Page 10 - Boca Club News - October '24
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Page 10, Boca Club News


      Mayor’s Update: A Dog’s Life in Boca Raton!

      Scott Singer is the 35th Mayor of
      Boca Raton and was re-elected
      in 2023. A South Florida native,
      attorney and small business owner,
      Scott and his wife Bella live in Broken
      Sound with their two children. You
      may also want to stay in touch on
      social media at @scottsingerusa. As
      always, please reach out by email to with any thoughts or requests. Honored
      to serve you!
         With a dedicated dog beach, dog park, and a new dog-
      friendly lake path at Countess de Hoernle Park/Spanish
      River Athletic Complex, I am pleased to announce that the
      City of Boca Raton has been recognized as among “Better
         Earning this City Certification from Mars Petcare  Council Corner: A True
      Cities for Pets.”

      showcases the city’s commitment to creating a pet-friendly
      various benchmarks that exemplified our support for our  Story About Boca Raton and You!
      community. In order to receive the certification, we met

      pet-loving residents and visitors.
         We know that four-legged fur babies are members of our   By Fran Nachlas, Boca Raton City         the 41st consecutive year has received the prestigious award
      Boca Raton residents’ families, which means we are mindful   Council Member/CRA Vice-Chair           of “Distinguished Budget Presentation Award” from the
      of creating a vibrant community where pets are a valued part      For some, reading over pages and   Government Finance Officers Association. Well done!
      of our city.                                       pages of charts, numbers, millage                    In May the City Council, City Manager, Deputy City
         With dedicated dog menus at several of our downtown   rates and departmental budgets may          Managers, Assistant City Managers, Departmental Heads,
      eateries and a growing number of pet-friendly hotels, it is rare   not be their version of “fun” exactly.   Residents and Business and Community Partners met
      to walk through the city without being greeted by a pooch.   For me, though, diving into the City    for three days of Strategic Planning with the team from
      But because dogs are not welcome in all city amenities or   of Boca Raton’s Fiscal Year 2024-        Trainnovations. The process was the opportunity to hear input
      businesses, Boca Raton has created dedicated spaces for dog   2025 Proposed Budget over the past     and ideas to align our vision, strategic focus areas, priorities
      owners who want to socialize with their pets.      several weeks was like reading an exciting story – about   and projects to best prepare for Boca Raton’s future.
         Mizner Bark Dog Park permit holders can enjoy access   our city’s goals, accomplishments, strategic plan and       Seven strategic focus areas were identified: community
      to the dog park located at 751 Banyan Trail. The dog park   aspirations.                             safety; financially sound city; vibrant economy; quality of
      features three fenced areas where your canine friends are      Fundamentally, this budget provides funding and   life; world-class services; transportation and mobility, and
      allowed to run off-leash. The three fenced areas include an   guidance for the next chapter of our neighborhoods, our   growth management. From there, 13 strategic priorities
      area for large dogs over 50 lbs., medium dogs, 20 – 50 lbs.,   infrastructure, our parks and our local economy.  were  identified  and  can  be  read  here:  https://myboca.
      and small dogs under 20 lbs. There are also benches, water      To quote one of my favorite movies, “Let’s start from the   us/2421/2024—2025-Strategic-Plan.
      fountains, water stations, trash cans and doggie bags. The   very beginning.” This story begins with an acknowledgment
      park is open daily from 7 a.m. to dusk. On Wednesdays,   to the city’s Office of Management and Budget, which for   Council Corner on page 11
      the park doesn’t open until noon.
         There is no charge for Boca Raton residents to obtain
      a dog park permit. Fees to non-residents and permits are
      available on a monthly or annual basis.
         For dogs that like to go for a swim the Bark Beach at
      Spanish River Park, 3001 N. State Road A1A is the perfect
      place to cool down.
         Bark Beach permit holders gain access to Bark Beach
      at Spanish River Park, which is located between lifeguard
      towers 18 and 20.  The Bark Beach is open Fridays,                                                                  Scan for a FREE
      Saturdays and Sundays from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and then from                                                        In Home Consultat on
      3 p.m. to sunset during EST and 5 p.m. to sunset during
      daylight savings time.                                                                                          VISIT OUR SHOWROOM
         Boca Raton residents can purchase a pass for $35 per                                                               IN BOCA
      dog. Passes for the year begin on Oct. 1st. The fee for
      non-resident permits are available on a yearly or weekly
      basis. Bark Beach permits are separate from beach parking
         Our newest pet-friendly amenity is a lake path at
      Countess de Hoernle Park/Spanish River Athletic Complex.
         Pet owners are welcome to walk their dogs along the
      scenic lake path on the west side of the park. The area
      stretches from Countess de Hoernle Park on the south side
      of Spanish River Boulevard, beneath the bridge, and circles
      the expanse of the northern lake, adjacent to the Boca Raton
      Public Library’s Spanish River location.
         Pet waste stations are strategically located around the
      lake path, and dogs are required to be leashed.
         The city’s dedication to pets isn’t limited to providing
      world-class amenities. We were also recognized for our        Modern style
      local emergency preparedness plans. We prepare pet owners
      about what to do in the event of a hurricane.                 Des gn
         With hurricane season still underway, here is a reminder
      to make sure you are stocked up on your pets’ food, non-
      tippable food and water bowls, record of vaccinations, leash,   WHY CHOOSE US?
      harness, carriers and extra litter. In the event you have a
      pet and must evacuate your home, there is one pet-friendly       12+ Years of Exper ence
      shelter located inside the West Boynton Recreational Center.     Fully Insured, L censed and Bonded
      Of course, let this be a reminder to have an evacuation plan     Award-W nn ng Des gners
      in place—whether or not you have pets—as county shelters         Cert fied Profess onals
      are not the best option if a storm is approaching.               Exper enced Project Managers
                                                                       In House Crew Team
                                                                       No Cost Overruns
                                                                       For Every Budget
                                                                       Huge Select ons  n Showrooms

                                                                    19635 FL-7 #46, Boca Raton, FL 33498  561-778-1188  www.k
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