Page 28 - Abacoa Community News - October '24
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Page 28, Abacoa
      Town Of Jupiter News

      By Vice Mayor                                     our operating budget and capital improvement plan (CIP)   multipurpose and diamond sport fields, we’ll minimize
      Malise Sundstrom                                  that will showcase our commitment to providing top-notch   disruptions and keep alternative fields open throughout
         For decades, Jupiter’s                         recreational experiences for all Jupiter residents. In fact,   the process.
      parks and recreational                            through the remainder of this year and into 2025, our CIP   Town Park Upgrades
      offerings have served                             calls for an investment of almost $10 million in our parks      Water bottle filling stations, new Little Free Libraries,
      residents well and provided                       and facilities.                                    lightning detectors, new benches and picnic tables, and
      countless memories for                            Major Playground Upgrades                          new landscaping are being planned for many town parks,
      visitors young and old. Now                          We’re embarking on an ambitious $3.2 million effort   with Abacoa and Jupiter Community Parks, Lighthouse
      many of our most cherished                        to create a flagship playground at Indian Creek Park   Park, Jupiter Village Park, Maplewood Park, the Heights
      facilities, some over 20                          and  complete significant  playground  replacements  at   of Jupiter Park, and F.I.N.D park seeing improvements
      years old, are showing signs                      Maplewood Park, Jupiter Community Park, and Abacoa   completed in 2025.
      of age and require upgrades                       Community Park by September 2025. These upgrades      These projects represent just the beginning of a long-
      to meet changing trends and expectations here in town.  will feature modern amenities like artificial turf, shade   term commitment to revitalizing Jupiter’s recreational
         We on the Town Council recognize this need, and   structures, and new equipment to keep our parks safe,   facilities. As we complete the recreation master planning
      last year we promptly prioritized and supported a   appealing, and on par with the best in the region. Over   process this year and start to implement the plan, we’ll
      comprehensive planning effort to breathe new life into   the next five years the town plans to upgrade all 12 public   continue to seek community input and make changes
      our recreational spaces as a strategic item. This plan is   playgrounds.                             where needed. We invite you to stay engaged, visit our
      now being finalized after a public workshop in March,   Multi-Purpose Field Replacement:             improved facilities as they come online, and share your
      a resident survey in May, and many other meetings with      This year we’re launching an ongoing project to   experiences with us. Stay tuned for more updates as we
      key stakeholders. To get a head start on implementing   replace aging  grass  and old irrigation systems in our   continue to enhance our town’s public spaces for all to
      plan recommendations, we approved and funded a    parks to give sports teams and visitors like-new fields   enjoy.
      number of exciting projects in the coming year through   to enjoy. By implementing a rotational timeline for both
      Understanding Chest Pain:

      A Cardiologist’s Perspective

         Angina or chest pain can                       sensation in the chest and can be triggered by physical      “Chest pain is a symptom that demands attention and
      occur due to cardiac and                          exertion or stress. Another cardiac cause of chest pain can   a thorough evaluation. If you experience chest pain, don’t
      noncardiac causes. Often,                         be a myocardial infarction also known as a heart attack.   hesitate to seek medical care and if it’s severe call 911,”
      chest pain is a symptom                           A heart attack occurs when there is a sudden blockage of   says Dr. Waldo.
      that causes individuals to                        blood flow to a part of the heart muscle. Chest pain during      Cardiologists use various diagnostic tools to evaluate
      seek medical attention,                           a heart attack is typically more severe and prolonged than   chest pain, including electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG).
      and rightfully so. Dr. Oral                       angina and may be accompanied by shortness of breath,   This test records the heart’s electrical activity and can help
      Waldo, a cardiologist with                        sweating, nausea, and lightheadedness.             identify abnormalities indicative of heart problems. Blood
      Cardiovascular Care – Palm                           Non-cardiac causes of chest pain can include    tests can include enzymes released into the blood during
      Beach  Health  Network                            gastrointestinal issues due to conditions such as acid   a heart attack, such as troponin, can be detected through
      Physician Group and on-  Dr. Oral Waldo           reflux, gastritis, or peptic ulcers that cause chest pain. The   blood tests. Imaging studies or tests like echocardiograms,
      staff at Good Samaritan                           pain may be burning or sharp and might be exacerbated   stress tests, and coronary angiography can provide
      Medical Center and Palm                           by certain foods or lying down. Musculoskeletal problems   detailed images of the heart and blood vessels, aiding in
      Beach Gardens Medical Center, aims to shed light on   can also cause chest pain due to strained muscles or   the diagnosis of cardiac conditions.
      the various aspects of chest pain. Dr. Waldo emphasizes   inflammation in the chest wall that can lead to chest pain.      Preventing cardiac chest pain involves adopting a
      the importance of prompt evaluation and the importance   Repetitive motion injuries, muscle strains, or conditions   heart-healthy lifestyle. Engage in regular exercise, eat
      of identifying potential underlying cardiac issues. While   like costochondritis can also mimic cardiac chest pain.   a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean
      chest pain can be caused by a variety of factors, it is   Additional causes of chest pain can be respiratory   proteins to support heart health and help control risk
      crucial to recognize when it might be indicative of a   conditions, pneumonia, pleurisy, or inflammation of the   factors such as high blood pressure and cholesterol.
      cardiovascular problem.                           lining around the lungs. Individuals with asthma may also   Quitting smoking is also one of the most significant steps
         “Chest pain is one of the most common reasons for   experience chest tightness and discomfort.    one can take to improve heart health.
      which adults seek the care of a cardiologist. Chest pain      Any chest pain should prompt a visit to a healthcare      To learn more about cardiology care and Dr. Oral
      can present from a cardiac or noncardiac origin,” says Dr.   professional, especially if the pain is severe, persistent,   Waldo, cardiologist, visit – For
      Oral Waldo.                                       or associated with other concerning symptoms. Quick and   more information or to schedule an appointment with Dr.
         Cardiac causes of chest pain include angina or chest   accurate diagnosis is crucial in determining the underlying   Waldo call his office at (561) 407-0611.
      pain resulting in discomfort that occurs when the heart   cause and initiating appropriate treatment.
      muscle  doesn’t  receive  enough  oxygen-rich  blood.  It
      is often described as a pressure, squeezing, or burning
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