Page 16 - Boca Exposure - September '24
P. 16
Page 16, Boca Exposure
More On Coffee, Tea And Dementia
By Steven E. Reznick, MD, for 10 years), and are between the ages of 50 and 80, should Dr. Reznick is board certified in internal medicine with
FACP – Boca Raton have an annual low dose chest CT scan. added qualifications in geriatrics. He has practiced in
Several scientific This includes current and former smokers. the area for over 30 years. To request a complimentary
research studies recently If you meet the inclusion criteria for lung cancer meeting with him to discuss your health needs and his
have extolled the benefits of screening, please speak to your doctor about scheduling concierge medicine practice, call (561) 368-0191, www.
drinking coffee to maintain your screening lung CT scan.
brain volume and slow the
cognitive decline seen in
dementia. Observational Two Palm Beach Children’s Surgical
studies (not double blinded
random control studies) Specialists Pediatric Surgeons Offer
suggest that drinking coffee
or tea has beneficial effects on stroke, heart disease and Important Back-To-School Tips To Keep
failure, cancers, diabetes, and Parkinson’s Disease.
Kelsey R. Sewell, Ph.D., of Advent Health Research
Institute in Orlando reminds us that “too much of anything Children Safe On Campus And Playing Field
is not good and that moderate coffee consumption is
okay but too much is not recommended.” Her remarks As the new school year nears, ensuring students’ or replaced. Children need to be supervised to ensure they
came after she presented a research paper at the 2024 safety on and around campus as well as during sports and use the equipment correctly and to prevent overcrowding,
Alzheimer’s Association International Conference and extracurricular activities is crucial. Back-to-school season which can also lead to accidents.”
were summarized in the online journal MDedge Neurology. means more time spent on fields and playgrounds, so Additionally ,
Her paper looked at 8,451 adults older than 60 years making safety a priority is key to a successful, injury-free encouraging children to
of age in the United Kingdom. They were divided into academic year. practice safe play habits
high coffee consumption (four plus cups per day), Pediatric surgeons helps minimize risks.
moderate consumption (1 to 3 cups per day) and no coffee Anne Fischer, MD, and “Schools can promote
consumption. The same criteria were used for tea drinkers. Avraham Schlager, MD, safety through regular drills
None of the participants had a diagnosis of cognitive two members of the highly and educational sessions,
impairment. Sixty percent were woman. skilled clinical team at and by having clear safety
They found that those with no coffee intake or moderate Palm Beach Children’s guidelines,” he said.
coffee intake had a slower decline in “fluid intelligence” Surgical Specialists, The new academic
when followed over the next 8 to 9 years than those with offered some important year also brings increased
high coffee consumption. Tea drinkers had a different tips to help keep children activity to streets around
result with moderate to high tea drinkers having a slower safe both at school and on schools, making traffic Avraham Schlager, MD
decline in fluid intelligence than non-drinkers of tea. the playing field. and pedestrian safety a top
Drinking coffee or tea in moderation is fine. The For participants in any priority. “Parents need to
results of this observational study will be used as the sport, wearing the proper Anne Fischer, MD remind children about the importance of using crosswalks
basis for a more definitive controlled study incorporating protective gear is essential and obeying traffic signals, especially if they’re starting
other data such as the smoking history of coffee versus to prevent injuries. “For sports like football, hockey, and at a new school where they may be unfamiliar with
tea drinkers and preparation methods. lacrosse, helmets, mouthguards, and pads are crucial,” the campus,” said Dr. Fischer. “It’s also important to
Screening For Lung Cancer In Smokers Is Recommended said Dr. Fischer. “These items should be well-fitted and emphasize wearing high visibility clothing, particularly
The American Lung Association conducted a survey regularly inspected for wear and tear. In sports like soccer for younger children who walk or bike to school. And, of
of adults asking if they knew of the availability of CT and basketball, shin guards and supportive footwear help course, helmets are a must for any child riding a bicycle.”
Scan screening for lung cancer in adults. Less than 40 reduce the risk of injuries. Students should be educated By working together to ensure that playgrounds
percent of the 4,000 adults polled knew that screening on the importance of wearing this gear consistently and are secure and traffic patterns around schools are well-
was available and recommended for smokers or former correctly, as even a momentary lapse in protection can lead organized and safe, schools and parents can create a safer
smokers. Seventy-three percent had never discussed lung to serious injuries.” and more enjoyable environment for students, added Dr.
cancer with a physician and less than 30 percent knew that Playground safety is another back-to-school concern. Schlager.
lung cancer is the leading cause of death from cancers. Playgrounds are a hub of activity, and ensuring they remain For more information on Dr. Anne Fischer and
Almost 90 percent did not think lung cancer was likely to safe is vital. “The surface under playground equipment Dr. Avraham Schlager and Palm Beach Children’s
occur in women. should be made of impact-absorbing materials like Surgical Specialists practice and office visit:
These disturbing findings were presented by Harold mulch or rubber to minimize injuries from falls,” said Dr. or call (561)
Wimmer, president of the American Lung Association. Schlager. “Equipment should be regularly inspected for 295-9100.
He reminded the public that finding a tumor on CT lung any wear and tear and damaged items promptly repaired
screening raises the odds of surviving 5 years by 63 Paid Advertisement
Adults with a 20-pack year smoking history or greater
(smoke one pack per day (PPD) for twenty years or 2 PPD
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