Page 20 - Abacoa Community News- August '24
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Page 20, Abacoa

      Digital Self-Harm Surges  from page 18               “Children learn in different ways, and we have found      In the last 18 months, MPFI staff have visited dozens of
                                                        that providing exciting hands-on activities helps them   schools and connected with 9,000 students and community
         • In 2021, rates increased further, with 11.9 percent   understand complicated concepts like genetics or brain   members. For teachers who have brought MPFI to their
      anonymously posting mean content and 9.3 percent   anatomy  –  even  at  the  elementary  school level,”  said   classrooms in the past, this new expansion of the program
      anonymously  cyberbullying  themselves.  Female  and   Dr.  Ilaria  Drago,  head  of  Outreach  and Advancement.   opens even more possibilities.
      non-heterosexual youth were significantly more likely to   “We are profoundly grateful to the generosity of David      Caitlin Holloway of  Wellington High School has
      engage in digital self-harm.                      Nicholson and John and Stephanie Pew. Their gift will   participated  in  MPFI’s  teacher  training  as  well  as
         • Students who experienced cyberbullying were five   impact thousands of students for years to come.”  classroom visits. As an educator, she saw firsthand
      to seven times more likely to have digitally self-harmed      The Ask Max initiative aims to bridge the gap   how MPFI’s education outreach impacted her students.
      compared to students who had not been cyberbullied.  between  the  research  conducted  at  MPFI  and  the   “Students often have a difficult middle school science
         • While there were no consistent race differences   broader community, fostering a greater understanding   experience and tend to check out in science classes in
      across all years, students from racial backgrounds   and  appreciation  for science. The curriculum-aligned   high school. Max Planck classroom visits reinstate joy
      other than white were more likely to anonymously post   activities will go beyond neuroscience to encompass a   in science and spark a love for learning,” she said.
      mean things about themselves online. Hispanic students   broad range of STEM-related topics such as genetics,      Susan Hahn of Eagles Landing Middle School in Boca
      were more likely than white students to anonymously   DNA, experimental design, microscopy, optogenetics   Raton agrees. “Students receive many benefits from this
      cyberbully themselves.                            and more. By bringing immersive science experiences   program. They are exposed to different career paths in science
         • Female and non-heterosexual youth are consistently   directly to schools, MPFI hopes to ignite curiosity and   and get an idea of what it takes to become a scientist. They
      more likely to engage in digital self-harm compared to male   passion for discovery among students of all ages.  get to practice the steps of the scientific method. Hands-on
      and heterosexual youth. Non-heterosexual youth particularly      “Our goal is not only to help students understand the   practice with variables, control groups, and trials will help
      show a significantly higher likelihood of participating in both   science but to be excited by it. Studies have shown that   them comprehend and remember the steps,” she said.
      forms of digital self-harm across all years.      students, particularly girls, will not consider a STEM-     To learn more about MPFI’s Ask Max program or to
         “Digital self-harm has been linked with major issues   related profession if they don’t have a positive experience   bring the program to your school, visit
      such as bullying, depression, eating disorders, physical   with science by their middle school years. We want to help   or email
      harm, sleep disturbances and even suicidal tendencies,”   every student in our region understand that they have what      1
      said  Sameer  Hinduja,  Ph.D.,  co-author,  a  professor  in   it takes to pursue a career in STEM, and that science is   beach/search/results/sci/2022-23/
      the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice within   fun and within their reach,” said Erica Eggerman, MPFI
      FAU’s  College  of  Social Work  and  Criminal  Justice,   education outreach coordinator.           Science On The Cutting Edge on page 21
      co-director of the Cyberbullying Research Center, and a
      faculty associate at the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard
      University. “With increasing global attention from youth-
      serving professionals on this phenomenon, it’s clear that
      digital self-harm is a significant public health issue that
      warrants further research to identify solutions that can
      serve as protective factors to forestall its incidence as
      well as its impact.”
         Several motivations have previously been identified                            $                    $ 100 OFF                  $ 250
      that contribute to digital self-harm such as self-hate, to be                       39Usually  95
      funny, to seek attention, the desire to look cool, to show                       SERVICE CALL WITH           ANY NEW            UV LIGHT WITH ANY
      resilience and toughness, or a cry for help.                                      ANY A/C REPAIR          WATER HEATER          NEW INSTALLATION
                                                                                                                                          ( 750 Value)
         “It’s also crucial to understand why young people                           CALL FOR SERVICE       CALL FOR SERVICE        CALL FOR SERVICE
      engage in digital self-harm and help them develop                              561-741-2825            561-741-2825           561-741-2825
      healthier coping mechanisms,” said Hinduja. “Moreover,                         Not valid with any other discounts,   Not valid with any other discounts,   Not valid with any other discounts,
      it’s essential that parents, educators and mental health                       offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount   offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount   offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount
      professionals working with young people extend                                 per transaction. Expires 9/10/24.  per transaction. Expires: 9/10/24.  per transaction. Expires: 9/10/24.
      support to all targets of online abuse in informal and
      conversational, as well as formal and clinical settings.”
         Study co-author is Justin Patchin, Ph.D., a professor
      of criminal justice, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
      and co-director of the Cyberbullying Research Center.

      MPFI Receives Generous

      Donations To Fund Mobile

      Science Outreach Initiative

         Last year, only 51 percent of Palm Beach County fifth-
      grade students and 46 percent of students in eighth grade
      passed state standardized science exams.  Now, with the help
      of a generous donation, the Max Planck Florida Institute for
      Neuroscience (MPFI) hopes to help improve those numbers.
         Philanthropists David Nicholson and John and Stephanie
      Pew have donated $50,000 each to MPFI’s education outreach
      program, enabling MPFI to purchase a customized van to take
      STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) activities
      to Palm Beach and Martin County schools. “Ask Max” will
      be a mobile science engagement program aimed at schools
      and community groups throughout the region.
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