Page 10 - Abacoa Community News- August '24
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Page 10, Abacoa
      Back To School

                                 As summer draws to a   School Safety Tips                                 Litter Literacy – Let’s Curb
                               close, August marks the time
                               for preparing to go back to      Below tips are sourced from Palm Beach Schools’ site  Litter!
                               school.  We  wish  students,   “School Safety-Palm Beach County School District Police
                               staff, and parents a safe and   Department” and Palm Beach Schools’ site “I am school      Back-to-school litter
                               healthy year.            safety – A Guide for Parents.” For more information and   prevention is essential
                                 Below highlighted tips are   a broader view, please visit  for  maintaining  a
      sourced from the National Safety Council “Transportation   Page/11019.                               healthy and clean
      Safety Tips.” For more information and a broader view,      • Be sure all of your emergency contact information is   learning environment.
      please visit  current and correct.                       Littering is often caused
      hool+safety.                                         •  Keep  the  school nurse  informed  of  any  medical   by individuals who do
                                                        conditions/medications.                            not understand the
      Transportation Safety Tips                           • Identify who is authorized to pick up your child.  consequences of their
                                                           • Make sure your child knows their parent or guardian’s   actions. Unfortunately,
      Drivers Must Be Vigilant And Aware As School Begins  name, address and phone number.                 this is a problem that
         Set a good example: Drive the way you want your teen      • All visitors, including parents, must sign in to the main   affects us all.
      to drive. Teen drivers’ car crashes are the No. 1 cause of   office, present a picture ID to office personnel and obtain      Litter can create a
      death for teens. Practice with new drivers every week. Avoid   a visitor’s badge/pass. Florida Statute: 810.097 Trespass   large range of sometimes
      teen carpools. Did you know? A single young passenger in   upon the grounds or facilities of a school; penalties: arrest.   unperceived problems,
      a vehicle with a teen driver increases fatal crash risk by 44   (1) Any person who (a) Does not have legitimate business   thereby affecting students’ learning. For example, when
      percent.                                          on  the  campus  or  any  other  authorization,  license,  or   food waste isn’t put into a trash can where it can be carried
      E-Bikes/Bike Riders                               invitation to enter or remain upon school property; or (b)   away in a safe and timely manner, it can quickly become an
         Teach your child the                           Is a student currently under suspension or expulsion.  unhealthy breeding area for bugs and bacteria. Especially
      laws and rules of the                                • Schools are required to practice emergency response   here in Florida, the combination of the improperly discarded
      road. Practice riding bike                        procedures by conducting practice drills throughout the   organic waste, moisture and warm air creates the perfect
      routes. Make sure your                            school year. These practice drills include Evacuation (Fire   environment for dangerous bacteria to multiply quickly.
      child always wears bright                         Drill), Lockdown, Shelter in Place and Severe Weather.     Litter can be bad for school morale and bad for the
      clothing and a properly                              • Please be aware that during practice drills, the parent   school’s image. Distracting and demotivating to students,
      fitted helmet. Find the right fit for a bike helmet at https://  will be asked to participate in the drill and follow response   litter has the potential to affect mental health. When there is  procedures according to the drill.             a lot of dirt and trash around school, it makes it less enjoyable
      helmets-find-the-right-fit.                          • If you arrive at the campus during a lockdown drill,   to be at school. Cleaner playgrounds create clearer minds,
      Walkers                                           you will be asked to wait outside the campus until the drill   enhancing children’s happiness and connection with nature.
         Review your family’s walking safety rules and practice   concludes. If you are inside the building and are asked      Trash on school grounds can create wear and tear on
      walking to school with your child.                to go into lockdown, you will not be able to leave until   the landscape and other areas, damaging school property.
      Cell Phones – Deadly Distraction                  the drill has ended. If you are picking up your child from   Heavy flooding, as Florida is quite susceptible to, can drag
         Remind your children of the dangers of walking while   school, you will be asked to wait until after the drill has   debris around, clogging pipes and drainage areas. This can
      using a mobile device. Go over safety tips for year-round   ended.                                   become costly school maintenance and also create other
      practice. Head Up – Phone Down: See                                                     neighborhood, township, roadways, oceans, lakes, rivers and
      community-safety/safety-topics/school-safety/head-up-  Resources                                     other environmental area problems.
      phone-down for more tips.                                                                               Littering can contaminate soil and water, harm wildlife,
      Driving Your Child                                   School District Bullying Hotline: (561) 982-0900  and even cause injury or death to animals. In fact, 60 percent
         Avoid distracted                                  Student Crime Stoppers: (800) 458-TIPS (8477)   of water pollution is attributed to litter. In addition to water
      driving. Stay extra alert                            Student Protect App: The Nation’s No. 1 app technology   and land pollution, litter can also pollute the air.
      to school zones, buses                            for students, parents, staff and faculty to anonymously   Littering Costs Everyone!
      and children.                                     report  threats and suspicious  activity,  receive instant      For more information and ideas on combating litter on
      Bus Riders                                        school-specific safety alerts and notifications and make   school grounds, visit the following sites:
         Teach your children                            one-touch instant 911 calls that send law enforcement to      •
      school bus safety rules.                          your exact location for help.                         •
      Review school zone and crossing signs and rules. Get the   Available for free on Android                •
      facts at  and iOS.                             4Rs-Lesson2.pdf
      school-bus/.                                         F ollow   @P BCSD   on                             •
         Buses are considered the safest transportation for school   Facebook,  Twitter  and               lessons-dont-litter/
      children,  Instagram! The School District’s                 •
      school-safety/buses-safest-transportation-for-school-  Office  of  Communications  is                browse?search=litter%20activity
      children.                                         the epicenter for all breaking news.
      School Drop-Off
         Make sure you know your child’s specific school’s
      procedures. For the safety of all kids, don’t double park or
      drop children across the street.
         Choose a backpack for your child carefully. It should
      have ergonomically designed features to enhance safety and
      comfort and use both straps for proper weight distribution.
         For more information and a broader view, please visit
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