Page 17 - PGA Community News- July '24
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July 2024                                                                  July 2024                                                   PGA C.A.N.!, Page 17
      Mass School Shooting Avoided – Palm Beach North

      Chamber Of Commerce Recognizes Local First Responders

         In a heartfelt ceremony organized by the Palm Beach   individuals. In addition to the Call of the Year honorees,
      North Chamber of Commerce, local first responders were   the  ceremony  celebrated  several  other  first  responders
      honored for their exceptional bravery and dedication to   for their significant contributions to community service.
      the community at the 6th Annual Valor and Community   Officer James Lovett of the Palm Beach Gardens Police
      Service Awards. Among the most notable honorees were   Department was honored for his outstanding work in
      Officer Kevin Sales-Lopez, Officer Christian  Wyatt   community policing. Driver Engineer Timothy Hewitt
      and Sergeant Joseph Counihan of the Jupiter Police   of Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue received accolades
      Department, who received the distinguished Call of the   for his dedication to public safety and education, while
      Year Award. Their heroic actions in thwarting a potential   Fire  Medic  Fred Vaccaro and  Fire Medic Frank  Rossi
      mass casualty school shooting and a subsequent attack on   of North Palm Beach Fire Rescue were recognized for
      a church have left an indelible mark on the community   their exceptional service and commitment to emergency
      and highlighted the unwavering commitment of our local   medical care.
      heroes to public safety.                             Commissioner Maria Marino remarked, “I’d like to
         The event, held in Palm Beach Gardens on July 12,   personally thank you all for your exceptional character
      brought together a wide cross-section of the community,   and willingness to go the extra mile. All of us can be
      with hundreds in attendance to show their appreciation.   proud  of  the  work  our  first  responders  contribute  to   Commissioner Maria Marino, Chase Bauer, Captain Robert
      Commissioner Maria Marino, Mayor Chelsea Reed     keep us all safe.” The Palm Beach North Chamber of   Hetzel
      of Palm Beach Gardens and Mayor Jim Kuretski of   Commerce echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the
      Jupiter joined the gathering to pay tribute to these brave   importance of recognizing and celebrating those who   go above and beyond in the line of duty. The 6th Annual
                                                                                                           Valor and Community Service Awards continue to serve
                                                                                                           as a testament to the courage, dedication and resilience of
                                                                                                           our local first responders, whose actions inspire and uplift
                                                                                                           the entire community.
                                                                                                              For more information, visit


                                                                                                                  People are vandalizing golf
                                                                                                                courses after play hours. Sand
                                                                                                                traps, greens and fairways are
                                                                                                             being damaged. If you see anyone
                                                                                                                on courses after hours, please
                                                                                                              call POA Security at 627-1600 or
                                                                                                                  Resort Security, 627-2000.
      Mike Bauer, Christian Wyatt, Kevin Sales-Lopez, Cory Bessette, Timothy “TJ” Hewitt, Fred Vacarro, Scott Freseman, Frank              Thank you.
      Rossi, Noel Martinez
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