Page 24 - Boca ViewPointe - October '24
P. 24

Page 24, Viewpointe                                                 October 2024
      From The Desk Of Commissioner Marci Woodward

      A Message from Marci                                 Thank you for your gracious attention and informed   Did you Know?
                                                        questions. I hope you left feeling as energized and optimistic
         I recently had the                             as I did about the future of our community and your role as      Each month, the Board of County Commissioners’
      pleasure of hosting a                             Successful (and might I add, beautiful!) Women in Business!  (BCC) agenda is packed with items that affect the lives
      roundtable discussion with                                                                           of residents and businesses throughout the county. From
      representatives from various                      Solid Waste Authority                              approving major developments to setting the budget, the
      municipalities in Palm Beach                                                                         BCC plays a crucial role in shaping the future of Palm
      County, including planning                        Collection Survey                                  Beach County.
      and engineering staff,                                                                                  The Board of County Commissioners recently took the
      mayors, and city managers.                           We encourage all residents to participate in this important   following action:
         Our primary focus was                          survey regarding the Solid Waste Authority’s residential      • An amended lease agreement with Ferrovial Vertiports
      the proposed countywide                           collection services in unincorporated Palm Beach County.  Florida LLC and PBI to allow time for and the expansion
      Transportation Master Plan.                          This is your chance to share your thoughts and help shape   of future operators seeking to acquire the necessary
      It was heartening to witness                      the future of our services as we prepare for the next contract,   permitting from the FAA to fly the new aircraft in the USA.
      unanimous agreement on the crucial need for collaboration   which begins on October 1, 2026.            • Approved  a  capital  project  for  up  to  $9.5  million
      among all municipalities.                            For more information, visit  to update FEMA’s Florida Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)
         The meeting proved to be highly productive, showcasing   r/78K6LLH.                               around Lake Okeechobee/Herbert Hoover Dike, the coastal
      a shared commitment to improving communication for the                                               zones and inland areas. This will occur in phases and may
      benefit of our residents.                         Nonprofit Spotlight                                take up to six years to complete.
         This comprehensive plan will evaluate traffic patterns,                                              •  We directed staff to issue an RFP (request for
      future land use, and growth management strategies.      The Kiwanis Club of Delray Beach is a dedicated   proposal) to develop the unimproved portion of county-
         We are actively collaborating with the cities to jointly   nonprofit organization committed to serving the children and   owned 20 Mile Bend into an Off-Highway Vehicle Park
      issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a consultant to guide   communities of Delray Beach, Florida.   and/or Racetrack.
      us through this important process.                   With a rich history of community service and a passionate      • Approved a first Amendment with the seller for
         It’s important to note that this initiative is not a one-off   membership, the club embodies the spirit of “serving the   the acquisition of three parcels adjacent to the Animal
      project; it will demand sustained effort and dedication from   children of the world.”               Care and Control Facility. This will enhance operational
      all municipalities to ensure its success. I am excited to see      Since its inception, the Kiwanis Club has been at the   flexibility during renovations and support future growth
      our collective vision come to fruition.           forefront of initiatives designed to uplift local youth and their   of our ACC.
         Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed   families.                                       • Directed staff to continue design work for a new
      their valuable insights. Your engagement is vital to our      Among its impactful programs are scholarship and   Medical Examiner facility that meets National Association
      progress.                                         mentorship opportunities, alongside a variety of community   of Medical Examiner’s accreditation standards.
                                                        service projects that bring residents together for the greater      • Approved Youth Services allocations for funding
      Bonefish Cove Update                              good.                                              in the Action Areas of Economic Access, Parenting
                                                           For more information,   and Role Models, and Educational Supports for Oct. 1,
         Palm Beach County has collaborated with the U.S. Army      Recently, I had the pleasure of presenting to their   2024, through Sept. 30, 2027, in an estimated amount of
      Corps of Engineers to modify the original project design,   members at a club meeting. It was inspiring to witness   $1,420,910 annually.
      ensuring that the traditional route used by local boaters to   firsthand the energy and camaraderie that define their      These actions reflect the board’s commitment to
      access the Intracoastal Waterway remains unaffected.   gatherings. The members not only enjoy their time together   addressing both immediate needs and long-term goals for
         The revised design now includes two intertidal   but also engage in meaningful discussions and activities   the betterment of our county.
      mangrove islands, each featuring a bird nesting mound,   that make a tangible difference in the community. They      Stay informed and engaged by attending BCC
      along with several intertidal oyster reefs positioned to the   also have some of the most entertaining and competitive   meetings—your involvement helps shape the future!
      north and south.                                  football conversations around. Bring your dollar and join      If you require assistance, please contact our office at
         The contractor is actively transporting sand from   in the fun!                                   561-355-2204 or email 
      Peanut Island’s dredge material management areas as the
      northernmost island takes shape.
         Once completed, these islands and oyster reefs will provide                Sheryl Sagel,
      critical habitat for threatened shorebirds and protected native                   ®      ®
      mangroves. Additionally, seagrass and oysters will colonize                   ABR  SFR BPOR RENE SRS RSPS
      below the water, enhancing overall water quality.                             Broker Associate
         For more information, visit
      Lake-Worth-Lagoon.aspx.                                                       COLDWELL BANKER REALTY
                                                                                    The Boca Raton Resort & Beaches
      Successful Women in Business                                                  1200 N. Federal Highway, Suite 111
                                                                                    Boca Raton, FL 33432
      Luncheon                                                                      Cell - (561) 400-4845
                                                                                    Search the MLS -
         The Successful Women in Business luncheon hosted                           Search for New Homes -
      by the Boca Chamber of Commerce, brought together an
      inspiring group of executive women from across Palm Beach       Price adjustment bringing great value…
         I’d like to thank Sarah Pearson for such a warm welcome   Don’t miss this opportunity to live in Esplanada,
      and delightful “fireside chat.” It has been a while since I’ve
      spoken about my journey to become a county commissioner.         one of Boca Pointe’s premier villages!
         It was good to reflect on my life before entering this world
      and what it’s been like since I arrived. It was also great to
      have such an engaged audience of women who are making
      things happen in our community.

                                                              Over 2,600 SF of living space ● 3 large bedrooms plus a den ● 2 full baths
                                                             plus a powder room ● Attached 2-car garage ● Open living area with vaulted
                                                             ceilings and a beautiful expansive private screened lanai, pool area, and lake
                                                               with fountain view ● Former builder’s model with many updated features
                                                                                          ● MLS listing #F10450652
                                                           The property information herein is derived from various sources that may include, but not be limited to, county records and the Multiple Listing Service,
                                                           and it may include approximations. Although the information is believed to be accurate, it is not warranted and you should not rely upon it without personal
                                                           verification. Affiliated real estate agents are independent contractor sales associates, not employees. ©2023 Coldwell Banker. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell
                                                           Banker and the Coldwell Banker logo are trademarks of Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. The Coldwell Banker® System is comprised of company owned
                                                           offices which are owned by a subsidiary of Anywhere Advisors LLC and franchised offices which are independently owned and operated. The Coldwell
                                                           Banker System fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act.
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