Page 7 - Abacoa Community News- August '24
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                                                                                                                                              Abacoa, Page 7
      Cardinal Newman High School Honors Alumni

      And Benefactors At 2024 Legacy Awards

         Cardinal Newman High                                                                              contributions, which positively promoted CNHS to the
      School (CNHS) hosted the                                                                             community. White earned her Juris Doctorate from Loyola
      Ninth Annual  Crusader                                                                               University School of Law and has practiced law in Palm
      Legacy Awards  and                                                                                   Beach County while being deeply involved in volunteer
      Crusader Fund Appreciation                                                                           work at CNHS and other schools.
      Reception on May 23 at Mary                                                                             The Legacy Honorary Alumni Award was presented
      Immaculate Catholic Church                                                                           to Karen Lower, Peggy Skantar and Rev. Ducasse
      in West  Palm  Beach. The                                                                            Francois. This award is given to friends of CNHS who
      reception honored alumni                                                                             are not alumni but whose contributions through activities
      and benefactors of the school                                                                        demonstrate leadership and continued support. Lower has
      who have demonstrated                                                                                dedicated over 45 years to youth ministry and Catholic
      outstanding achievements                                                                             education, including various roles at CNHS. Skantar has
      and contributions to CNHS                                                                            contributed significantly to CNHS’s religious education
      and the community. Interim                                                                           program as a religion teacher for 27 years and in various
      President John Clarke                                                                                other roles.
      and Principal  Ed  Curtin                                                                               Rev. Ducasse, has served in several parishes for over
      presented the 2024 awards to                                                                         20 years and is currently the Dean of the diocesan Central
      deserving recipients in five  Ed Curtin, Paula White, Ann Frearson, Karen Lower, Rev. Ducasse Francois, Allie Kleisley,   Deanery, supporting the school’s mission.
      distinctive categories.   Rev. Michael Cairnes, Tim Hulett, John Clarke                                 The Legacy Business Person of the Year Award was
         “This year’s Legacy                                                                               given  to Tim  Hulett  ’71.  Hulett  grew  his  father’s  pest
      Award winners embody the spirit of service and dedication      The Legacy Community Leadership Award was given   control business into Hulett Environmental Services,
      that defines our community,” said John Clarke, CNHS   to Allison Kleisley ’91 for her leadership at CNHS and   employing over 200 people. He supports several
      interim president. “Their contributions have profoundly   the community. Kleisley served as a teacher, cheerleading   community initiatives, including CNHS’s football
      impacted both our school and the broader community.”  coach, senior class moderator, and director of admissions   program,  annual  gala,  and  the  Shaping  the  Future
         The Legacy Crusader Service Award was presented to   at CNHS. She co-created the school mascot, Big Blue, led   Campaign.
      Father Michael Cairnes ’04 for his service to CNHS and   Cross Catholic Outreach Food Packing Events at CNHS      For more information about Cardinal Newman High
      the community. Cairnes has served in various parishes   and serves as Congressional Award Advisor for students   School, visit
      and is now the Parochial Vicar at St. Ignatius of Loyola   in our community.
      Cathedral. He remains active on the CNHS campus,      The Legacy Alumni Recognition Award went to Paula
      frequently presiding over Masses.                 White ’91 for her professional achievements and volunteer
      It’s The Law!

      Did You Know That,                                residence is distributed at a decedent’s death. If a Florida      Jupiter Law Center is a private neighborhood law firm
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                                                        children, the surviving spouse may inherit the entire
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      probate proceeding, such                          for a physically or mentally disabled beneficiary in
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      financial accounts via joint                      beneficiary’s name. Therefore, such assets do not count
      ownership or via designated                       as that beneficiary’s assets for the purposes of Medicaid
      beneficiary forms. You can                        eligibility. The SNT allows the trust assets and any income
      also title assets in a living                     from such assets to improve the beneficiary’s quality of
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      no court involvement is                           not covered by Medicaid (such as personal grooming,
      necessary.                                        entertainment, technology like computers and  TVs,
         Florida’s  homestead  laws impact how the primary   massages and transportation).

                 Susan Has Moved To A                                                                       Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
                                                                                                            Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
                                                                                                            the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.
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