Page 8 - Boca ViewPointe- July '24
P. 8

Page 8, Viewpointe                                                    July 2024
      Welcome Back To The Fascinating World Of Feng Shui!!!

      By Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera P.H.D.              In the case of artificial light, which is essential because   his face.” Although this article does not aim to talk about
                                                        it helps illuminate those rooms with its irradiation, whose   psychology, mental health or medicine, we consider that
         In this meeting we will talk today about light, lighting   location, in relation to the entry of natural light, is not   the contribution that light generates is a beacon that can
      and its importance.                               ideal or what is needed.                           even generate changes in our lives.
         When we talk about natural light, the one provided      In a room where the light is of little intensity, the flow      Something that seems very simple but that implies
      by the sun, it plays a preponderant role in the millenary   of energy cannot carry out its work of spiral “cleaning” in   a change of energy from negative to positive, because
      science of Feng Shui, because  fire is one of the five   its journey through the environments, because it requires   having light or darkness is a trivial matter, that is, we
      elements that make it up. At the same time, it transmits   the force of the element fire, in conjunction with the other   can turn lights on or off at will, but there is a difference,
      heat, energy, balance and harmony to the spaces; and   four elements that constitute the science of Feng Shui, do   when we enter a site without light, we do it with caution,
      especially to homes where clarity and warmth provide   your due and constant work. That will be constant to the   call  it  fear,  fear  of falling, stumbling, not seeing  that
      good lighting, giving comfort to the environments.   extent that the spaces have free where to run their journey   people bother, in short, any situation that may generate
                                                        to energize them.                                  an unexpected event. Otherwise we enter an illuminated
        Lease Renewals                                    therefore, if we refer to a place of surgeries in a hospital,   room where we have a clear view of the panorama, even
                                                           Lighting brings joy, joy, energy, desire to be active,
                                                                                                           before entering completely, it generates confidence, that
                                                        a classroom, offices of any kind, spaces where human
                                                                                                             It is therefore advisable to reflect on the above

                                                        beings coexist and share experiences and daily life, they   is the big difference.
           Renters-  If  you  plan  to  renew  your  lease   NEED adequate lighting for the activity in question, light   described  so far,  so  that  our  spaces  have a constant
        at Boca Pointe, please provide the BPCA         being a preponderant factor.                       positive energy, since their lighting will allow this energy
                                                           Understanding that electrical energy is not a service
        Management office  a copy of  your renewal        that implies a negative expense, but rather well managed,   to do its work without stopping and, in turn, its route
                                                                                                           “cleanses” the rooms and promotes well-being, joy and
        lease and vehicle registration prior to your lease   it  is  a  resource  that  can  give  optimal  results.  Let’s   everything that is harmonious for the inhabitants and
        expiration date. Both items are needed to ensure   illuminate the spaces, because that is how the joy, the   members of the family, company and human groups. The
        that your transponder does not get deactivated   sun, the fire, that our ancestors gave it, will enter. It’s   importance of light is vital for the flow of positive energy
        when the lease ends. Please email to admin@     vitally important. My maternal grandmother used to say:   or CHI.                                 ... “Where sunlight enters, the doctor does not enter.” ...     BALANCE SHOULD ALWAYS BE YOUR GUIDE
          Thank you!                                      Her analyzed message wants to advise us that light   WHEN APPLYING THE FENG SHUI CURES.
                                                        and implicit energy provide us with the desire to live, to      Until the next installment, wishing you a better quality
                                                        do, to work, to undertake and endless things that promote   of life and with it better mental health. Do not hesitate to
                                                        movement. An excellent example of this is what happens   contact us to tell us about your experiences when applying
                                                        in hospitals to encourage people in their rooms. The   the cures or for a diagnosis.
         Are You Watching                               first thing the staff does when entering the premises is      Milagros
                                                        to draw the curtains, open the windows and “Let there
                                                                                                             Author Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera, Feng
                                                        be Light” but why is this? Simply when those rays of
         Your Speed?                                    light enter and illuminate the room there is an energy   Shui Specialist, is a resident of the Plum. Email:
                                                        that will motivate the person confined there, even if he
                                                        is somewhat depressed, it will bring “that ray of light to
           Please obey all posted speed limit
        signs throughout Boca Pointe for the                                    4.0 % COMMISSION ON NEW LISTINGS!!
        safety of our residents. As a reminder,                                    NOW IS THE TIME FOR THE QUICKEST SALE WITH THE HIGHEST PROFIT!
        the speed limits are as follows:                                            Prudence J. (PJ) Carswell
           Boca Pointe Drive 30mph
           Via de Sonrisa del Norte 25mph                                                         REALTOR EMERITUS 42 Years
           Promenade Drive 20mph                                                                  WOULD LOVE YOUR BUSINESS! ª
           SPEEDING  FINES  ARE                                                                   Direct: (954) 242-4260
        BEING ENFORCED!!                                                                         7170 PROMENADE, BOCA POINTE       OFFERED FOR SALE
                                                                                                        CALL FOR PREVIEW!
                                                                                                 This beautifully appointed 3 Bdrm  Convertible Condo
                                                                                                           AMAZING  VIEWS!
                                                                                       Complete with BEST Covered Parking Space at lobby entrance.  Approx 1900 sq ft
        Dear Boca Pointe                                                                      Like to walk ?  8 min walk to Clubhouse .. beautiful pool area.
                                                                                                          ALL IMPACT WINDOWS
                                                                                                  Fabulous oversized Master En Suite plus office/den!
        Dog Owners:                                                              Please call or text me 24 -7

           We  have  had  a  few  recent
        complaints from residents
        who have had uncomfortable
        encounters with dogs
        off leash around
        the property. We
        are reaching out
        to our residents to
        remind  them  of  our
        rules  concerning  keeping dogs  on  leashes and
        cleaning pet litter. As a resident of Boca Pointe you
        must: Keep your dog on a leash. All dogs must be
        controlled on a leash by an able-bodied person, at
        all times, whenever the dog is on property. Also, you
        must clean up and properly dispose of pet waste when
        your pet relieves itself. Knowing and abiding by our
        community’s animal-related ordinances will help
        make our neighborhood a better place for everyone.
        Thank you! 

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