Page 10 - Boca ViewPointe- July '24
P. 10

Page 10, Viewpointe                                                   July 2024
      Ed Roebuck—The Fungo King

      By William A. Gralnick                            1949 reported to Newport News, a Class B team in the   Stadium in St. Louis, cleared the roof at Pittsburgh’s
                                                        Brooklyn Dodgers chain. He had a rocky start, losing more   Forbes Field, and hit the center field wall at the Polo
         It’s summer and even                           than he won, and then it dawned on him that throwing   Grounds. When the Dodgers moved to the Los Angeles
      though as I write this both                       the ball and pitching were two different things. He went   Coliseum,  Roebuck  tried  a  new  challenge  —  hitting  a
      the NBA and NHL are in                            about learning the art of pitching spending six years in   ball into the colonnaded end of the facility. Alston wasn’t
      their playoffs, it’s Boys of                      the minors perfecting that art. In an interview for his   amused and fined Roebuck $75.
      Summer time. This is for                          induction into the Fayette County Hall of Fame, Roebuck      When the architects designing the proposed Houston
      those of you who were or wanted to be baseball players.   estimated he pitched 400 innings in the minors! Pretty   “Astrodome” asked Dodger team president  Walter
      For the rest of you, it’s just a nice story I came across   amazing when you consider today’s pitchers who rarely   O’Malley his opinion on how high to make the roof,
      when doing some research. You’ll enjoy it more than   pitch more than five unless they are pitching a no-hitter.  Roebuck was consulted while standing in the breakfast
      following this year’s edition of the Marlins.        He had good years and bad years during his seven years   line at the Dodgers’ spring training facility in Vero Beach.
         Ever throw a ball or a stone up in the air and try to hit it   with the Dodgers, three in Brooklyn and four in LA. ‘57,   Roebuck estimated he could hit a fungo about 200 feet
      with a stick on its way down? Difficult, no? Well, there was   ‘60 and ‘62 were his best years for his ERA according to   in  the  air. After  that  day’s  regular  workout,  Roebuck
      a kid in the small town of East Millsboro, Pennsylvania However, he was dependable in   reported to Field 4 and hit fungoes for O’Malley, who also
      who was better at it than anyone around. With a bat and   the clutch and as a reliever. As a rookie, he got to pitch   inquired how much Roebuck had been fined by Alston
      baseball, he could place the ball anywhere—on the ground   in one of the World Series games in the hallowed year   for his Coliseum stunt where he had hit a fungo into the
      or in the air. He could hit it for distance and amazing   of 1955. He was well-liked by his teammates, becoming   colonnaded end of the field. Weeks later, a batboy made a
      height. He could also pitch very well. This begins the   closest with Gil Hodges. It was that friendship that had   delivery to Roebuck on behalf of O’Malley — a bag filled
      story of Edwin (Ed) Jack Roebuck, nick-named “King   him accept a trade from the Dodgers  to the Senators.   with $75 in quarters. Credit for these stories, printed in
      of the Fungoes,” born on July 3, 1931.            Hodges had become the Senators’ manager.           Dodger Insider goes to Mark Langill.
         Roebuck had competition for this article. There was      In  1962,  Roebuck  won  his  first  ten  decisions  of      A sore arm and other nagging injuries knocked him
      a  July  shortlist  that  included  Pee Wee  Reese  and  Don   the season and was a workhorse in the bullpen as the   into retirement, but the game was in his blood. He spent
      Drysdale. They were Dodger stalwarts, certainly of greater   Dodgers were locked in a pennant race with the Giants.   most of the rest of his life, 35 years, as a respected and
      fame than Roebuck. But as a writer, how do you pass on   He improved to 10-0 on Sept. 12 with 5 1/3 scoreless   sought-after scout. The only thing he did longer than play
      someone with that nickname especially when as a teenage   innings in relief of starter Pete Richert. Roebuck finished   baseball was be married. His marriage to his wife Janice
      ballplayer you couldn’t hit fungoes to save your life?  the season at 10-2 with an ERA of 3.09 for the 64 games   lasted more than a half-century and produced three sons.
         He was the youngest Roebuck and the only one of six   he pitched.                                 Not bad for a lonesome kid from a mining town who
      brothers never to follow in his father’s footsteps and work      Roebuck pitched 460 games in his career. He finished   occupied himself by hitting stones with sticks.
      in the coal mines. “My older brother wouldn’t let me.”   up 52-31 with 477 strikeouts and 62 saves. His ERA was a
      Roebuck said. “He thought I could do better.” This quote   respectable 3.36 with a WHIP often well under the target      Columnist and author Bill Gralnick was born and
      from him about his signing with the Dodgers is from his   of 1.7. Roebuck could also swing the bat ending his career   raised in Brooklyn, NY. He is writing a three-part
      induction into the Fayette County Hall of Fame. It gives   with a .271 batting average with two dingers and a few   humorous memoir. The first is “The War of the Itchy Balls
      an idea of his early years. “We lived way back in the sticks   extra-base hits.                      and Other Tales from Brooklyn.” Just published is the
      and one day this big, black Buick comes up to the house      And now the fun part. The fungo. Roebuck could toss   sequel, “George Washington Didn’t Sleep Here.” Both are
      and I was surprised that he got his car through all the   the ball into the air and reach targets with great unerring   available on Amazon. You can find his writing at https://
      mud and everything. He wanted to take me to Brooklyn   accuracy. He hit the eagle atop the scoreboard at Busch 
      and my mother said you’re not taking him anywhere until
      his brother okays the deal. I had five brothers and three
      sisters and my one brother Joe said, ‘Go ahead, go with                        SUSAN
      him.’” (Society of American Baseball Research)
         Roebuck did do better. He signed with the Dodgers in
      1949 after he graduated from Brownsville (Pennsylvania)
      High  School. The  6-foot-2,  185-pound  right-hander  in                      GABRIELLE

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