Page 22 - Boca ViewPointe - October '24
P. 22

Page 22, Viewpointe                                                 October 2024
      Honoring The Memory Of MDA Heroes

      And Wishing You A Sweet New Year

      By Yishai Mizrahi

      Dear Friends,
         As we approach the High
      Holidays, I want to take a
      moment to share the tragic
      story of a brave Magen David
      Adom volunteer who made
      the ultimate sacrifice while
      saving her fellow soldiers in
      Gaza last month.
         IDF St.-Sgt. Agam Naim,
      a 20-year-old Magen David Adom paramedic from Kibbutz
      Mishmarot, became the first female IDF soldier to fall in
      combat in the Gaza Strip. She, along with three other soldiers,
      was killed in a building explosion during a mission. Agam
      was only days away from completing six months of service
      in Gaza and had planned to instruct a paramedics course at
      Bahad 10, the medical corps school. She had even renewed
      her passport, preparing for a well-deserved vacation with
      friends to escape the intensity of the battlefield.

      IDF St.-Sgt. Agam Naim, a 20-year-old Magen David Adom
      paramedic, Z’L

         Her family, particularly her parents, Dorit and Yoram
      (Dudi), had deep concerns about her service in Gaza. Agam   Many of the other fallen MDA medics since Oct 7th
      sought their advice, and after much consideration, she decided
      to follow her heart. Her aunt Muriel recalls Agam’s powerful      Agam, the youngest of three daughters, was known for   of the Boca Pointe community has been a beacon of hope,
      words: “I wouldn’t be able to look into the eyes of the mothers   her radiant personality, fierce independence, and ability to   touching thousands of lives in the process. Leslie and I want
      of my comrades if they were going to Gaza and I wasn’t there   excel at everything she pursued. She leaves behind her parents   to extend our heartfelt wishes to you and your families for a
      to take care of them.”                             and two sisters, Yuval and Peleg, who, along with her entire   sweet, safe, and peaceful New Year ahead.
         Agam’s dedication never wavered. Though she had fallen   community, mourn her deeply.                If you’d like more information or to get involved in our
      ill and could have stayed back, she insisted on returning to      Her loss marks the 37th MDA emergency medic to fall   efforts, please feel free to reach out to either myself, Yishai
      Gaza to be with her comrades, even as her assignment was   since October 7th, either while serving MDA or in combat   Mizrahi, or Leslie Viselman, Co-Area Directors for AFMDA,
      set to end that week. Days before the tragedy, she called her   with the IDF. May her memory, and the memory of all the   at 561.288.5658 or via email at
      family from the staging area, expressing her love and saying   fallen, forever be a blessing.           Your dedication means the world to us, and we are forever
      she would be unreachable until Thursday. That was the last      As we enter this High Holiday season, we are reminded   grateful for your continued support.
      they heard from her.                               of the challenges we’ve endured. The unwavering support      Am Yisrael Chai. 

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