Page 22 - Abacoa Community News - October '24
P. 22

Page 22, Abacoa

      Science On The Cutting Edge from page 21
                                                          Ask Max from page 1                              for Neuroscience. In addition to student activities,
                                                                                                           Ask Max provides hands-on training for teachers, and
                                                                                                           participates in community outreach events throughout
                                                                                                           Palm Beach County. For more information on the Ask
                                                                                                           Max Program, visit

      FAU And Islamorada                                                                                   Why “Ask Max”?

      Beverages Launch Paradise                                                                              as “Ask Max,” brings vibrant, hands-on neuroscience
                                                                                                             Our custom-outfitted van, affectionately known
      Lager Craft Beer                                                                                     activities right to you. Led by experts, these sessions not
                                                                                                           only teach but inspire, showing science as a playground
      By Joshua Glanzer                                                                                    of curiosity. Ask Max is equipped with high-quality
         Florida Atlantic University (FAU) has partnered with   importance of engaging science education for young   scientific tools like dissection microscopes and gel
      Islamorada Beverages to launch Paradise Lager, the official   students. “Studies have shown that if a student is   electrophoresis kits, ensuring a stimulating educational
      craft beer of the Owls. The beer will debut in athletic venues,   not excited about STEM by middle school, they are   experience right at your doorstep.
      including FAU Stadium, and will be sold in select retail   unlikely to pursue it as a career. As students age between   Our Impact
      locations across the tri-county area in the coming weeks.  grades six and 12, especially among girls, interest in      In the last year alone, our educational outreach reached
                                                          STEM drops by as much as 66 percent. But thanks to   more than 9,000 students and community members, with
                                                          the  incredible  educators  in  our  Palm Beach County   a significant focus on underserved schools. By bringing
                                                          schools, and with the help of programs like the one we   Ask Max to you, we aim to inspire even more young
                                                          are here to celebrate                            minds, especially those in areas with interest in or limited
                                                          today, we are going to                           access to high-quality STEM resources.
                                                          change that,” he told                               As  part  of  the  Max Planck  Society,  the    No.  1
                                                          the crowd.                                       biomedical nonprofit in the world, the Max Planck
                                                             Ask Max was                                   Florida Institute for Neuroscience brings unparalleled
                                                          created with two                                 scientific expertise and a history of effective community
                                                          leadership donations                             engagement. Programs are approved by the Palm Beach
                                                          from  the  Stiles                                County School District.
                                                          Nicholson Foundation                             About Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience
                                                          and the J&S Pew Family Foundation. John and Stephanie      The Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience
      FAU’s new official beer can design evokes the university’s   Pew joined Dr. Fitzpatrick, Superintendent Burke,   (MPFI) is a not-for-profit research organization and part
      ambiance. Photo by Alex Dolce                       Principal Evans and                              of the world-renowned Max Planck Society, Germany’s
                                                          School Board Chair Karen                         most successful research organization with over 84
         Islamorada Beverages shares a deep connection with   Brill for a ribbon cutting                   institutes worldwide. Since its establishment in 1948,
      FAU as three of its four founders are proud alumni, including   for MPFI’s new Ask Max               31 Nobel laureates have emerged from the ranks of
      Tyrone Bradley, president of the company; Chris Trentine; and   Van, a colorful vehicle              its scientists. As its only North American institution,
      Whitney Trentine.                                   designed to transport                            MPFI provides exceptional neuroscientists with the
         “It’s amazing to see the transformation of a vision a year ago   sensitive microscopes and        resources and technology to answer fundamental brain
      to reality with the creation of Paradise Lager, Florida Atlantic’s   other STEM resources to         development and function questions. MPFI researchers
      newest license product,” said Dexter LaMont, assistant vice   schools.                               employ a curiosity-driven approach to science to develop
      president of brand development, licensing and marketing      Following the ribbon                    new technologies that make groundbreaking scientific
      at FAU. “We are truly excited about the collaboration with   cutting, MPFI Education                 discoveries possible. For more information, visit https://
      Islamorada Beer Company, whose founders bleed the ‘blue   Outreach staff held              
      and red’ of Florida Atlantic University. Paradise Lager will be   science demonstrations for
      a welcome addition to the gameday experience and the Owls   more than 570 students
      fan base throughout South Florida.”                 between grades 1 through
         Paradise Lager’s crisp taste evokes the university’s   5, while Kindergarten
      ambiance, surrounded by palm trees and the allure of the world-  and preschool students
      class beaches near the university’s six campuses dotted along   enjoyed “Dress Like a
      more than 100 miles of southeast Florida’s coastline. FAU’s   Scientist” activities.
      main campus in Boca Raton is just 1.8 miles away from the      A s k M ax is  an
      Atlantic Ocean.                                     entirely donor-funded
         “Partnering with Florida Atlantic University to create   program from the Max
      Paradise Lager is a natural fit for us at Islamorada Beverages,”   Planck Florida Institute
      said Bradley. “Our company was founded with the principles
      instilled in us during our time at Florida Atlantic – primarily
      our core values of innovation, a commitment to excellence, and
      a deep connection to community. Paradise Lager is more than
      just a beer; it’s a celebration of our shared roots, a toast to the
      vibrant, laid-back culture that makes South Florida so unique,
      and a testament to Florida Atlantic University’s commitment
      to its students – past, present and future.”
         The unique and distinctive design of the can is highlighted
      by a coastal sunset theme, which includes Florida Atlantic’s
      branding and features the palm trees that are abundant on the
      school’s campuses. A brief history of the Florida Atlantic-
      Islamorada connection is printed on every can.
         Both athletics and the university will share in the proceeds
      of royalties generated from the sales of Paradise Lager. The   FRI: 4pm-10pm
      beer will be sold at FAU Stadium, as well as all athletics events
      serviced by Chartwells. It also will be available at Publix and   SAT: 11am-10pm
      Total Wine & More store locations throughout Boca Raton,   SUN: 11am-8pm
      Delray Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Deerfield Beach and Pompano
      Beach, with further regional retail distribution possible. The
      beer will also be served at local Hooters, Duffy’s Sports Grill,
      Flanigan’s, as well as other local bars and restaurants.   1267 Main Street,
                                                           Jupiter, FL 33458
                                                           FREE ADMISSION
                                                           FREE ADMISSION
                                                           FREE PARKING
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