Page 24 - Abacoa Community News - October '24
P. 24

Page 24, Abacoa
      Tax Talk

      Dear Friends:                                      Customer Service Appreciation                     responsible for approximately 200 employees who provide
         Our office was recently                                                                           service to our clients, so I asked Jim how he helps ensure
      advised by the Florida                             Week – Going Above And                            that our clients receive exceptional customer service during
      Highway Patrol (FHP) that                                                                            each visit.
      they are warning drivers who                       Beyond!                                              Jim says, “I’ve given my managers the ability to make
      have illegal Florida license                                                                         decisions on their own. We talk about customer service in
      plates, which have been                               At our office, we make customer service our No. 1 priority!   most of our meetings. The managers jokingly ask one another,
      altered or customized, such                        In honor of Customer Service Appreciation Week, October 7   WWJD: What Would Jim Do? And the answer is: serve the
      as with air brushing or vinyl                      to 11, I asked a few of our service center managers to share   client.”
      wrapping. In fact, since 2020                      their thoughts on exceptional customer service and here is what      He adds that an important component to success – both
      citations for unlawful altered                     they had to say:                                  for his team and for the customer experience – is recognition.
      Florida license plates have                           “Exceptional client service enhances our agency’s   “When clients leave a positive review for an employee, that
      increased nearly 100 percent. FHP is being proactive in   reputation. Quality customer service is the distinguishing factor   feedback is passed along.”
      raising awareness of this and if you are caught with one of   that sets us apart from other agencies. We prioritize the client’s      “As a leader, I think it is my responsibility to recognize
      these customized or altered                        needs by being effective and empathetic.” – Brian Applebaum,   my team for the good that they do, knowing that leads to
      plates, you can receive a                          South County Service Center Manager               better customer service,” says Jim.
      moving violation citation,                            “Customer service directly impacts public trust and      And what about when things are not going perfectly? Jim
      which includes a fine of $60                       satisfaction. When residents interact with us, they often do so   notes that, “We have a great team environment for discussing
      (plus fees) and three points                       during critical moments in their lives, original identification   challenges.”
      on your license! If you have                       issuance, driver license testing, vehicle ownership, or      A common concern voiced by clients is the long lead time
      one of these altered Florida license plates and it cannot be   establishing a new business. Our focus on exceptional   for making a reservation at one of our service centers.
      returned to its original condition, I strongly encourage you   customer service ensures that these interactions are efficient      “We’re researching a whole new reservation system,”
      to make a reservation to visit one of our service centers to   and respectful, which can significantly enhance the public’s   Jim says. “The goal is to enable us to take more clients by
      get a replacement license plate by visiting  perception of the government.” – Matthew Johnson, Westlake   decreasing the lead time.”
      reservations.                                      Service Center Manager                               Stay tuned to future editions of Tax Talk to read about
                                        Anne M. Gannon,     “The goal of our customer service is to build trust with   improvements we are making in our service centers and
         Constitutional Tax Collector, Serving Palm Beach County  our clients through communication and knowledge of our   across the agency. And keep an eye out for opportunities to
                                                         services. We strive every day to do this by incorporating the   learn more about our team and how we are serving you in
                                                         LEAP principles (listening, empathizing, apologizing, problem   upcoming “Faces of the TCO” profiles!
       Palm Beach County Property Appraiser from page 23  solving) with all our interactions allowing us to provide
                                                         exceptional service.” – Michelle Arias, Central Service Center
           • Hemiplegic                                  Manager
           • Legally blind
           • Total and permanent disability, requires wheelchair   Faces Of The Tax Collector’s
        for mobility
           • Total and permanent disability, does not require   Office – James McConnell
        wheelchair for mobility
           Some of these exemptions have income limitations.  Title: Chief Operations
           Visit our website at for more information   Officer
        on these exemptions or to download and print forms.   Hometown: Wildwood, NJ
        You can always call us at (561) 355-2866 or email us   Favorite Activity: Attending
        at                       various cultural events in
                                                         Palm Beach County and
        Did You Know? We Call To                         beyond
                                                         Favorite Food: Veal chop
        Verify Sales Data                                   There are more than 330
                                                         tax collector’s office (TCO)  Jim with his shih-tzu, Charlie
           Our work entails setting the market value for each   employees, and I thought
        property, and so property sales data is an important   you might be interested in getting to know some of them. We
        tool to  show where the market  is  in Palm  Beach   will start with someone who is behind the scenes, but very
        County. Before we use sales data, we first make sure   much a part of your experience as a client.
        that the details of each sale reflect the market. Only      Jim McConnell, our chief operations officer, is a member
        sales that meet the definition of market value are used   of our senior leadership team, and he oversees the operation
        in developing estimates of market value for similar   of our six service centers throughout the county. Jim is
           To verify sales information, our appraisers regularly
        contact the market participants (sellers, buyers,
        brokers, attorneys, etc.) involved with real estate sales.
        We try to obtain details regarding property sales from
        someone directly involved with each transaction. We
        then use this data to determine which sales represent
        market value and will be used in the development of
        property appraisals.
           Answering our questions about property sales
        gives our office reliable data from which we can then
        create appraisals that are fair, equitable, and reflect
        the market.

        Offices Open
        On Columbus Day

           The Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s
        Office (including all of our Service Centers) will be
        open on Columbus Day, Monday, Oct. 14.

                                                                                              A College Preparatory Catholic High School
                                       Oct. 14

                                                                                             Our Vision is to build life’s champions   SCAN TO  LEARN MORE
                                                                                                 through FAITH, ACADEMICS,
                                                                                                 SERVANT LEADERSHIP and a
                                                                                                STRONG FAMILY ATMOSPHERE.
                                                                                                      West Palm Beach, FL
                                                                                                         (561) 683-6266
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