Page 8 - Southern Exposure - June '24
P. 8

Page 8, Southern Exposure                                       BW

      local govErnmEnt from page 7
                             Palm Beach County Property Appraiser

      Dear Taxpayer:                                         Hurricane Season Begins                      significant portion of your cap savings, up to $500,000, from
        The summer months are a                                                                           a home with a homestead exemption to a new home within
      busy time for my office.                            June kicks off hurricane                        the state of Florida that qualifies for a homestead exemption.
        Before June 1, my office                        season, which runs                                  Our Exemption Services Department administers all
      submits the estimated taxable                     through Nov. 30. There are                        exemptions and portability applications and is available
      property values for 2024 to                       provisions in Florida law                         to answer your questions. Contact them at myexemption@
      cities and other authorities                      that pertain to your property            or (561) 355-2866.
      who levy taxes because                            tax assessment if your home
      they need them to begin                           has  suffered  catastrophic                                   Office Closed In
      developing their budgets.                         damage by a hurricane.
      The taxing authorities review                       If your home suffers                                    Honor Of Juneteenth
      the property values in their                      hurricane damage, our office
      jurisdictions and decide on a proposed tax rate.   will work with you through                         The Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office
        On July 1, my office submits a preliminary tax roll to   the assessment process. We               (including all of our service centers) will be closed in honor
      Florida’s Department of Revenue (DOR), the agency that   review insurance claims,                   of Juneteenth on Wednesday, June 19. Juneteenth National
      oversees the operations of all property appraisers in the state.   photographs, repair estimates and invoices, and any  Independence Day commemorates the emancipation of
      The DOR performs a rigorous review and evaluates the tax   other documentation that would detail damage. For more  enslaved African Americans in the United States.
      roll for accuracy.                                information, visit our website or contact (561) 355-3230 or
        On Aug. 22, my office will mail the Truth in Millage, or
      TRIM Notice, to all property owners. This notice of proposed     As you plan for the season ahead, Palm Beach County
      taxes details the assessed and taxable values of your property,   Emergency Management offers essential tips on hurricane
      as well as the tax rates submitted by taxing authorities.  preparedness in their Hurricane Planning Guide.
        As always, I welcome your comments and questions regarding
      your property value and exemption amounts. Florida law requires   E-Filing For Homestead
      my office to value property based on the status of the market as of
      Jan. 1. We use state-of-the-art technology to continuously process   Exemption And Portability
      property data from local and industry sources and from field
      inspections performed by our highly trained appraisal experts.     With our homestead exemption e-file, you can e-file
        Now is a good time to check the mailing address associated   the same day you close on a new home, even without the
      with your property at Simply search your property   deed. You can even e-file for portability if moving within
      and confirm that your mailing address is correct. If it needs an   the state of Florida.
      update, just visit our E Address Change Form.       A homestead exemption can reduce the assessed value
        In this month’s newsletter there is a reminder that hurricane   of your property, thereby reducing the amount of property
      season is upon us and a memo to those residents who have not   tax you pay. In addition, a homestead exemption limits any
      yet applied for a homestead exemption on their permanent   increase to your assessed value to a maximum of 3 percent
      residence in Palm Beach County.                   each year or the amount of the change in the Consumer
        Enjoy reading and stay safe.                    Price Index, whichever is lower. Portability transfers all or a
                           Dorothy Jacks, CFA, FIAAO, AAS,
                      Palm Beach County Property Appraiser                                It’s the Law!

       NEED A/C? We’ve Got You Covered!

                                                              Did You Know That, In Florida…

       “WE SHOW                                                                               By Adam S. Gumson, Esq.

                UP!”                                        A  c o ndo m i ni um                           (LLC). The operating agreement helps establish the rights,

                                                          association  and a                               responsibilities and relationships among the members
                                                          cooperative (co-op) are                          (owners) and managers of the company. While Florida law
                                                          both forms of common-                            does not require LLCs to have an operating agreement, it
                                                          interest  communities,                           is highly recommended so as to specify each member’s
                                                          but they differ in their                         rights and duties.
                                                          ownership structures and                           Estate planning refers to the set of documents that
                                                          the rights of residents.                         designates people to act both during and after your lifetime
                                                          Put simply, condominium                          and often consists of some combination of a living revocable
                                                          owners have individual                           trust, last will and testament, health care surrogate,
                                                          ownership of their units                         durable power of attorney and living will. It might also
                   Call Today for a FREE estimate!        and a shared interest in                         include one or more deeds to real property.
                        561.575.2173                      common areas, while co-op residents own shares in a     Jupiter Law Center is a private neighborhood law firm
                      231 Jupiter St., Jupiter, FL        corporation that collectively owns the entire property.   located in the RiverPlace Professional Center, 1003 W.
                               The structure and dynamics of each community type can   Indiantown Road, Suite 210, Jupiter, Fla., (561) 744-4600,
                                                          influence the level of control residents have over their The firm provides peace of mind by
                                                          living spaces and the decision-making processes within   solving problems with integrity and compassion in the areas
        HANDY-MAN                                         the community.                                   of estate and business planning, probate, guardianship and
                                                            An operating agreement in Florida is a legal document
                                                                                                           trust administration, probate and guardianship for personal
                                                                                                           injury firms, family law and real estate.
                                                          that outlines the internal structure, organization, and
        HOME SERVICES                                     operational procedures of a limited liability company

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