Page 1 - Abacoa Community News- August '24
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VOL. 25 NO. 8                                                                              AUGUST 2024

                                                                                                               Due to the continued construction of Jupiter’s U.S. 1
                                                                                                            bridge the JTAA Christmas Parade will take place in Abacoa
                                                                                                            again this year.
       September Is National Suicide Prevention Month                                                       Theme: Ugly Christmas Sweaters Or T-Shirt!

                                                                                                               You can blame our neighbors to the north for this silly
                                                                                                            tradition that really gained steam in the 1980s, according to
          Come Out And Run Or Walk To Help Raise Awareness Of Suicide Prevention                            the Ugly Christmas Sweater Book. Ugly sweaters/T-shirts
       5K Saturday, Sept. 21, 7:30 to 10 a.m.                                                               are the trend and seemingly here to stay.
                                                                                                            Don’t Be Left Out

                                                                                                               Bring yourself, your business, your organization, group
                                                                                                            or nonprofit and join the fun participating in this annual
        Our mission is to prevent suicide among teenagers by providing support, resources and education     parade. Gather with your friends and colleagues and begin
      to promote mental health and well-being. We strive to create a world where every teenager feels       brainstorming about ugly sweaters/T-shirts now. This is a
      valued, supported and empowered to seek help when needed. We believe that suicide is preventable,     fun and whimsical theme children and adults will enjoy!
      and we are committed to raising awareness and reducing the stigma surrounding mental health.          It Takes A Community
      Through our programs and initiatives, we aim to promote resilience, foster hope and empower              If it takes a community to put on a community event
      teenagers to overcome the challenges they face. Our ultimate goal is to save lives and create a       then we need the community to pass on the word! Please
                                                                                                            “share” this event with your friends and groups and help
      brighter future for all teenagers.                                                                    us keep this long-held Jupiter community tradition alive!

                          In a recent survey, 22 percent of high school students                            Abacoa Welcomes on page 11
                              said that they had seriously considered suicide
                             within the past year, up from 16 percent in 2011.
                                                                                                                  Upcoming Events
        It’s important to remember that depression is a serious illness, and that suicide is never the
      answer. If you or someone you know is struggling with depression or thoughts of suicide, there                       Downtown Abacoa
      is help available. Reach out to a trusted adult, family member or mental health professional for                 Sept. 21 – Annies Choice 5K
      support. With help and support, it is possible to overcome even the most challenging struggles and                 Sept. 28 – Dastoberfest
      find hope and happiness in life once again. For more information, visit                 Oct. 19 – Stronger Than Cancer 5K
                                                                                                                         Abacoa Amphitheater
         If you or someone you                                                                                      Sept. 21 – Ticket to the Moon – ELO
          know is experiencing                                                                                        Oct. 19 – N2Nation – Motown
        suicidal thoughts, know
         that there are so many                                                                                      Dec. 8 – JTAA Christmas Parade!
       people who care and want
         to help. Please call the
       Suicide Prevention Center
       at 988 or go to 988lifeline.

                                                                                     See Concert
                                                                                       and Music
                                                                                         on Page 3
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