Page 21 - Abacoa Community News- August '24
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Abacoa, Page 21


      Commissioner’s Update

      Making Dollars And Cents Of                         values but are fixed fees per household or business.  many essential services that benefit all residents. These
                                                           Non-ad valorem assessments are not based on property
                                                                                                           services include managing four airports, a water utilities
      Your Tax Bill                                        Understanding your tax bill is important because it   department, road and bridge maintenance, stormwater
                                                        helps you know which authority sets the millage and   management, environmental resources and a parks and
      By Vice Mayor                                     who has jurisdiction over various services. For example,   recreation department overseeing over 110 parks in both
      Maria G. Marino                                   school-related questions should be directed to the school   municipal and unincorporated areas.
         It’s  that  time  of  year                     board, while library-related questions should go to the      So, the next time you receive your tax bill, remember
      when the Board of County                          library authority.                                 that I am here to be a steward of your tax dollars and
      Commissioners begins the                             I  often  get asked  why  residents  in  a  municipality   a watchdog to ensure that the funds collected are used
      budgeting process for Fiscal                      still pay taxes to the county. The answer varies slightly   efficiently and effectively.
      Year (FY) 2025 and sets the                       by  municipality,  but  generally,  the  county  provides
      millage rate for Palm Beach
      County. The current county
      millage rate is 4.5, which
      represents the amount of
      tax payable per dollar of
      the assessed value of a property. A mill is derived from
      the Latin word “millesimum,” meaning thousandth. In
      property tax terms, 1 mill equals $1 in property tax levied
      per $1,000 of a property’s assessed value.
         To further understand your tax bill, you can visit the
      property appraiser’s website at
      htm. By clicking on the tax link (property tax detail), you
      will see a detailed breakdown of the taxes collected from
      various districts that provide services to residents. For
      instance, using the example at right of a homesteaded
      house with the taxable value of $351,123 ($376,123 for
      school district items) and the millage rate of 4.5, you will
      be paying $4.5 per $1,000, totaling $1,580.05.
         With our example, there are 13 taxing districts under
      ad valorem taxes for this homesteaded property in Palm
      Beach Gardens. Each district sets its own millage rate,
      and properties in different areas of the county will have
      a varying number of districts depending on whether they
      are in a municipality or unincorporated areas. Some
      areas, such as Jupiter or Juno, may have an additional
      line item for fire/rescue services because those services
      are provided by the county instead of the municipality.

      Science On The Cutting Edge from page 20          first author Priscila Castanha, Ph.D., an assistant professor   Health’s Department of Infectious Disease and Microbiology,
                                                        in the Department of Infectious Disease and Microbiology   have been studying Zika virus since it emerged in the Americas
                                                        at Pitt Public Health. “This makes it very difficult to test new   in 2015. Prior to its emergence in Brazil, Castanha, Marques
                                                        treatments or determine how widespread an emerging disease   and Burke were studying dengue virus.
                                                        may be in areas endemic for flaviviruses, which cause a high      “For every sample we tested during the 2015 outbreak,
                                                        burden of illness globally.”                       we had to do 10 different blood tests to confirm Zika,” said
                                                           Antibodies for Zika virus, a mosquito-borne virus that
      New Synthetic Biomarker                             spread to the Americas in 2015 and still causes sporadic   Castanha. “These tests are technically difficult and time-
                                                                                                           consuming, making them impractical for providing clinical
      Technology Differentiates                         disease, can be confused in many diagnostic tests with   guidance. I think if we had this molecule back then, it would’ve
                                                        antibodies for dengue virus, making it difficult to tell if
                                                                                                           been fantastic.”
      Between Prior Zika And                            someone who tests positive previously had dengue, Zika or     flavivirus antibodies is important in clinical-epidemiological
                                                                                                             The ability for diagnostics to differentiate between
                                                        both. It is especially important for reproductive-age women
      Dengue Infections                                 to know if they already had Zika – and likely have immunity   studies. Marques and Burke previously showed that for
                                                        – because infection during pregnancy can cause birth defects.   Zika virus and dengue virus, patient outcomes differ based
                                                        Knowing if they have immunity or not could guide the extent   on prior exposure, which poses challenges to prevention,
                                                        of people’s efforts to avoid mosquitoes in endemic areas   diagnosis and care.
                                                        during pregnancy.                                     Importantly, the PICCO screening technology used to
                                                           The research team used an approach pioneered by co-senior   identify the Zika-specific molecule doesn’t require refrigeration
                                                        author Thomas Kodadek, Ph.D., a chemist with The Wertheim   and could also be used for other outbreaks.
                                                        UF Scripps Institute, to screen half a million “peptide-inspired      “The molecule is a molecular mimic that cannot unfold,”
                                                        conformationally constrained oligomers,” or PICCOs, against   Kodadek said. “That means there’s no cold chain required,
                                                        blood samples from people infected with dengue or Zika virus.   making it particularly useful for outbreaks occurring in remote
                                                        The PICCOs are nonorganic molecular shapes hooked onto   or low-resourced areas.”
                                                        microscopic plastic beads. They mimic epitopes, which are      Additional authors on this study are Patrick J. McEnaney,
                                                        the parts of a pathogen that an antibody would connect to in   Ph.D., and Paige Dickson, Ph.D., both of The Wertheim UF
                                                        order to neutralize the threat.                    Scripps Institute; Yongseok Park, Ph.D., Anthea Bouwer, Ph.D.,
      Chemistry Professor Thomas Kodadek, Ph.D.            If any of the PICCOs match the corresponding shape of   and Jodi Craigo, Ph.D., all of Pitt; Elton Chaves, Ph.D., Roberto
                                                        an antibody in the blood sample, the antibody will hook onto   Lins, Ph.D., and Marli T. Cordeiro, M.D., all of Oswaldo Cruz
         A newly discovered Zika virus-specific synthetic molecule   them and researchers can “fish” it out. The presence of an   Foundation in Brazil; Nicholas G. Paciaroni, Ph.D., and Graham
      is capable of differentiating Zika-immune patient samples from   antibody against a virus in someone’s blood means that they   Carlson, Ph.D., both of Deluge Biotechnologies in Florida;
      samples of patients previously infected with the related dengue   were previously infected with or vaccinated against that virus,   and Tereza Magalhães, Ph.D., of Texas A&M University and
      virus. The technology may lead to the development of better   prompting their immune system to produce antibodies.  Universidade Federal da Bahia in Brazil.
      diagnostics and vaccine candidates, scientists announced today      “The technology is amazing. You don’t need to know the      News release written by Kaleigh Connors for the University
      in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  sequence, or the structure or even the pathogen,” said co-  of Pittsburgh School of Public Health.
         The study, led by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh   senior author Donald Burke, M.D., Pitt Public Health dean      This research was funded by a grant from the National
      School of Public Health and The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps   emeritus. “As long as you have chosen the right sets of patient   Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (R01AI127677).
      Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology, is the first   blood samples to compare, you can tease out the important
      to apply an innovative “epitope surrogate” technology to Zika.   antibodies that differ between the patient sets – along with the
      Until now, researchers and clinicians have lacked diagnostic   corresponding synthetic molecule biomarkers.”
      tools to easily differentiate between prior infections with      The researchers identified 40 PICCOs that engaged Zika
      different flaviviruses, a family of mostly mosquito- and tick-  virus antibodies. After screening against dengue-positive   Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing
      borne viruses that include Zika and dengue. This has posed   blood, one PICCO, dubbed CZV1-1, was particularly good at   Palm Beach County and is a privately
      challenges for clinical-epidemiologic studies, viral diagnostics   hooking Zika antibodies, but not dengue. This single CZV1-  owned and managed company.
      and vaccine development.                          1 PICCO synthetic molecule correctly identified people   Captain’s is committed to providing
         Chemistry Professor Thomas Kodadek, Ph.D., says the new   previously infected with Zika virus 85.3% of the time and   dependable, reliable and professional
      diagnostic does not require refrigeration, making it useful in   only generated false positives in 1.6 percent of tests, rates   ground transportation to and from all
                                                                                                            South Florida Airports and Seaports.
      remote locations.                                 comparable to COVID-19 antibody tests.                                             PBCVH212
         “If you go to places like Brazil, nearly everybody is going      Castanha, Burke and co-senior author Ernesto T.A.   To reserve your vehicle:
      to have some immunity to dengue, and also to Zika,” says   Marques, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor in Pitt Public   561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890
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