Page 13 - Boca Club News - October '24
P. 13

Boca Club News, Page 13

         From The Professionals’ Desks
         From The Professionals’

        (Editor’s Note: While putting together this issue of “Boca Club News” with the usual pride I feel in reading all of the feature columns contributed by our writers on their
        various areas of expertise, I could not help but add a special complimentary comment to Dale Brown for her following column, which I find to be so especially thoughtful
        and wise.—Nils A. Shapiro, Editor

      Healthy Answers – A Guide to Healthy Living:

      “Crossing the Finish Line in the Pursuit of Happiness”

      By Dale Brown, B.S., M.A., C.E.C.                     Each of you might also have a story to tell: how you   physical limitations, work schedule.
      Dale is a motivational speaker who                 hurdled life’s challenges and overcame odds to reach your   2. Find an Alternative: The next step is to identify an
      has spent many years as a Certified                highest potential. I personally know of an individual who   alternative to counter your obstacles. This is known as an
      Life Coach and has written numerous                is still winning swimming medals at the age of 86. You   enabling objective. For example, if you wanted to go to France
      articles and e-books relating to self-             may not have a gold medal to show for your hard work   on a wine tasting tour but couldn’t afford it you might enroll
      improvement and ways to build a                    but in many ways your tenacity parallels that of an athlete   in a wine tasting class. Not as good, but better than not.
      high-performance team. She is the                  just for getting all you can out of life every day.   3. Create a Goal-Tracking Chart: One of the most
      author of the book, “Small Steps...Big                If you consider yourself to be an over-achiever, my   effective ways to stay centered on your desired outcome is
      Changes: The Personal Stories of a Life            question is what makes you that way? It might be the   to set up a goal-tracking chart. This technique keeps you
      Coach.” Her education and years of experience in physical   desire to push your limits or prove you are capable of   organized by listing the steps and tasks to do along the way.
      fitness and training of elite athletes has enabled her to sharpen   reaching a goal. Maybe you strive to inspire others,   It serves as a reminder and rewards you when a mini goal is
      her knowledge in many health-related areas. The following   whether family, friends or society in general. It’s possible   reached. It is helpful to post your tracking chart in a prominent
      introduces a new approach to Ms. Brown’s series of columns   that you have a genuine love for what you do and want   place to serve as a prompter of your progress.
      devoted to many topics that deal with the mind/body connection   to reach the highest level possible. Giving all you’ve got   4. Tell Your Friends: Letting friends in on your plan allows
      and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Dale, a Bocaire   to be the best you can be raises your happiness meter.   them to become part of your support system. Nothing feels
      resident, can be reached at     However, there are some people who wish they could   better than a pat on the back or encouragement when you find
         The 2024 Olympic Games are behind us now, but the   do more but are held back by limiting beliefs about   yourself slipping.
      memory of watching one exciting moment after another still   themselves. They feel stuck in a rut and complain that life   5. Stay Focused: Staying focused is not always easy,
      remains. If you were glued to your TV set along with the rest   has passed them by. They look at those who seem to get   especially when your sites are set far off in the distance.
      of us you might agree that the strength and prowess of our   ahead, reach goals and accomplish all they set out to do   There are millions of books, websites, coaches, tele classes,
      athletes is something to admire. Having been an Olympic level   and ask the question; “What do they have that I don’t?”  and seminars out there to inspire you when you begin to lose
      gymnastics judge, I for one can appreciate the commitment      Sometimes self-reflection is needed to identify your   momentum. Take advantage of all the help you can get from
      and determination necessary to excel in a sport, whether you   strengths, skills and areas for improvement. It stops you   the resources available to you.
      win a medal or not.                                from looking at others with envy and wonder why you   6. Join A Club or Community Center: There are countless
         You have to wonder what motivates each of these athletes   don’t have their drive and ambition. The most important   clubs for both couples and singles such as, hiking or cycling,
      to push on. There’s no better example than Simone Biles   thing is to accept who you are without wishing your life   chess, golf or ski clubs. Try taking up a musical instrument, or
      who, after a defining withdrawal from the 2020 Games, came   were like somebody else’s.              possibly volunteering at a local hospital or child care center.
      back to capture an epic six gold medal count. Yet, throughout      Is it time in your life to make some changes or are you      Sometimes the smallest achievement makes you feel like
      the triumphs and fanfare of the Olympics this year it was not   happy with your station in life? Ever think about revisiting   you’ve been awarded a gold medal. It doesn’t take much to
      without its heartbreak for the many athletes.      some of the things you aspired to do? Or, how about going   get the thrill of accomplishment. Give yourself permission to
         The road to success isn’t easy. It takes determination and   to those destinations you always wanted to travel to but felt   love what you do and who you are. If there is something you
      sacrifice to persevere in any sport and the game of life is   stuck in the same place?               would like to change don’t sit on the couch with the remote
      no different. I’m sure if you followed along the path with      Here are five tips to steer you toward your life’s   in your hand wishing your life away. Take charge, get up and
      one of our top athletes you would find their story to be   objectives; whether to pursue them, change them or regroup.   get going. You’ll be happier if you did!
      riddled with challenges overcome only by sheer fortitude   1. Identify Obstacles: First identify obstacles that
      and strength of mind.                              might hinder your outcome. This could be resources,
      Medical Matters: Hepatitis C

      By Richard Nagler, M.D., a member                 60% of cases coincident with the use of contaminated needles      Anyone with the disease should never share needles, and
      of Broken Sound Club and retired                  associated with the rising drug epidemic in our country.  all cuts, scrapes and blisters should be covered. They should
      physician. After graduating from the                 Once Cirrhosis develops and advances, patients will   never attempt to donate blood, sperm or eggs, but should
      University of Pennsylvania and New                have signs and symptoms including fatigue, nausea and   always wash hands thoroughly and never share a toothbrush,
      York University’s School of Medicine,             vomiting, poor appetite, weight loss, itching, abdominal   razor or nail clipper.
      Dr. Nagler served his internship and              pain, an enlarged liver later followed by a shrinking firm      There are six genotypes of Hepatitis C, of which 76% are
      residency at Baltimore City Hospital              liver due to late stage Cirrhosis, jaundice, spider angiomas   of type 1, 12% type 2 and 10% type 3. The other three are
      and Johns Hopkins. He followed that               (which are clusters of blood vessels like tiny red spiders on   very rare. Until 10 years ago there was no cure for this deadly
      with a Fellowship in Gastroenterology             the chest, shoulders and face), ascites—which is swelling   disease. However, at that time a breakthrough occurred with
      at Yale University School of Medicine, and was then Chief   of the abdomen due to fluid accumulation—edema of the   the development of several similar drugs of which Harvoni
      of Gastroenterology at Fitzsimons General Army Hospital   legs and feet, atrophy of muscles, variceal bleeding mainly   is the best known. One pill a day for 12 weeks cures 98% of
      in Denver. He returned to the Yale Medical School for one   from veins in the lower esophagus, and encephalopathy with   those afflicted with genotype 1 and 3 Hepatitis C cases.
      year as an Assistant Professor of Medicine before opening   confusion,                                  For genotypes 2 and 4 there are combination drug therapies
      his own successful private practice in Internal Medicine      Those people who see a doctor regularly for annual   available with similar benefits. Genotypes 5 and 6 are so rare
      and Gastroenterology. During that time, he also served for   physicals include blood tests that are essential. Tests   that no data is available. A huge drawback to Harvoni was the
      ten years as Chief of Medicine at Huntington Hospital in   included are liver enzymes such as the SGOT, SGPT and   outrageous cost of the drug, which amounted to $1,000 per
      Huntington, N.Y.                                  GGPT, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin and albumin. While   pill or $84,000 for the 12-week course of treatment, although
         Hepatitis C is the most prevalent viral disease globally   abnormalities can indicate a variety of other causes of liver   some patients could be cured with eight weeks of treatment.
      with an estimated 71 million people infected. In 2016 there   disease Hepatitis C should always be suspected and follow-up      Initially, Medicare, Medicaid and most insurance plans
      were 1.75 million new cases reported with 400,000 deaths. In   tests such as antibodies to the virus and a CRNA test which   offered coverage, but only for those who had advanced liver
      the United States there are 3.5 million known cases with the   will indicate if there is active infection.  disease. After many efforts and threatened litigation, mainly
      disease. In 2016, 20,000 died of illness related to Hepatitis      Ultrasound examination of the liver, an MRI and a liver   by consumer protection groups, most patients with the disease
      C. Because 80% of those afflicted have no symptoms the   biopsy can be helpful in determining the extent of liver   now get coverage or significant subsidies to cover most of the
      incidence is much higher.                         fibrosis and the stage of Cirrhosis. Damage to the liver is   cost. People with incomes below $42,000 are fully subsidized.
         There are two phases of Hepatitis C. One is an acute phase   abetted by alcohol abuse, obesity, and concomitant HIV      Generic versions of these drugs are available. The cost
      which appears within six months of exposure. Most of the   infection and AIDS. Those at greatest risk are people born   varies depending on insurance coverage and the pharmacy
      time it goes unnoticed because there are no symptoms, but   between 1945 and 1965, health care workers, drug addicts   used. There is no vaccine available for hepatitis C.
      in 30% there may be jaundice, nausea, vomiting, fatigue,   and prisoners.
      muscle aches and loss of appetite. These symptoms usually      There are many ways for Hepatitis C to be transmitted.
      appear one to three months after exposure and can last from   Sharing needles, cotton swabs, spoons and water used to
      two weeks to three months.                        inject drugs. Piercing of ears or other body parts, tattoos,
         In 20 % there is spontaneous clearance of the virus due to   Acupuncture with needles not properly sterilized, exposure   Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing
      the body’s successful immune response to it. The rest develop   to fresh blood, being pricked with a used needle, blood   Palm Beach County and is a privately
      chronic Hepatitis C; 80% of patients with Chronic Hepatitis   transfusions not properly screened, (which is very rare today)   owned and managed company.
      C have no symptoms of the disease until significant liver   hemodialysis, born to a mother with Hepatitis C, sexual   Captain’s is committed to providing
      disease, usually a fatty liver with some fibrosis is evident.  contact with an infected partner and hugging or sharing   dependable, reliable and professional
                                                                                                            ground transportation to and from all
         Untreated, 45% will go on to die at the median age of 57   food or drink with an infected person. It is not spread from   South Florida Airports and Seaports.
      of advanced Cirrhosis of the liver or liver cancer. Hepatitis   food, mother’s milk, tap water and kissing unless an infected   To reserve your vehicle:  PBCVH212
      C is the leading cause of liver cancer and liver transplants   individual has gum disease or sores in the mouth where the   561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890
      in the U.S. Between 1990 and 2020 there was an increase of   virus appears in the saliva.
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