Page 21 - Boca ViewPointe - October '24
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October 2024                                                    Viewpointe, Page 21

      Clowns On Call

      By Harriet Rubin, aka                              decided at that time that I was going to
      Florabelle the Clown                               teach a class for Boca Pointe residents.
                                                         There would be no charge but students
         Greetings from the Clown                        would have to commit to about 10 classes.
      World! I have some exciting                        My initial articles were very general
      news to share with you all.                        and designed to drum up interest in the
      Our Boca Pointe “Clowns on                         community. I believe I started advertising
      Call” alley began 10 years                         the concept of a class that summer and
      ago in October of 2014! For                        I got a number of calls from interested
      those of you who might not                         residents. Fortunately, I had a nucleus of
      be familiar with our history, I                    a core group from my “Scams Against
      will provide some background                       Seniors” troupe, so I was assured of at
      information. I’ve been clowning since 1993, and when I   least four to start. I did a lot of soliciting
      moved full-time to Boca in 2008, I did various kinds of clown   at the club and convinced a number of
      activities strictly solo or sometimes with a group of clowns in   “happy faced” people to give it a shot.
      Delray. I did quite a bit of clown training at Boca Raton High   We started out with 14 and kept most of
      School Night Classes for Adults, Donna Klein Day School,   the original group for at least a year. I’ve  2015 – One of our first gigs
      Temple Beth El, etc. I also started a small clown group made   included photos of our original costumes
      up of seniors who I trained at the high school and these were   and makeup. Unfortunately, a number
      all volunteers. I was involved in lots of “gigs” but it was not   are no longer with us, but they were all
      easy being a solo clown. For example, I have been a volunteer   great clowns!
      for Boca Helping Hands for over 22 years, The Children’s      Looking back over the past 10 years,
      Museum (which is long gone), Temple Beth El, etc. I enjoyed   I was amazed at the hundreds of gigs
      my clowning experiences but it’s always so much more   we have volunteered for. If anyone is
      uplifting when you share it with other clowns!     interested, please go to our beautiful
         In early 2014, I was asked by whoever was the editor   website Boca Pointe “Clowns on Call”.
      of the Viewpointe to write an article about clowning, and I   com and you can see lots of photos, thank
                                                         you letters, etc. The web site was done
                                                         about five years ago so, of course, we have
                                                         added lots of events since then. It makes
                                                         me very sad to accept the fact that we are
                                                         down to six of us who are aging and at
                                                         some point in the foreseeable future we
                                                         will have to disband altogether.
                                                            I would still love to train some of you
                                                         out there to become volunteer clowns and
                                                         experience the joys that come with the
                                                         adventure. Bringing smiles and laughter
                                                         to the world is such a positive experience
                                                         and honestly anyone can do it with some  2018 – Great photo
                                                         training, as long as you have it in your
                                                         heart to want to. As it says on my clown business card “Let      October will bring Halloween and the entire community is
                                                         Florabelle Bring You A Smile, If Only For a Little While!”  invited to attend the “Boo House and Trunk or Treat” event at
                                                            The “Bowling For Bread” event for Boca Helping Hands   the Fitness Center, on October 19. Last year was so successful
                                                         was very successful and Cutie Pie, Twinkle Toes and I had a   and I’m sure it will be even more fun this time. We will be
                                                         wonderful time. The kids who attended were really delightful,   there making balloon hats, swords, and animals, and bringing
      2015 – Florabelle, Twinkle Toes, Perky, JJ, EJ, and Cutie Pie  and it was great seeing how many balloons we gave out.  joy and laughter to all. Please stop by and say hello! 
      Experience Boca After Dark: Night Markets Return To

      Downtown Boca’s Sanborn Square

      First Thursday of Each Month                      and an assortment of handcrafted goods by local artists   events at select parks and the Mizner Park Amphitheater.
                                                                                                           For more details on City events, visit
                                                        and makers. Each market evening will be accompanied by
      October 2024 - May 2025 from                      live music, crafting the perfect atmosphere for a night out   CommunityEvents. 
      6 p.m. to 9 p.m.                                  in the city.
                                                           The 2024/25 Season

                                                        Dates include:
      By Hillary Reynolds                                  • October 3, 2024
                                                           • November 7, 2024
         The heart of Boca Raton will come alive under the stars      • December 12, 2024
      as the popular Night Markets return to Sanborn Square (72      • January 9, 2025
      N. Federal Highway) this fall. Running from October 2024      • February 6, 2025
      through May 2025, this series of markets will take place      • March 6, 2025
      on the first Thursday of each month, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.,      • April 3, 2025
      offering residents and visitors an enchanting evening of      • May 1, 2025
      food and drinks, art, live music, and community.  About the City of Boca Raton:
         “We look forward to welcoming everyone back to      The City of Boca Raton
      Downtown Boca for our Night Markets,” said Richard   boasts five miles of gorgeous
      Mahler, Community Events Coordinator for the City of   beaches, 49 parks, and 1,650
      Boca Raton. “These events are all about celebrating our   acres of recreational space,
      community, supporting local businesses, and enjoying the   attracting residents and
      unique culture that Boca Raton has to offer.”     visitors  year-round. The
         The City of Boca Raton Night Markets will feature   City’s Recreation Services
      a diverse array of local food vendors serving up   Department hosts a full
      mouthwatering dishes, sweet treats to satisfy every craving,   calendar of free community
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