Page 6 - Southern Exposure - June '24
P. 6

Page 6, Southern Exposure

                                                          arts & EntErtainmEnt

                                       Lighthouse ArtCenter Welcomes

                                 Anthony Record As Its New Curator

        Meet Record and                                 Lighthouse ArtCenter. “His passion for the arts, coupled with   Studio Programs Coordinator for the Tampa Museum of Art
      the artists from the                              his extensive experience in curation and education, will be   from 2018 to 2022 and then as curator at the Museum of
      current exhibition,                               instrumental in advancing our mission of fostering artistic   Florida Art & Culture from 2022 to 2024, where he curated
      Artistry Through the                              excellence and community engagement. We look forward   exhibitions of contemporary artists and collectors from
      Ages,  for a panel                                to the exciting exhibitions and initiatives that Anthony will   Florida. Record is also a painter, and his work has been
      discussion on June 20.                            bring to our organization.”                        exhibited internationally at galleries and museums in New
        L i ght house                                     “I am honored to be welcomed by the vibrant art   York, San Francisco, Chicago, Kanazawa, Vancouver and
      ArtCenter (LAC) in                                community here in Tequesta,” said Record, Lighthouse   elsewhere.
      Tequesta  is  pleased                             ArtCenter’s curator. “I’m looking forward to getting to     Join us on Thursday, June 20, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. as
      to announce the                                   know the community better, collaborating, exploring and   Record leads a panel discussion with artists from Artistry
      appointment of                                    celebrating artists at Lighthouse ArtCenter.”      Through the Ages, Lighthouse ArtCenter’s current exhibition.
      Anthony Record as its                               Born and raised in Florida, Record pursued his studies   Meet Anthony Record and learn about the evolution of the
      new curator. Record has been deeply involved in the Florida   in studio art at the University of South Florida, followed   exhibiting artists’ work and teaching philosophies.
      art scene throughout his career, enriching the community   by a Master of Fine Arts degree from the prestigious San     For more information about Lighthouse ArtCenter and its
      through his dedication to visual art. He brings a wealth of   Francisco Art Institute. While teaching art history and   programs, please visit
      experience and expertise to this pivotal role.    studio art courses at various colleges, he cofounded the artist
        “We are delighted to welcome Anthony to the Lighthouse   cooperative gallery QUAID, based in Tampa, Fla., where
      ArtCenter family,” said Jeni Licata, executive director at   he curated exhibitions from 2014 to 2023. He served as the


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