Page 5 - Boca ViewPointe- July '24
P. 5

July 2024                                                      Viewpointe, Page 5
      Clowns On Call

      By Harriet Rubin, aka                                What is skit performance you might be asking? Well,   center of attention. I’m hopeful that 90% of the kids attending
      Florabelle the Clown                              many clown groups do not have performing groups. We are   camp will be part of the show at the end of the season.
                                                        unique in that I have always had a skit group in the clown      That’s all for now! Don’t forget to wave if you see a clown
         Welcome Summer!                                alleys I have been involved with. I’m sure this is because   on campus! 
      Wow, has it been hot! We are                      I personally have always loved to
      avoiding any outdoor events                       perform before an audience and I
      for a while. Good news – We                       have also been directing for most of
      have been clown training                          my adult life, so this area has been
      at the Club’s summer camp                         easy for me to develop. There are
      program and it is going very                      numerous silly skits available to
      well. So far Juggles, Cutie                       clowns, including single skits and
      Pie, Twinkle Toes and I have                      group skits. When I am dealing with
      done 4 sessions. Twinkle Toes and I started off with a Red   kids, I encourage voice projection,
      Nose Reader session to introduce ourselves to the 18 kids, ages   personality development, confidence,
      6-11. I read the very funny book “Do-Whacky-Do” which is   commitment, and of course great fun!
      about 10 clowns going to town. We followed up with a few   Over the years I have noticed how so
      sing-along songs to demonstrate our kazoos, simple magic,   many “shy” children of various ages,
      and then made each one a balloon hat. The session was really   blossom in a short time when they see
      successful! Juggles did the next session and demonstrated and   how much enjoyment they get out of
      taught juggling scarves and balls. At his second class, he added   performing for their families. It might
      “plate spinning” which the kids absolutely loved.   be the very first time they experienced
         Two of them actually got the plate to spin! Of course   applause for something they did. It’s
      this is difficult and we hope to encourage a couple of the 12   generally not the outgoing, confident
      kids who chose to learn the basics to be able to juggle in our   kid that benefits so much from this
      closing show. Juggling requires practice so we will see if any   kind of activity, but the ones who
      of the kids get hooked! Cutie Pie and I did the next class and   hesitate to stand up in class and be the  Twinkle Toes and Florabelle at the first clown class at summer camp
      started out with applying clown makeup to those interested.
      You can see from the photo how cute they all looked. Next
      time the kids will apply it themselves, and I guarantee there
      will be a lot more messy faces, but after a few times each child
      will decide what they like and then a unique face will evolve.
      I demonstrated a few simple tricks to encourage them to try
      their hand at magic, puppet manipulation and finally how
      to twist a long balloon. We decided to make swords as this
      only involves 3 twists, but—- it is always difficult for many
      kids to get the hang of twisting. By the end of the session, at
      least 5 of them had figured out how to make a dog on their
      own, and were they proud of their accomplishment! This
      next week every child will make a kazoo instrument in the
      arts and crafts program and then we will work on our “Boca
      Pointe Marching Kazoo Band.” We will continue to teach
      balloon twisting, simple magic, use of puppets, juggling and
      add skit performance to the curriculum.           I almost got it to spin!                           Cutie Pie with first clown faces

                                                             6919 SW 18th Street, Suite 102,
                                                             69     19 SW 18th Str                     eet     , Suit      e 10      2  ,

                                                                         Boca Raton FL 33433
                                                                         Boca R            at   on FL 3           34    3  3


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