Page 14 - Boca Exposure - September '24
P. 14

Page 14, Boca Exposure
      Dining Out: The Kee To This Door Is Great

      For Some But Not For Everyone!

      By  Alan Serinsky of Bocaire                       Interestingly, the Ke’e Grill is still popular and many      Both the Yellow Tail Snapper ($39.95) and the Salmon
      Country Club. Hungry Al’s love                     nights as I drive by on Military Trail I see hordes of people   ($32.95)  were  prepared  simply,  and  both  overdone  in
      for food started  very young.                      standing in its entrance waiting, always wondering what   temperature. The plate was accompanied by an adequate
      Never satisfied with his Mom’s                     I’m missing.                                      baked potato and two token asparagus. The Branzino
      dishes, he started to cook his                        At one time of your life it’s all about being part of   ($40.95) fared better with a minuscule-looking sweet
      way through her Betty Crocker                      the scene. Energy, noise, music, socializing, being seen.   potato.
      Cookbook. During the years                         It’s great until it’s not. Thankfully, Boca has enough      From The  Dessert Tray: Not wanting to risk any
      to follow he spent many hours                      dining options to satisfy everyone’s individual tastes and   disappointment from the dessert cart, the waiter was nice
      working in restaurants, both as server and cook, attending   comfort. Thankfully, I have not reached this pivotal time   to offer a birthday celebration dessert we all could share.
      cooking classes and traveling the world in an effort to   of my life. But I’m sadly closing in!      With loads of enthusiasm the waiter presented a large
      expand his palette. As a professional writer, Hungry Al      Second Impressions: Interestingly, what I discovered   dollop of whipped cream surrounded by one strawberry
      offers his perspective on current food trends and guides   on my return is that basically nothing has changed. The   sliced in two. Can’t make this stuff up. Oh, don’t let me
      you through your local restaurant options.         same décor, the same seating arrangement, the same   forget the candle in the middle delivering a birthday
                                                         empty bar, and the same tables and rugs. I also observed   Instagram photo for the ages!
      Ke’e Grill                                         that the same patrons are there but with one change: they      Check Please: I will confess that this early-bird
      17940 N Military Trail #700,                       got a lot older. That’s fine, because as we age our tastes   type of dining (tables were cleared out by 7:30 p.m.)
      Boca Raton, FL 33496                               and dining demands also change.                   is great for those who like a predictable menu and a
      (561) 995-5044                                        Prime Your Tastebuds: As for our starters, we waited   setting of comfort and familiarity. But if you’re looking
                                                         patiently for the wait staff to recognize we wanted a   for a trendier dining experience you might want to start
         Food for Thought: How long do you wait to return to   cocktail before dinner. I’m sure the bartender was happy   pedaling  fast  in  reverse  to  find  a  more  fitting  dinner
      a restaurant? Would 18 years seem unreasonable? Well, in   to get busy on a slow drinking night. Two vodka martinis   option.
      the case of Ke’e Grill it’s really been that long. Strangely,   slightly dirty, chilled well. Easy peasy! Sadly, our two      As for us, we pushed through and concluded it will be
      I only live two minutes away. Ok…what took so long?   cocktails were warm. Yes, like straight out of the bottle.   another decade before we, too, will return with a whole
      Well, I guess you can say they didn’t make a lasting   And a bit too heavy on the dirt. Wine was reasonably   different perspective. With that said, I give Ke’e Grill
      impression the first time around and with an invite to a   priced but it’s all self-pour.            four golden keys  for
      birthday celebration it was hard to duck the second time.     Straight From the Kitchen: If you  give me the   opening a welcoming
         So, here I am to give it another go around. It’s been   allowance not to pick apart every dish we consumed I will   door for a demographics
      interesting to hear all the different personal reviews of the   give you a simple, concise opinion on the food quality   of diners who need a
      Ke’e over the couple of decades. Some good and some   and service.                                   basic meal without
      not so good. I have determined that this restaurant serves      Our Caesar Salads ($11.95) were fine but don’t expect   opening their ovens or
      different diners for different reasons.            anchovies or freshly shredded Parmigiana cheese. The   traveling too far.
         If I roll the truck back I dimly recall it was the go-  table decided on a share of Fried Calamari ($16.95).
      to place for seafood. Makes sense living in Florida!   Unfortunately, fried was an understatement.
      A New, Safer Treatment For AFib: Zero Fluoroscopy

         Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is no longer a condition found   fluoroscopy, or x-rays.               moved away from x-ray, which can increase the risk of breast,
      primarily in older adults. A growing number of younger   While  effective, the                       lung, skin and even bone marrow cancers. Zero fluoroscopy
      Americans are experiencing AFib with symptoms such   procedure exposed                               ablation poses less risk, making the procedure safer for
      as palpitations, shortness of breath and dizziness.  other areas of the body                         younger patients who may need additional ablations down
         “You can literally have AFib at any age,” says   to potentially harmful                           the road.”
      Yasser Rodriguez, M.D., a cardiac electrophysiologist   radiation.                                      At a time when AFib has increased three-fold, this is
      at Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital. “The important      “Fortunately, we now                        welcome news for both cardiologists and their patients.
      thing is that you see your doctor. The sooner you start   have a new technology to                      “AFib is a risk factor for life-threatening conditions, such
      treatment, the better your chances of preventing it from   perform cardiac ablations                 as heart attacks and strokes, and contributes to 158,000 deaths
      getting worse.”                                    for  AFib through a                               each year in the United States,” says Dr. Rodriguez. “We are
         For years, AFib, which causes abnormal heart    technique called ‘zero                            extremely pleased to be able to offer this safe and effective
      rhythms, has been treated with cardiac ablations using   fluoroscopy,’” says                         technology to our patients.”
                                                         Dr. Rodriguez, who                                   Visit to learn more
                                                         specializes in complex                            about the Heart, Vascular and Thoracic Institute at Cleveland
                                                         ablations. “We have   Yasser Rodriguez, M.D.      Clinic in Florida.

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