Page 10 - Southern Exposure - June '24
P. 10

Page 10, Southern Exposure

      NoNprofIt News from page 9                          To learn more about the
                                                        Impact the Palm Beaches
      to Impact the Palm Beaches members, a vote was taken,   grant recipients, visit
      and the awards were immediately distributed. Since its
      establishment in 2015, Impact the Palm Beaches has     I m p a c t  m e m b e rs
      granted almost $2 million to local nonprofit organizations   contribute $1,100 annually,
      that are making transformational changes in our   which includes a $100
      community.                                        administrative fee, and
                                                        each member ’s $1,000
                                                        donation is pooled together
                                                        to fund multiple $100,000
                                                        grants.  The full amount
                                                        of  membership  is  tax-
                                                        deductible. After this awards   Impact the Palm Beaches 2024 grant recipients
                                                        celebration, Impact the Palm
                                                        Beaches will have given away nearly $2 million in   who want to find an efficient and collaborative means of
                                                        transformative  grants  to  nonprofits  in  our  community.   creating transformational change in their community.
                                                        Impact grants fund the following service areas: arts and   Women can become  as involved as  they wish in the
                                                        culture, education, environment and animal welfare, health   process.
                                                        and wellness, and family.                            The Town of Palm Beach United Way is the fiscal agent
                                                          Impact 100 is a worldwide organization with more than   of Impact the Palm Beaches.
      Ashley Berry, Jennifer Thomason, Kate Cotner and Julia   60 chapters and steadily growing. Their motto is “One     For more information about Impact the Palm Beaches and
      Murphy                                            Woman, One Meeting, One Vote.” It is designed for women   how to become a member, visit

                                                        Carrie Browne, LeeAnne   Tina  Munroe  and  Janet   Virginia Spencer and Vicki   Karen Hinda and Keely
                                                        LaBanz                   Shamblin                  Pugh                    Gideon-Taylor

      Melissa Haley, Lisa LaFrance, Susan Fayette

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