Page 13 - PGA Community News- July '24
P. 13

July 2024                                                                  July 2024                                                   PGA C.A.N.!, Page 13
      Dye Preserve Well Represented

      At This Year’s PGA Championship

         The Dye Preserve was perhaps the most-represented club in   Preserve member Alex Noren. Corey Connors tied for 26th,   won twice this year on the LIV
      the United States at the recent PGA Championship. Amazingly,   and Joaquin Niemann was T39.          Golf circuit and also captured
      eight members from the private club in Jupiter qualified for the      Pavon and Pendrith qualified for the PGA by winning PGA   the  Australian Open last
      year’s second major championship. That’s more than 5 percent   Tour events this year, two of them in record fashion. Pavon   December, earning him special
      of the field at Valhalla Golf Club.               prevailed at the Farmers Insurance Open in late January to   exemptions into the Masters
         A Dye Preserve member didn’t get a chance to lift the   become the first Frenchman to win on the PGA Tour in more   and PGA Championship.
      Wanamaker Trophy that goes to the winner, but they had a   than a century and Pendrith was the first Canadian to win the      Burmester won a pair of
      very respectable showing.                         CJ Cup Byron Nelson.                               DP European Tour titles late
         Dean Burmester was in contention on Saturday before      The success of the Dye Preserve members also has been   last year and followed that up
      finishing tied for 12th, a position he shared with fellow Dye   evident on LIV Golf Tour and the DP European Tour. Niemann has   with a playoff win over Sergio
                                                                                                           Garcia at LIV Golf Miami.
      2024 Annual Valor And                                                                                  of Colombia, another Dye   Daniel Berger. Photo by
                                                                                                             Cristobal Del Solar
                                                                                                                                    Getty Images.
      Community Service Awards                                                                             Preserve member, shot a
                                                                                                           record-breaking 57 this year on the Korn Ferry Tour, the lowest
                                                                                                           round ever in a PGA Tour-sanctioned event.
                                                                                                              “We are very proud of what our professional members have
         Hundreds gathered in attendance this morning to celebrate   exceptional dedication. Fire Medics Fred Vaccaro and Frank   accomplished, including qualifying for the PGA,” said Kurt
      and recognize our local first responders in Palm Beach   Rossi were also honored with Community Service Awards   Thompson, the Dye Preserve’s general manager. “We’d like to
      North at the Annual Valor and Community Service Awards   for their outstanding service. The highlight of the ceremony   think the high quality of our Pete Dye-designed course and the
      put on by the Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce.   was the Call of the Year Award, given to Officer Kevin   practice facilities have played a role in their success.”
      Commissioner Maria Marino opened the program with the   Sales-Lopez, Officer Christian Wyatt, and Sergeant Joseph      Many of the Dye Preserve’s professionals say they joined
      Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the presentation of colors   Counihan. Their impactful story of preventing a mass school   the club in large part because of the course, which was designed
      by the Village of North Palm Beach Honor Guard. It was a   shooting in the area resonated deeply with the audience, who   by the brilliant Dye in 1988 (when it was known as Cypress
      heartfelt event honoring those who serve our community.   responded with enthusiastic applause and appreciation for   Links) and renovated by him in 2002.
      Driver Engineer Timothy Hewitt and Officer James Lovett   their bravery and dedication.                 It helps to be able to play well on Dye’s unique designs
      received the Community Service Award, recognizing their                                              because they are used at four PGA Tour events this year:
                                                                                                           American Express, the Players, RBC Heritage and Zurich
                                                                                                           Classic of New Orleans.
                                                                                                              “Good players want to practice with other good players,
                                                                                                           because it makes everyone better,” said longtime Jupiter
                                                                                                           resident Daniel Berger, who joined the Dye Preserve when he
                                                                                                           was 13 and has encouraged many of his fellow professionals to
                                                                                                           become members. “What most of us love about Dye Preserve
                                                                                                           is it’s all about the golf.”
                                                                                                              The Dye Preserve already would have had a PGA champion
                                                                                                           had member Mito Pereira not double-bogeyed the 72nd hole
                                                                                                           at the 2022 PGA at Southern Hills, missing a playoff by a
      Commissioner Maria                                District Chief Scott Freseman, Fire Medic Frank Rossi, Fire   shot. But there will be more opportunities for Dye Preserve
      Marino, Chase Bauer      Commissioner Maria Marino  Medic Fred Vaccaro, Nicole Sidaway, Noel Martinez  members to win a major.

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