Page 18 - Abacoa Community News- August '24
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Page 18, Abacoa
       roger dean stadiuM                                 science on tHe cutting edge

                                                                                                             To address this growing issue, researchers from Florida
      round-uP                                                                                               Atlantic University and the University of Wisconsin-Eau
                                                                                                           Claire analyzed three independent national surveys (2016,
                                                                                                           2019 and 2021) of teens in the United States ages 13 to

                                                                                                           17, to assess the prevalence of digital self-harm. They
                                                                                                           explored two measures of digital self-harm: if teens had
                                                                                                           anonymously posted something mean about themselves
                                                                                                           online in their lifetime and if they had anonymously
                                                         Digital Self-Harm Surges                          cyberbullied themselves online in their lifetime.
                                                                                                             Results of the study, published in the Journal of School

         MAY through SEPTEMBER                           Among U.S. Teens                                  Violence, reveal that a meaningful proportion of U.S. youth
                                                         From 2016 To 2021                                 has been involved in digital self-harm. Between 2019 and
                                                                                                           2021, approximately 9 to 12 percent of 13- to 17-year-
                                                                                                           olds in the United States engaged in digital self-harm, a
                                                         By Gisele Galoustian                              more than 88 percent increase since 2016. This upward
                                                                                                           trajectory,  particularly  among  specific  demographic
                                                                                                           groups, highlights the need for targeted interventions
                                                                                                           and support systems – especially given that research has
                                                                                                           shown a strong association between digital self-harm and
                                                                                                           traditional self-harm, as well as between digital self-harm
                  August 2024                                                                              and suicidality.
                                                                                                             The current study included three demographic

                                                                                                           variables: gender, race  and  sexual orientation,  and
                   Back to School Night!                                                                   also examined whether individuals who experienced
         Get Ready for school with our backpack &                                                          cyberbullying were more likely to engage in digital
        school supply giveaway! Presented by FPL +                                                         self-harm. Cyberbullying was defined as when someone
         Kids Club! Inflatable fun & post-game run                                                         repeatedly harasses, mistreats or makes fun of another
            the bases. Sat. August 3 @ 6:00 PM           Researchers explored gender, race and sexual orientation,   person (on purpose to hurt them) online or while using
            Nobel Meyer Bobble-head Giveaway!            and also examined whether teens who experienced   cell phones or other electronic devices.
                                                         cyberbullying were more likely to engage in digital self-harm.
                                                                                                             Among the study’s key findings:

         A select # of fans will receive a bobble-head                                                        • In 2016, 6.3 percent of students anonymously posted
               Present by Gorden & Partners                Adolescents worldwide have embraced social media and   mean content about themselves online, while 4.1 percent
                  Sat. August 10 @ 6:00pm               online platforms for self-expression and to explore their   anonymously cyberbullied themselves. Male students
                 Women Run the Diamond!                 identity. This freedom, however, can lead to risky behaviors,   were more likely than females to anonymously cyberbully
         Come on out and support the women in our       especially with limited adult supervision. For example, digital   themselves. Non-heterosexual students were significantly
                  community + Kids Club.                self-harm is a recent, emerging trend where individuals   more likely than heterosexual students to engage in both
                                                                                                           forms of digital self-harm.
                                                        anonymously post or share hurtful content about themselves
                    Sat. Aug. 17 @ 6:00                 online. This behavior can be mistaken for mistreatment by      • In 2019, rates increased, with 9 percent anonymously
              Baseball & Brews! + Fireworks!!           others, yet the perpetrator and victim are the same person.  posting mean content and 5.3 percent anonymously
          Come watch baseball & take part in some          First identified in 2010, digital self-harm has not received   cyberbullying themselves. Non-heterosexual youth
         beer tasting, then make sure to stick around   the same amount of scholarly scrutiny as other forms of self-  continued to exhibit higher rates of digital self-harm.
                                                        directed abuse and has not been widely addressed by adults
            for postgame fireworks + Kids Club.         working with youth.                                Digital Self-Harm Surges on page 20
                  Sat. August 24 @ 6:00pm

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