Page 24 - Abacoa Community News- August '24
P. 24

Page 24, Abacoa
                                                        Northern Notes
      Tax Talk from page 22

      Art On Display                                    Awesome Opossums!                                  offspring will remain with

         With the goal to provide a pop of color in our service                                            the mother, sometimes riding
      centers, we have developed a unique partnership with   By Katie Roundtree,                           on her back, for another six
      Gulfstream Goodwill for the participants of their Re-  Director of Finance                           weeks. This earns her one
      Imagined Initiative to provide original paintings installed   and Administration,                    of her nicknames, “nature’s
      on art stands throughout our offices. These unique stands   Northern Palm Beach                      minivan.” Once weaned and
      are dual purposed, with one side serving as a backdrop   County Improvement                          ready to forage on their own,
      for driver’s license photos and the other side featuring      Virginia Opossums,                     the mother will shake any remaining offspring off her back
      the artwork.                                      the animal native to                               and move on to another area, leaving the young to continue
                                                        North America and, more                            on their own.
                                                        specifically,  Florida,  is  a                        Opossums, as omnivores, play a crucial role in the
                                                        misunderstood and one of                           ecosystem.  They consume plants, insects and small
                                                        nature’s more fascinating                          animals, and are known to scavenge for food in trash cans,
                                                        animals. It is the northernmost                    earning them the nickname “nature’s garbage man.” Their
                                                        marsupial in the world and North America’s only marsupial.   scavenging habits make them excellent cleanup crews,
                                                        A female opossum gives birth to tiny, underdeveloped young   helping to keep the environment free of waste.
                                                        opossums, who will grow up in the mother’s pouch for 8
                                                        to 10 weeks. Once the young emerge from the pouch, the   Northern Notes on page 25

         Gulfstream Goodwill offers Adult Day Training (ADT)
      programs to participants with intellectual and developmental
      disabilities, providing meaningful life enrichment activities.
      They serve thousands of vulnerable people across the Palm
      Beaches and Treasure Coast every year.
         The ADT programs are located in West Palm Beach
      and in Fort Pierce, serving upwards of 120 participants
      daily. The participants enjoy the Re-Imagined Initiative,
      where they experience guided art instruction, that allows
      self-expression and creativity. For more information on
      all of the programs of Gulfstream Goodwill Industries
      (GGI), please visit
      Text Messaging Delivered

         We understand how
      valuable your time is, which
      is why we have introduced
      a convenient way for you to
      keep track of your reservation
      at our office,  with our new
      text message reservation                                                                A College Preparatory Catholic High School
      reminder. You will receive
      a reminder notification                                                                 Our Vision is to build life’s champions
      when you schedule your                                                                           through FAITH, ACADEMICS,    SCAN TO  LEARN MORE
      reservation and then a second reminder the day before                                           SERVANT LEADERSHIP and a
      your reservation. No more worrying about forgetting or                                        STRONG FAMILY ATMOSPHERE.
      losing track of your reservation; we have you covered.
         Signing up is easy! When you schedule your reservation,                                     
      simply provide your mobile number, and check the box to                                                   West Palm Beach, FL
      receive SMS alerts and you will start receiving reminders.                                                      (561) 683-6266
      It is a hassle-free way to stay organized and punctual
      without any extra effort.
         We are committed to enhancing your experience by
      leveraging technology to simplify processes and save you
      time. We believe that with this new service, you will find   Are You Ready                                              Hurricane?
      managing your reservations more convenient and less
                                                              For The Next Storm?

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                                                          Generator must be installed and activated in order for the warranty to be applied. Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches reserves the right to rescind or change this
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