Page 30 - Abacoa Community News - October '24
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Page 30, Abacoa
      American Academy Of Pediatrics Guidelines Call For

      Childhood Obesity Treatment For Disease Prevention

         Children diagnosed with                        surgery, he said patients and their parents need to fully   Institute, a general surgery and robotic surgery practice
      obesity should be treated                         understand the procedure.                          focused on providing minimally invasive treatment
      early and aggressively                               “You have to be very cautious,” said Dr. Betancourt.   options and care for patients suffering from colorectal
      with nutritional support,                         “It is not about chronological age. It is about, I would say,   disease,  endometriosis,  hernia,  and  life-threatening
      therapy, medication, and                          ‘How mature is the patient?’ because if you are going to   obesity. Dr. Betancourt is on staff at Good Samaritan
      in some extreme cases,                            undergo and put a patient through surgery, and you want   Medical Center in West Palm Beach.
      weight-loss surgery for                           to have the best outcome of the surgery, you have to be      In addition, Dr. Betancourt is fluent in Spanish, his
      teens 13 and up, according                        sure that the patient understands what the challenges are   native language, and English.
      to new guidelines from                            ahead.”                                               Palm Beach Digital Surgery Institute is located in
      the American Academy of                              Dr. Abraham Betancourt is a gastrointestinal and   the Victor Farris Building adjacent to Good Samaritan
      Pediatrics. It is the first time                  bariatric surgeon with nearly 20 years of experience in   Medical Center at 1411 N. Flagler Drive, Suite 8900,
      in 15 years the academy has                       practicing  patient-centered  medicine. His practice  has   West Palm Beach, FL 33401. For more information
      updated its guidance.                             focused on people who sometimes feel most vulnerable   visit or call (561)
         More than 14 million   Dr. Abraham Betancourt   in the healthcare world, including patients facing chronic   227-9238. Find information on bariatric surgery at Good
      kids live with this common,                       morbid obesity. Dr. Abraham Betancourt is a bariatric   Samaritan Medical Center by visiting goodsamaritanmc.
      chronic disease, the academy says, adding that if obesity   and general surgeon with the Palm Beach Digital Surgery   com/services/bariatric-surgery or call (866)-306-2225.
      is  untreated,  it  can  lead  to  short-term  and  long-term
      health issues, including cardiovascular disease and type
      2 diabetes.
         Heart disease is the number one killer among men and
      women, which helps explain why the academy updated its
      advice. In addition to heart disease, heart attack, stroke,
      heart failure, arrhythmia, and heart valve problems are
      all associated with cardiovascular disease.
         While it may seem extreme to some to encourage
      weight-loss surgery on a child as young as 13, the old
      method of “watchful-waiting,” taking a “wait-and-see”
      approach, was not working. Early intervention helps lead
      to a healthier heart throughout that child’s life.
         Good Samaritan Medical Center robotic and bariatric
      surgeon Dr. Abraham Betancourt stated that the updated
      guidance is long overdue. However, before deciding on
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