Page 21 - Boca Club News - October '24
P. 21

Boca Club News, Page 21
      Essays on Life:

      New Clothes for the New Year

      By Sonia E. Ravech. Sonia is                      outfits were Rosh Hoshana and Yom Kippur, the start of   scarves, bows, even costume jewelry. Along the back wall
      a native of Massachusetts and                     the Jewish New Year.                               were shelves lined with boxes of sleepwear, petticoats, and
      a resident of Broken Sound for                       As a child I didn’t care about the significance of the   undies. The clothing was separated by size.
      more than 30 years. She is the                    holiest days in the Jewish calendar. All that mattered to me      Mama sorted through the myriad of dresses, some with
      mother of four, grandmother of                    was that I got new clothes. Throughout the year I had to   smocked bodices, others with plaid or gaily printed skirts,
      seven and great-grandmother of                    be content to wear altered hand-me-downs, but the High   and others decorated with lace, bows and fancy embroidery,
      four. She has been the facilitator                Holy Days was a time when everyone was expected to   all in a kaleidoscope of colors. Whenever she came upon a
      of the Broken Sound Memoir                        attend synagogue services dressed in their finest.  style she liked she studied the price tag to be sure the cost
      Writers’ Workshop for the past                       Prior to the holidays, as soon as the Fall fashions arrived   was within her budget. If so, she handed her selection to
      seven years.                                      in the stores, my younger sister and I accompanied Mama   Mrs. Hillson who hung it up in the dressing room.
         When I was young, Easter Sunday was the holiday on   along Blue Hill Avenue to Mrs. Hillson’s children’s shop.      After Mama chose several outfits for us to try on we
      which little Christian girls got to dress up in their finest      My excitement began as soon as I saw the assortment   entered the dressing room where there was a full-length
      outfits: frilly dresses, patent leather Mary Jane shoes, white   of outfits displayed in the storefront windows. Inside the   mirror. At home we only had mirrors on the bathroom
      gloves and perky bonnets adorned with flowers. For Jewish   shop were racks of clothing along the walls. In the center   medicine cabinet and above our bedroom bureaus allowing
      girls the holidays on which they got to show off their new   of the room was a large showcase filled with socks, gloves,   us to view ourselves from our shoulders to our heads.
                                                                                                              In that dressing room, however, we could admire our
                                                                                                           reflections from the top of our heads all the way to the tips
                                                                                                           of our toes. Mama made her decision as to which outfits to
                          NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS                                                       purchase and Mrs. Hillson took the selected items to her
                                                                                                           desk where she drafted a sales slip. Mama counted out the
                                                                                                           necessary amount of money for a deposit. Mrs. Hillson
                                                                                                           recorded her payment, wrote our names on the back of
                       Boca Raton Concierge Medicine Doctor                                                the white price tags attached to the clothes and took our
                                                                                                           purchases to the storage room at the rear of the shop. Every
                                                                                                           week Mama returned to the shop to make an additional
                             Board Certified in                                                            payment.
                                                                                                             Finally, the day came when Mrs. Hillson wrote “paid
                             Internal Medicine                                                               in full” across Mama’s receipt. Mrs. Hillson wrapped each
                      with Added Qualifications in                                                         outfit in tissue paper and placed it in a large cardboard box
                                                                                                           which she tied with twine. She attached a handle to the twine
                             Geriatrics (2002).                                                            and Mama proudly carried the box from the shop. Once
                                                                                                           home we again tried on our new clothes and Mama pinned
                      Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP                                                          the hems, the sleeves and cuffs. Each night, after supper,
                                                                                                           she sat at the kitchen table lovingly sewing each outfit by
                            Voted a “Best Doctor”                                                          hand to ensure us a perfect fit.
                                                                                                             A week before the holidays we returned with Mama to
                                  by his peers.                                                              Blue Hill Avenue to visit the Stride Rite shoe store. Shoes
                                                                                                           were always purchased as close to the holidays as possible
                           Call to request a complimentary meeting                                         so our feet wouldn’t grow before we needed to wear them.

                                            with Dr. Reznick.                                              Shoes needed to last the entire year. As a child my feet
                                                                                                           turned inward, requiring me to wear corrective shoes. How
                                                                                                           I wished I could have been allowed to have a pair of the
                                                                                                           shiny patent leather styles on display. I had to be content
                                         561.368.0191                                                      with laced-up oxfords.
                                                                                                              On Rosh Hoshanah morning the family arose early.
                                                                                                           My sister and I sat patiently as Mama brushed and braided
                                   7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | 205N                                       our hair. Afterwards I slipped into my new clothes, laced
                                           Boca Raton, FL 33433                                            up my new shoes and, when the rest of the family was
                                                                         ready, walked proudly with my parents and siblings to the
                                                                                                           synagogue. After greeting family members and friends,
                                                                                                           Daddy took my brother by the hand and led him into the
                                                                                                           sanctuary. My sister and I followed Mama upstairs to the
                                                                                                           women’s section in the balcony.
                                                                                                              After services our family walked to Mattapan to visit
          Are You Ready                                                     Hurricane?                     with Bubie, our aunts, uncles and cousins. Each of our
                                                                                                           relatives “oohed and aahed” and told us how beautiful our
                                                                                                           new outfits were.
                                                                                                             Once home we immediately changed into play clothes.
            For The Next Storm?                                                                              Mama carefully hung our new clothes on hangers and
                                                                                                           covered them with a sheet to keep them clean until we wore
                                                                                                           them again. These outfits were saved to be worn only on
                                                                        No Air Conditioning?               special occasions. When we outgrew them they were passed
                                                                         No Refrigeration?                 down to younger cousins or friends. I wasn’t disappointed
                                                                                                           when Mama gave away my outfit, because I knew I could
                                                            FREE                 10% OFF                   look forward to the cycle being repeated.
                                                                                                             To quote Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof, “Judaism consists

                                                           7 Year Warranty                                 of many traditions.” The yearly shopping excursion for new
                                                           on Select Air Cooled    Of A Service Call*      clothes to celebrate the start of the New Year was a tradition
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