Page 16 - Boca Club News - October '24
P. 16

Page 16, Boca Club News
      Grape Expectations:

      What’s Wrong with Sweet?

      By Ed Wolfarth, who moved to                      course, the later the harvest the more sugar content…but   Humbrecht. Alsatian Rieslings are, in my humble opinion,
      South Florida after retiring with                 who’s quibbling. Let’s examine Rieslings from different   some of the finest and most affordable white wines on the
      his  wife,  Vicki,  as  Professor                 parts of the world.                                market today.
      of Sports Sciences & Physical                        Germany–Basically, all you need to know are the   U.S.A.–Washington State. Washington’s reputation for
      Education at both Queens College                  levels of sugar and how to read the label. From less   producing outstanding American Rieslings continues. They
      and Hofstra University. He is a                   sweet to more, look for Kabinett, Spatlese, Auslese and   seem to have figured out what it takes to craft elegant and
      nationally ranked senior tennis                   Late Harvest or Beerenauslese on the label. Personally, I   “friendly” Rieslings in a slightly sweet and juicy fruit style.
      player and long-time USPTA Elite                  love the Kabinett level and wines from the Mosel region.   Producers such as Hogue, Chateau Ste. Michelle, Columbia
      Teaching  Professional.  Ed  has                  The last four vintages have been superb. Rieslings have a   Crest and Pacific Rim are making wonderful, food-friendly
      written many educational and tennis articles in the past.   wonderful balance of acidity and fruitiness (I prefer this   wines. Considered by many, including myself, to be America’s
      Over the past few years, Ed has turned his hobby of wine   term to sweetness) and pair perfectly with spicy foods.   finest Riesling is Eroica, a collaboration between Dr. Loosen
      collecting into a way of continuing his passion for writing      There are 13 wine-producing regions in Germany but only   (Germany’s finest producer) and Château Ste. Michelle. It
      and has written on the subject for publications. As a self-  three or four that are worth noting:    sells for around $20 a bottle and is easily found in most wine
      proclaimed “wine snob,” he has collaborated on many   1. Mosel. Produces light crisp wines. Look for producers   shops. With its sharp acidity and Mandarin orange taste, it
      wine lists for private clubs and a few restaurants. Ed can   Dr. Loosen and JJ Prum at the higher end.   pairs perfectly with Asian cuisine.
      be reached at                     2. Pfalz. Germany’s largest wine-producing area. This area      Australia–While Australia produces less than half the
         All wines and grape varietals are not created equal.   is drier and sunnier than Mosel, and while Pfalz Rieslings run   volume of American wines, it has 8% of the global market,
      Different wine-making techniques, time of harvest and   the traditional gamut of sweetness the area is more renowned   compared to the USA’s 6%. Its international success is
      terroir (French term for climate, soil and typography) all   for its reds. Ungstein and Forst may be available at local wine   based on a “fruit forward” approach. “Fruit forward” is not
      contribute to producing different wines from the same   merchants.                                   about sweetness but about the initial onset of the fruit taste.
      grape. If you have followed my column you know that   3. Rheingau. The wines here are usually richer and more   Australian wine labels are easy to read. They are labeled by
      all Chardonnays are not over-oaked and taste of buttered   full-bodied than Mosel wines. It is home to Germany’s most   the grape varietal, not the region or Appellation.
      popcorn. Let’s look at another misunderstood grape   famous Riesling, Schloss Johannisberg.             Look for the dry Rieslings of the Clare Valley. Grosset
      varietal, Riesling.                                  4. Nahe. Some of its wines have recently received world-  Polish Hills, Jim Barry, Leasingham and Petaluma should
         I’m always somewhat surprised that the Coca-Cola   wide acclaim. Rieslings here tend to be richer than those of   be available on the American market and sell for $15 to
      generation finds some Rieslings cloyingly sweet. Have you   the Mosel. Look for villages on the label: Niederhausen, Bad   $25 a bottle.
      examined a Coke or Pepsi can recently? A 12-ounce can   Munster and Norheim.                            While excellent Riesling is produced in many other areas,
      contains 39 grams of sugar! A typical German Riesling,   France–Alsace, in the northeast corner, is the only area   including the Finger Lakes of New York, Canada, Oregon and
      thought to be sweet, might contain 9-18 grams per liter.   in France producing Rieslings. In general, Alsatian Rieslings   Austria, to name but a few, wine consumers simply need to try
      Contrary to popular belief, the labels Kabinett, Spatlese,   tend to be dry with higher levels of alcohol, making wines   these diverse Rieslings. Remember, they come in many different
      Auslese and Beerenauslese are not levels of sweetness,   with more aromatic intensity and palate power. Look   styles, from the dry and powerful Alsatians to the fruitiest of
      but instead denote times the grapes were harvested. Of   for Trimbach, Lucien Albrecht, Hugel et Fils and Zind-  German Rieslings. And not as sweet as a Coke or Pepsi!
      Get Fresh!

      Tips from The Produce Maven…Corn

      Irving Swedko and his wife,                       iron and manganese, contributing to its nutritional value.  blanching, place the corn in a bowl of ice water to help
      Beverly, are members of Broken                       When selecting fresh corn, choose ears with green   retain its texture.
      Sound Club. He hails from Ottawa,                 husks that are tightly wrapped around the cob. The corn      Once cooled, you can either cut the kernels off the cob
      the capital of Canada, where he                   silk poking out of the end should be moist and silky; if it   or flash freeze the whole ears or kernels on a baking sheet
      spent more than 50 years in the                   is dry the corn is too old.                        before transferring them to a plastic bag. Remove as much
      produce business that included                       The corn should also feel firm, with no soft spots. Keep   air as possible from the freezer bags before sealing. Frozen
      taking a small fruit and vegetable                the husk on the corn to seal in moisture and prevent it from   corn can last up to a year in the freezer.
      retail store and expanding it across              drying out in the refrigerator. Place the corn in a plastic bag      Ten years ago farmers across the United States
      the city and into other areas to                  in the vegetable crisper, keeping the bag slightly open to   harvested 14 billion bushels of corn, with a total value
      include wholesale, food service and importing, bringing   promote air circulation. Corn stays fresh in the refrigerator   of $51 billion. Corn is the number one crop grown in the
      trucks of fresh produce from across the U.S. directly into   for up to a week.                       country, and the United States leads the world in both the
      Ottawa. His experience made him an expert on all things      To freeze corn on the cob, remove the husks from the   production and consumption of this vital grain, according
      produce-related, from how to select the perfect melon to   ears and blanch them in a large pot of boiling water. After   to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
      the best way to store fruits and veggies. After retiring,
      Irving and his wife Beverly became snowbirds and have
      been enjoying life at Broken Sound for 20 seasons. He is
      the proud father of three daughters and looks forward to
      family time with his seven grandchildren.
         Corn as we know it today is a human invention that                     ARCHIVE GALLERIES
      wouldn’t exist without the efforts of those who cultivated
      and developed it. Originating from a wild grass called
      teosinte, which looked very different from modern corn,
      it was first developed by people living in central Mexico    PAYS HIGHER PRICES FOR FINE ART AND ANTIQUES
      at least 7,000 years ago.
         Teosinte had small kernels that were not placed closely
      together like those on the husked ears of modern corn. It may   • Oil Paintings         • Sterling Silver               • Collectibles
      surprise you that the majority of corn grown today does not   • Oriental Rugs           • Objects of Art                • Fine Crystal
      go directly to food production. Instead, it is used to make   • Tapestries              • Sculptures                    • Orientalia
      a wide range of products, including ethanol gas, batteries,
      plastic, crayons, whiskey, glue, and even cough drops.   • Fine Furniture               • Bronzes                       • Tiffany Items
      Corn is also a common ingredient in hygiene products,   • Service Plates                • Porcelain                     • Clocks
      matchsticks, and many medications and vitamins.
         Popcorn, a popular snack, was domesticated about
      10,000 years ago in what is now Mexico. Archaeologists            We Also Purchase Men’s And Ladies’ Items Including:
      have found evidence that people have known about and
      enjoyed popcorn for thousands of years. Fossil evidence    • Old Watches • Cufflinks • Smoking Items • Coins • Antique Jewelry
      from Peru suggests that corn was present there as early as   • Designer Handbags • Fine Modern Jewelry • Vintage Costume Jewelry
      4,700 BCE and was popped over 1,000 years ago.
         A typical corn plant can range anywhere from five to
      12 feet tall, sometimes towering over a story high. In good               One Piece Or Entire Contents Purchased
      growing conditions, such as those found in Iowa, plants
      are often about eight feet tall by midsummer. A healthy       CALL NOW FOR A FREE CONSULTATION, NO OBLIGATION
      corn plant’s root system will also reach about six-and-a-
      half feet into the ground, ensuring its stability and access
      to vital nutrients.
         Nutritionally, corn consists primarily of insoluble      CASH                      561-498-7536                                COURTEOUS
      fiber, making it a low glycaemic index food. This means   PAYMENTS                                                                  IN HOME
      it is digested slowly and doesn’t cause unhealthy spikes   UPON REQUEST                                                             SERVICE
      in blood sugar levels. Corn also contains many essential
      vitamins and minerals, including zinc, magnesium, copper,
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