Page 20 - Boca Club News - October '24
P. 20

Page 20, Boca Club News

               The Arts
               The Arts

      Book Review… “American Sanctuary: Mutiny, Martyrdom,

      and National Identity in the Age of Revolution”

      By Nils A. Shapiro                                    At the time the mutiny took place—
         I cannot recall ever enjoying a                 after the United States had already won
      scholarly work of early American                   the Revolutionary War several years
      history so interestingly and vividly               earlier and declared itself an independent
      told, so extraordinarily researched and            nation—one of the most objectionable
      impressively detailed, exciting as any             policies of the British crown and its navy
      novel, and as timely in subject as next            was the practice of “impressment”: the
      month’s presidential election!                     stopping and boarding of other nations’
         The  date  was  September  21st,                vessels, capturing members of their crews
      1797. The event was a vicious mutiny by the crew of a British   and forcing them to sail and work as
      naval vessel, HMS Hermione, in the Caribbean off the coast   seamen on British ships, most likely never
      of Puerto Rico. Little remembered today, its aftershock was   to see their families again.
      to lead directly to the election of Thomas Jefferson over the      Such was the case of many on the          of impressment on the high seas and the idea of
      incumbent John Adams as President of the United States…  Hermione’s crew as it sailed near the island        turning over to Britain a claimed American citizen
      and the resulting lasting image of America as a sanctuary of   of Puerto Rico on that September day in 1797. Adding to what   who “had the right to regain his freedom after having been the
      freedom for those fleeing from persecution in other lands—an   was already a tinder box of a situation was the fact that this   victim of such impressment” and return home.
      issue that dominates today’s political campaigns just as it did   ship’s captain, Admiral Hugh Pigot, was a disciplinarian so stern      Adams’s decision to turn Robbins over to Britain—where
      the one in 1800.                                   that whipping and other punishments for minor crew offenses   he was executed by hanging without a trial—Adams’s
         I must admit that, although it was published in 2017, I   became unbearable and sparked the bloody insurrection that   Federalist Party’s defense of his decision, and the consequences
      had never heard of “American Sanctuary” and was fortunate   ended in the death of the captain and other officers.  of Jefferson’s Republican Party’s national electoral campaign
      to come across it by accident on a table stacked with books      One of the main leaders of the mutiny was a man whose   focused on driving the public’s anger, form the major part of
      while shopping in a market. Its author, A. Roger Ekirch, is a   name throughout this book varies between Thomas Nash (if   this compelling story.
      professor of history at Virginia Tech, has written four earlier   he was actually Irish) and Jonathan Robbins, depending upon      Eventually—and critical in light of today’s political climate
      books, received a Guggenheim Fellowship and is widely   whether his claim to have been an American from Connecticut   and immigration crisis—the American people eventually
      recognized as one of our finest historians.        was true or not.                                  decided that, whether or not Jonathan Robbins (or Thomas
         The details that enrich this narrative, garnered from      Eventually, after the mutiny Robbins made his way to   Nash, if that was his real name) was in fact an American
      the author’s extraordinary research, add enormously to the   the U.S. and was tracked down by the British government,   citizen, anyone fleeing from oppression should be able to
      overall experience, as do the many contemporary portraits and   which demanded that President John Adams turn over the   find sanctuary in the United States and not have to fear
      illustrations from that period.                    “mutineer and murderer” to Britain for punishment. It was   being turned away. It is to this day at the heart of our nation’s
         Revolutionary and early American history being one of my   awkward timing, for Adams was then in the process of   self-image, symbolized by the Statue of Liberty in New York
      preferred reading tastes I was surprised never to have heard   ratifying an economic trade treaty with Britain that had just   Harbor and the inscription on her base addressed to “the
      of the very significant event that is the pivotal subject of this   been negotiated.                 huddled masses yearning to be free.”
      book: the mutiny aboard HMS Hermione. Nor, shockingly,      Adams had to weigh the success of the treaty against the      This is the story of how and when that all started. I loved
      was it ever mentioned in any class, even through college.  American public’s anger about the British policy and actions   every word of it.
      Film Review…“Remembering Gene Wilder: A Documentary”

      By Nils A. Shapiro                                his mother had a serious heart condition, could not bear any   producer Mike Medavoy and Ben Mankiewicz, among others.
         Almost 20 years ago                            stress, and that it was important for the boy to try instead to      It is all here, in this documentary: his loves—which
      I read, and thoroughly                            make his mother laugh as much as possible. That was the   included an earlier marriage to the Saturday Night Live
      enjoyed, “Kiss Me Like                            moment and motivation that set the boy on his life path. As   comedienne Gilda Radner, and tragic loss of her to cancer—
      a Stranger: My Search                             he later relates, “I didn’t think the name Silberman seemed   and his extraordinary successes as an actor, writer and
      for  Love  and Art,” the                          right for the job. I wanted to be wilder!” And that is how the   director. Now this documentary of his life has won numerous
      memoir written by actor,                          rest of the world came to know and love him.       awards, among the most recent the Best Documentary Feature
      writer and director Gene                             Among those who appear in this film to discuss the Gene   at the 2024 Boca International Jewish Film Festival.
      Wilder, who in those pages                        Wilder they knew are his widow, Karen Wilder, Mel Brooks,      Remembering Gene Wilder. You won’t forget it for the
      came across as one of the                         Alan Alda, Carol Kane, Harry Connick Jr., Dick Cavett,   many memories it will bring back to you. On Netflix.
      sweetest, gentlest and just
      plain nicest human beings
      ever to have graced the American theater and screen.
         Like millions of others I had for many years enjoyed
      his performances as a vulnerable, zany, hilarious comedian
      in such films as: Young Frankenstein; Blazing Saddles;
      The Producers; The Woman in Red; The Frisco Kid; Willy
      Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and others–and paired
      with Richard Pryor in See No Evil, Hear No Evil and Silver
      Streak. (I should add that after I had moved from New York                               561-989-0611
      to Los Angeles in 1981 as a magazine publisher and ran into
      Wilder in a restaurant the physical image I had of him from             EXCEPTIONAL HOMECARE SERVICES
      those films was shattered when I realized that he was actually
      quite handsome in person, his eyes a piercing blue.)  Boca Home Care Services has been South Florida’s preferred home health care company for over
         Having enjoyed his memoir, when I noted in late August   25 years. The caregivers we refer into our clients’ homes provide essential care to the most valued
      the release of this documentary of his life on Netflix, I was   members of our community with compassion and dignity. Trusted by physicians and geriatric care
      drawn to it immediately and, sure enough, amid the many   professionals, we treat every client and family with a level of respect and professionalism that sets us
      laughs inspired by brief clips of several of these films I shed a   apart.
      tear or two as well. Despite all the wonderful humor that was                                                                   Accepting ALL
      his gift to us, for Gene Wilder himself all of life’s success was   Tailored Services Include:
      nothing to laugh at in the end. With all his comedic genius,                                                                    forms of Long-
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      of complications from Alzheimer’s.                    • Transferring/Bathing/ Toileting
         Interestingly, although one of the most appealing aspects   • Personal Care/Housekeeping                                      Insurance &
      of this documentary is the fact that Wilder himself narrates                                                                     Private Pay!
      the story of his childhood and start in show business. Yet   • Errands, Cooking  and Transportation
      the actual production of the film did not begin until years   • Live-In/Hourly Care
      after Wilder’s death. It turns out the narration used in the   • Respite
      documentary was picked up from the one Wilder had made   • Hospice
      for the audiobook version of his 2005 memoir, “Kiss Me Like   • Post-Rehab or Hospital Care
      a Stranger,” and works seamlessly here together with the
      film’s scenes of Wilder’s growing-up years in a middle-class   • Short-Term  or  Long-Term
      Milwaukee Jewish family and his first big break when Mel   • And much more!
      Brooks’s wife, Anne Bancroft, tells her husband she suggests
      the young Wilder be hired for a role in her Broadway play.  Mention this ad to receive a discount on our fee.
         Gene Wilder had been born with the last name of              Open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week          NR license # 30211009
      Silberman. As a young boy he was told by his father that
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