Page 22 - Boca Club News - October '24
P. 22

Page 22, Boca Club News

               Pet Matters                                                                              A Free Opportunity
               Pet Matters
                                                                                              For Animal Lovers ...
      You and Your Pet:                                                          Now Feed 6 Shelter Dogs and Cats Every

      Canine Bladder                                                         Day at No Cost to You ... in Less Than a Minute ...

                                                                                                   with just “Click”
      Stones                                                             Want to feel really good about yourself? If, like most of us, those TV announcements

      By Dr. Bridget Dermott, DVM, CCRT, Calusa Veterinary             bring tears to your eyes with photos of sad shelter dogs and cats in small cages, hoping
      Center, 6900 Congress Avenue, Boca Raton, FL 33487,              somehow to be brought into loving homes – when you wish over and over again that
      (561) 999-3000,                                 you could somehow bring joy into their lives, here is an act of loving kindness that will
         Bladder Stones are rock-like formations of minerals           cost you absolutely nothing ... and take less than a minute a day.
      that develop in the urinary bladder. There may be a large          Visit the website: and click on the words “Click here
      single stone, or a collection of stones that range in size       to feed a dog or cat.” A “button” will appear on your screen, and all you have to do is
      from sand-like grains to gravel. Urine pH (level of acidity),
      proteins in the urine and the urine’s water content all affect   click on it once. Each time a person clicks on that button, the website’s sponsors provide
      stone formation. Crystals may also form due to bacterial                     bowls of food, free, to feed 6 dogs and cats.
      infection.                                                                             That’s all there is to it. In only seconds each day, you can see to
         The most common signs of bladder stones in dogs                                     it that 6 animals are fed. The folks who run the website never
      are blood in the urine and straining to urinate. A urinary                                bother you with tons of promotional e-mails. You can, if
      obstruction is usually recognized in a dog that is straining                                 you wish, click on a link that sends a daily reminder to
      to urinate without producing any urine or is only producing
      small squirts of urine. If an obstruction occurs the bladder                                    you. I did that; the reminder is e-mailed, and that is
      cannot be emptied fully. This condition is an emergency                                           it. No hard-sell follow-ups. And if you realize how
      and is very painful. If the obstruction is not relieved                                             good it will make you feel to be able to do at least
      the bladder may rupture. A complete obstruction is life-                                             something for these poor, loving creatures who
      threatening and requires immediate emergency treatment.                                                are there through no fault of their own (some
         How are Bladder Stones diagnosed? Most bladder                                                       have been rescued from abusive owners),
      stones are visible on X-rays or by an ultrasound exam of
      the bladder.                                           Turning 65 or new to Medicare?                    imagine how even bowls of food will help
         There are three main treatment options for Bladder                                                     make the animals feel better.
      Stones: surgical removal, non-surgical removal by      Save up to $164.90                                   Please take just seconds a day to lift 6
      Urohydropropulsion, and dietary dissolution.                                                              animals’ spirits ... and your own. Thanks.
         Surgery is often the quickest way of treating Bladder
      Stones. The stones are removed via a surgical procedure   on your Part B
      to access and open the bladder so that the stones can be
      removed. This surgery is routine, and dogs usually make
      a rapid recovery.                                      premium
         If the Bladder Stones are very small, it may be possible
      to pass a catheter into the bladder to fill it and then flush
      the stones out using a non-surgical technique called   Our Medicare Advantage plan,
      Urohydropropulsion. In some cases, this procedure may   HumanaChoice Florida H5216-311 (PPO),
      be performed with the dog under heavy sedation, although
                                                             gives you up to $164.90 back each month
      general ansthesia is often necessary.                Turning 65 or new to Medicare?
         In  some cases  Bladder  Stones  can  be  dissolved by   through the Part B giveback benefit. This
      feeding your dog a special diet that is formulated to   will return part of your Part B premium
      dissolve Bladder Stones. Most of these diets are formulated   Save up to $174.70                          Call a licensed independent
      to help prevent the two most common types of crystal or   to you through a credit to your Social          sales agent
                                                            Turning 65 or new to Medicare?
      stone formation: Struvite and Calcium Oxalate. Common   on your Part B
                                                             Security check or by reducing the monthly
      diets used for this purpose are Hill’s Prescription Diet C/D,   Save up to $164.90
                                                             premium you pay directly to Medicare.
      Purina UR/StOX and Royal Canin Urinary SO. These diets   premium
                                                             That’s not the only way our plan is looking
      only work if they are fed exclusively, which means that   on your Part B                                           Peter Gratzon
      no treats or supplements can be given to your dog while   out for your wallet, your goals and your
      it is on a special diet.                             Our Medicare Advantage plan, HumanaChoice
                                                             health. It also comes with benefits beyond
         If your pet has a history of Bladder Stones or Urinary   Florida H5216-311 (PPO), gives you up to
                                                             Original Medicare, such as:
                                                            Our Medicare Advantage plan,
      tract infections it is recommended that periodic urinalyses   $174.70 back each month through the Part B   561‑361‑7173 (TTY: 711)
                                                            HumanaChoice Florida H5216-311 (PPO),
      and urine cultures be performed to detect recurrences and   gives you up to $164.90 back each month
                                                                Part B premium reduction, putting
      determine if antibiotics should be prescribed. Periodic   giveback benefit. This will return part of your   Monday – Friday
                                                            through the Part B giveback benefit. This
                                                               up to $164.90 back into your Social
                                                            will return part of your Part B premium
      bladder X-rays or ultrasounds may be helpful in some   Part B premium to you through a credit to your     8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
                                                                                                                    Call a licensed independent
                                                               Security check each month*
      cases to determine if Bladder Stones are recurring.   to you through a credit to your Social    
                                                                                                                    sales agent
                                                            Security check or by reducing the monthly
                                                           Social Security check or by reducing the monthly
                                                                No referral required to see in-
                                                            premium you pay directly to Medicare.
                                                           premium you pay directly to Medicare. That’s not                  Peter Gratzon
                                                            That’s not the only way our plan is looking
                                                               network specialists
                                                            out for your wallet, your goals and your
                                                           the only way our plan is looking out for your wallet,
                                                                Routine dental, hearing and
                                                            health. It also comes with benefits beyond
                                                            Original Medicare, such as:
                                                           your goals and your health. It also comes with           561‑361‑7173 (TTY: 711)
                                                               vision coverage
                                                            •   Part B premium reduction, putting
                                                           benefits beyond Original Medicare, such as:              Monday – Friday
                                                               up to $164.90 back into your Social
                                                                                                                    8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
                                                               Security check each month*                 
                                                           •  Part B premium reduction, putting
                                                            •   No referral required to see in-
                                                               network specialists
                                                           up to $174.70 back into your Social Security check       561-361-7173
                                                            •   Routine dental, hearing and
                                                               vision coverage
                                                           each month*                                              561-289-9396 (c)
                                                           •  No referral required to see in-network specialists    Monday - Friday
                                                                                                                    8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
                                                           •  Routine dental, hearing and vision coverage 
                                                                                           A more human way
                                                                                             A more human way
                                                                                           to healthcare™
                                                                                             to healthcare™
                                                            * The Part B Giveback Benefit pays part or all of your Part B premium and the
                                                             * The Part B Giveback Benefit pays part or all of your Part B premium and the
                                                            amount may  change based on the amount you pay for Part B.
                                                            The Part B Giveback Benefit pays part or all of your Part B premium and the
                                                             amount may  change based on the amount you pay for Part B.
                                                            amount may  change based on the amount you pay for Part B.
                                                             The Part B Giveback Benefit pays part or all of your Part B premium and the
                                                            Humana is a Medicare Advantage PPO organization with a Medicare contract.
                                                            Enrollment in any Humana plan depends on contract renewal. Applicable to
                                                             amount may  change based on the amount you pay for Part B.
                                                            HumanaChoice Florida H5216-311 (PPO). . At Humana, it is important you are
                                                            treated fairly. Humana Inc. and its subsidiaries comply with applicable federal
                                                             Humana is a Medicare Advantage PPO organization with a Medicare contract.
                                                            civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
                                                            age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ancestry, ethnicity,
                                                             Enrollment in any Humana plan depends on contract renewal. Applicable to
                                                            marital status, religion or language. English: ATTENTION: If you do not speak
                                                             HumanaChoice Florida H5216-311 (PPO). . At Humana, it is important you are
                                                            English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call
                                                            877‑320‑1235 (TTY: 711). Español (Spanish): ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a
                                                             treated fairly. Humana Inc. and its subsidiaries comply with applicable federal
                                                            su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 877‑320‑1235
                                                             civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
                                                            (TTY: 711). 繁體中文 (Chinese):注意:如果您使用繁體中文 ,您可以免費獲得語言援助服
                                                            務 。請致電 877‑320‑1235(聽障專線:711) 。
                                                             age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ancestry, ethnicity,
                                                             marital status, religion or language. English: ATTENTION: If you do not speak
                                                             English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call
                                                             877‑320‑1235 (TTY: 711). Español (Spanish): ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a
                                                             su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 877‑320‑1235
                                                             (TTY: 711). 繁體中文 (Chinese):注意:如果您使用繁體中文 ,您可以免費獲得語言援助服
                                                             務 。請致電 877‑320‑1235(聽障專線:711) 。
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