this incredible event. Visit StuartAirShow.
        com to purchase tickets and find out more about the
        exciting performances and family-friendly activities.
          Join us for a weekend full of aerial thrills, hands-
        on fun, and delicious food, as we celebrate the future
        of  flight  and  aviation’s  storied  past  at  the  2024
        Stuart Air Show.
          The Stuart  Air Show is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
        organization that supports local charities and                                                                              Expires 11/15/24.
        celebrates aviation’s history. Proceeds from the event
        benefit community organizations.                                                                            State Licensed & Insured CPC #
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