Page 9 - Abacoa Community News- August '24
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Abacoa, Page 9

       neigHborHood news

      Abacoa Resident Writer Fred Lichtenberg

      Introduces Fourth Mystery Book!

      Hello Abacoa Neighbors,                                                                              behind. Twenty years later, Hank Reed is hired to work the
         My fourth Hank Reed                                                                               still-cold case, not realizing his life is now in danger.
      mystery,  The Bridge to                                                                                 Whitestone, a place where I spent my teenage years,
      Murder, was published on                                                                             where  the  park,  the  East  River  and  the  jetty  were  my
      June 25. It begins under                                                                             playground. Where I fished and horsed around with friends,
      the Whitestone  Bridge,                                                                              and on lucky days, I’d make out with someone special.
      in Queens, N.Y., when an                                                                             (Do they still call it that?)
      evening of celebration for                                                                              My e-book and paperback are available on Amazon now
      18-year-old  Luca  Falcone                                                                           at
      and his friends quickly
      spirals into a nightmarish                                                                           Summertime
      ordeal when Luca disappears,
      leaving a murder scene                                                                               Plantings
        The Singles Scene August 2024

        How Does Matchmaking                               If you needed a sign this month--this is it! We can’t wait to   Many Gardeners In South
                                                                                                           Florida Find The Intense
        Work?                                           meet you too. Get ready for a revolution of love, friends! Summer
                                                        love is happily trending and flowing in our office. Also, look for
                                                        us in this month’s issue of Modern Luxury Magazine where we are   Heat Limits Their Options,
        By Kelly Leary, M.S. &                          featured as Dynamic Women of Palm Beach. We are so honored   But There Are Several
        Miranda Capparelli                              and we thank all of you for your support. We aim (our cupid
                                                        arrows) to date at a time! Pass on this good news.
        “When  I  met  you  in  the                     The world needs it, right? There is so much more fun to come   Vegetables That Thrive
        summer / To my heartbeat’s                      this Fall for you and for us. We can’t wait to meet you!
        sound / We fell in love as the                                                                     In These Conditions
        leaves turned brown.” ~~                        XOXO,
        Calvin Harris                                   Kelly & Miranda                                                            Eggplant,  okra,  peppers,
                                                        #WhyWaitJustDate   #Connected   #HomeOfTheBrave
           Happy August to all our                      #ConnectedPros  #TellYourFriends                                         sweet potatoes, southern peas,
        incredible couples, clients,                                                                                             watermelon, jicama, Seminole
        and friends. As summer winds                       Revolution Dating Founder
        down and we enter the reality                   and CEO, Kelly Leary, M.S.                                               pumpkin and loofa are a few good
        of an imminent Fall Season                      has 33 years in the dating                                               choices for summer planting.
        2024, it’s time  to  reflect  on                industry and a Master’s Degree                                           Sweet potatoes are particularly
        what we hoped to accomplish                     in Clinical Psychology. She
        over  the summer.  Did  you find summer  love? With  Halloween,   has also been written about                            flavorful and productive during
        Thanksgiving, and the big holidays on the horizon, filled with dinner   in  The Palm Beach Post,                         the hot season, especially when
        parties, events, and plus ones, now is the perfect time to get extra   PalmBeacher Magazine,                             the soil is enriched with compost.
        inspired.  Research shows: people who join in the summer are   Stuart News, Modern Luxury
        twice as likely to find their match by the holidays. Let us help you   Palm Beach, and  Modern                           Okra thrives as a summer staple,
        simplify your romantic goals. As always, if you are TAKEN--pass   Luxury Manhattan plus            provided the pods are harvested young and tender. Cow peas
        this positive news on to your SINGLE friends and family. The love   many more. Revolution Dating   and black-eyed peas are also excellent choices for South
        in us honors and appreciates the love in all of you.   members are pre-screened in-
           As you know, we have received the gold medal in our industry   person including background      Florida, boasting heat and drought tolerance while naturally
        for creating success in the club over and over again. Are you finally   checks. Professional photos are taken by the staff. Revolution   enriching the soil with nitrogen. Alternatively, planting
        ready for the podium win in your love life? There is no time like the   Dating is NOT online dating or blind dating. In addition to   summer cover crops such as hemp, sorghum or millet can
        present, and we invite you to be true to yourself and ditch the dating   providing matchmaking services that make singles “UN-single”
        apps this month. Luckily, we have no off-season, and this summer did   through their exclusive club memberships, Kelly and her team also   conserve soil moisture and suppress weeds effectively.
        not slow down for a moment. If you are single, divorced, or widowed   provide feedback from dates when appropriate. Mock Dates are      This  summer,  members
        and ready to mingle again, this is a great month to start. Welcome to   available by request. Single Coaching Sessions and Evaluations   of the Abacoa Community
        “Cuffing Season” where men and women pair off quickly.   are also available by request for non-members or as an add-on to   Garden are planting Seminole
        Step 1: Admit you are READY.                    some memberships. *All inquiries are confidential. *By demand, a   pumpkins along with okra and
                                                        Northeast/TriState area Hub is now available for East Coast USA
           Love is ageless. Our club helps men and women from their   clients that have have multiple homes. Do call the main hotline for   sweet  potatoes,  jicama  and
        twenties well into their happy eighties. Feeling the urge to connect?   booking information at 561-630-XOXO (9696) or learn more on
        You are ready. You have arrived.                our website at Revolution Dating :: Home of THE Award-Winning   heirloom loofa. Additionally,
        Step 2: Identify WHY.                           Matchmaker. This is a First Come, First Serve Model. Do get your   birdhouse gourds are growing
           Some people just want someone to go out to dinner with someone   name on the A-List today.      in the Children’s Garden.
        nice, while others want to get married and have children. Others
        realize life is passing them by and know they must do something                                    Several beds have been
        before it’s too late. Whatever your “why” is,  act on it. He who   Summer Love Rises at Revolution Dating  solarized as well—a method
        hesitates is lost.                                                                                 involving clear plastic tarps to
        Step 3: Make the Call!                             Upscale single, divorced, and widowed clientele are ready to live
           What’s holding you back? Nerves? Fear? Are you a skeptic?   and love offline and the demand for quality matchmakers is soaring.   trap heat and moisture. This
        Whatever your issue is, let it go. We’ve got you covered. No one   With record breaking match success, it is clear everyone enjoys   technique helps to eliminate
        ever progressed in life being fearful. Stick to the plan. Don’t deviate   the love we give. Revolution Dating specializes in screening and   weeds and microbes by denying
        from these steps. All inquiries are confidential. Your photos don’t   representing clients from the Northeast to Palm Beach for decades.
        have to be plastered all over the internet! This is a private one-on-one   Take a look at the love overflowing out of the Revolution Dating   them water and raising soil
        introductions club. Many people don’t want to be dating digitally for   offices in PGA Commons, and do tell your single friends. Why   temperatures, letting the soil
        reasons of privacy and/or their occupation will not allow it. You are   wait? Just date. Book your first interview today. Summer is winding   rest until fall planting season.
        one 15 minute phone call away from a life change.   down and it’s time to REV UP your love life.  #TellYourFriends
        Step 4: Meet THE Matchmakers--Secure Your Appointment   #LoveMoreIn2024                               This aerial photo captures
        Today.                                                                                             a unique perspective of the
           Proceed by going through the screening process developed over                                   garden, which despite the heat
        33 years in the business. If we like you and you like us, simply join
        the club! We call this “The Enrollment Phase,” which occurs in person                              looks very green and productive.
        face-to-face in our gorgeous headquarters in the PGA Commons Art,                                     Garden membership
        Dating, and Dining District, where we have thrived since 2014 and                                  runs from Aug. 1 to July 31.
        Step 5: Lights. Camera. Action.                                                                    Download  forms  at https://
           “The Biography Phase” comes next. This is your second time in the                     
        office. This is typically an onsite photoshoot taken by a professional                             community-garden or find
        photographer. For VIPs, we may do this shoot on location at your
        home by request. Our waterfront coastal clients love this feature.                                 one in the outside mailbox at
        You will not be dealing with the common catfish that swim around   Spreading Love Around our       the garden entrance at 1022 Community Drive. There is
        the silly dating apps using fake photos and fake personas. We create   Business Neighborhood   Miranda  Meets  a   a waiting list for independent beds but if interested, just
        your beautiful Revolution Dating Bio so you can officially be matched   #ArtsDiningDatingDistrict   Revolutionary Couple Out
        with intention, much like meeting through a friend. No impersonal   #PGA  and About! #ThisIsUs #Love   check the box. Stop by, especially Saturday morning, and
        algorithms here!                                                         #Friendship               check out our Facebook page.
        Step 6: Spread Your Wings.
           Let the fun and matchmaking begin. Step out with confidence
        as you date quality singles one at a time. Report back to us when
        you have a question about your date or want to move to the next
        introduction. Date feedback is important, too, and so helpful.  We
        play “wing girl” for you, in essence. Everything can be done over
        the phone, in person, or through email/mail after your Revolution
        Dating Bio is complete--meaning  you only have to come to the
        office twice in person, ideally. It’s your preference. This makes it
        effortless for the busy professional or retiree. We meet everyone at   Palm  Beach  Island
        least twice in a loving positive environment--not in a public place.   Catches Our Love
        Real matchmakers have a well-established brick and mortar location   Movement  Vibes!   Beautiful New   More Client Love
        which is long standing--like us!                                Client Drop: A NYC   Delivered to the
                                                                        Fashion  Designer!   Office! #BestOf2024
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