Page 16 - PGA Community News- July '24
P. 16

Page 16, PGA C.A.N.!                                                  July 2024                                                                                                                                                      July 2024
      Lighthouse ArtCenter Hosts Summer Camp

      And ‘Stitching Spectacular’ Exhibition For Kids

         This  s ummer ,                                These workshops delve into fused glass, jewelry making,      For more information about Lighthouse ArtCenter’s
      Lighthouse ArtCenter                              recycled collage techniques and more, empowering teens   summer offerings and the Stitching Spectacular
      (LAC)  in Tequesta                                to unleash their creativity and develop new skills.  exhibition, visit
      invites children and
      families to dive into a
      world of creativity with                            Financial Focus                          ®
      its exciting summer
      camp and the enchanting
      “Stitching Spectacular”                             Be Careful When Naming                             However, in community property states, couples are
      exhibition.                                         Beneficiaries                                    generally required to split equally all assets they acquired
         Running through                                                                                   during their marriage. When couples divorce, the community
      Aug. 2, the Stitching                                                                                property laws require they split their assets 50/50, but only
      Spectacular  exhibition                             By Sally Sima Stahl                              those assets they obtained while they lived in that state.
      at LAC features the                                    You might not have                            If you were to stay in the same community property state
      exquisite textile art of Irem Yazici. It brings scenes to   thought much about                       throughout your marriage and divorce, the ownership issue
                                                                                                           is generally straightforward, but if you were to move to or
      life from the beloved children’s book Princess Pinecone   beneficiary designations                   from one of these states, it might change the joint ownership
      and the Wee Royals by C.C. Bernstein. Each intricately   — but they can play a big                   picture.
      stitched piece vividly captures the imagination, portraying   role in your estate planning.            Thus far, we’ve only talked about beneficiary designation
                                                            When  you  purchase
      the adventures of Princess Pinecone and her tiny friends.  insurance policies and open               issues surrounding divorce. But if an ex-spouse — or any
         In addition to  Yazici’s artwork, the exhibition   investment accounts, such                      beneficiary — passes away, the assets will generally pass to
      showcases eight collaborative textile yarn upcycle projects   as your IRA, you’ll be                 a contingent beneficiary — which is why it’s important that
      crafted by LAC’s summer campers. These unique pieces,   asked to name a beneficiary,                 you name one at the same time you designate the primary
      reflecting the camp’s weekly themes, are available for a   and, in some cases, more                  beneficiary. Also, it may be appropriate to name a special
      $300 donation. Every contribution supports a scholarship   than one. This might seem                 needs trust as beneficiary for a family member who has
      for a child to attend a week of LAC’s ArtCamp.      easy, especially if you have a spouse and children, but if you   special needs or becomes disabled. If this individual were
         Princess Pinecone and the Wee Royals was born from   experience a major life event, such as a divorce or a death in   to be the direct beneficiary, any assets passing directly into
                                                                                                           their hands could affect their eligibility for certain programs.
      the bedtime stories Bernstein’s mother shared with her.   the family, you may need to make some changes — because     You may need to work with a legal professional to sort
      The book centers on the adventures of Princess Pinecone   beneficiary designations carry a lot of weight under the law.  out beneficiary designation issues and the rules that apply
      and her miniature companions and carries messages of     In fact, these designations can supersede the instructions   in your state. But you may also want to do a beneficiary
                                                          you may have written in your will or living trust, so everyone
      empathy, forgiveness and kindness.                  in your family should know who is expected to get which   review with your financial advisor whenever you experience
         The  mastermind  behind  the  enchanting  stitchings,   assets. One significant benefit of having proper beneficiary   a major life event, such as a marriage, divorce or the addition
      Irem Yazici, hails from Eskisehir, Turkey. A self-taught   designations in place is that they may enable beneficiaries   of a new child. Your investments, retirement accounts and
      embroidery artist with boundless creativity, Yazici’s work   to avoid the time-consuming — and possibly expensive —   life insurance proceeds are valuable assets — and you want
      has earned international acclaim and has been featured   probate process.                            them to go where you intended.
      in esteemed publications such as, Vice’s     The beneficiary issue can become complex because not     This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
      The Creator’s Project, and Vogue.                   everyone reacts the same way to events such as divorce —   your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
         Running from June 3 to Aug. 2, LAC’s Summer ArtCamp   some people want their ex-spouses to still receive assets   Member SIPC.
                                                                                                             Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
      offers children aged 5 to 11 an immersive artistic experience.   while others don’t. Furthermore, not all the states have the   all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.
      Each week of camp features exciting themes like “Surfin’   same rules about how beneficiary designations are treated   Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and
      Safari” and “Space Odyssey,” providing participants   after a divorce. And some financial assets are treated   Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
                                                          differently than others.
      with opportunities to explore various art forms, including     Here’s the big picture: If you’ve named your spouse   of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of
      drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture.       as a beneficiary of an IRA, bank or brokerage account,   New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency
         For older aspiring artists, LAC offers dynamic one-  insurance policy, will or trust, this beneficiary designation   of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      day workshops for teens aged 12 to 16, priced at $136.   will automatically be revoked upon divorce in about half the     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
                                                          states. So, if you still want your ex-spouse to get these assets,   cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified
                                                          you will need to name them as a non-spouse beneficiary after   tax advisor regarding your situation.
                                                          the divorce. But if you’ve named your spouse as beneficiary     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
                                                          for a 401(k) plan or pension, the designation will remain   1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
                                                          intact until and unless you change it, regardless of where
                                                          you live.

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