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VOL. 32 NO. 6                                                                                  JUNE 2024

                                                           southErn spotlight

               Chasin A Dream Foundation’s Fourth Annual Gala

                                                Nets Half-Million Dollars

                                         For Local Children With Life-Threatening Illnesses

        Chasin A Dream Foundation raised its highest fundraising amount to date – a
      record-breaking $491,000 –from its fourth annual gala, “Raceway Rendezvous,” at
      the Wyndham Grand Jupiter at Harbourside Place on April 6. The Jupiter-based charity
      achieved the stellar milestone after seven years of inspiring hope and providing aid
      and resources to families with children stricken with cancer and other life-threatening
      illnesses and disabilities.
        Borrowing its theme from the adrenaline-fueled sport of racing, this year’s fête
      featured 26-year-old IndyCar superstar and Jupiter resident Kyle Kirkwood along with
      motorsport drivers Gianni Maiuro, Nick Riceputo and Roland Veit. WPEC-TV news
      anchor Sam Kerrigan shined as master of ceremonies and Tanya Lorigan, publisher of
      Jupiter and Stuart Magazines, served as the gala’s cochair.

      Southern Spotlight on page 4                                                Andy and Angela Balasis  Anna and Thomas Weinlick  Chris and Breeyonna Huseby

                        southErn proFilE                                                           Fundraising EvEnt

       10th Annual Live Like Jake                                                       Cancer Alliance Of Help &

           5K Raises Over $100,000                                                 Hope’s ‘Dance The Night Away’

       Celebrates A Decade Of Drowning Prevention                                           2024 Gala Raised Nearly $700,000

                  Milestones During Annual Race                                             For Local Cancer Patients In Need

        Beautiful weather greeted more than 1,200 runners,                           Cancer Alliance  of
      walkers and supporters during the 10th Annual Live                           Help & Hope (CAHH)
      Like Jake 5K on April 27 in downtown Abacoa. The                             hosted its popular “Dance
      annual fundraiser created in the memory of Jake Roarke                       the Night Away” Gala for
      Morrison raised over $100,000 which will be used to                          the fourth year in a row
      provide scholarships for self-rescue swim lessons and                        on April 6, at the Mar-a-
      critical care needs for families affected by drownings;                      Lago Club in Palm Beach.
      as well as to continue Live Like Jake’s (LLJ) mission                        Presented by the West
      of spreading awareness about drowning prevention.                            Palm Beach Fred Astaire
        The popular annual event also celebrated Live Like                         Studio, 11 local celebrities
      Jake’s incredible milestones over the past 10 years                          put on their dancing shoes
      including awarding over 3,700 infant swimming resource                       to raise funds for qualified
                                                                                   families in need who are
      Southern Profile on page 2                                                   dealing with cancer and
                                                                                   undergoing chemotherapy
                                                                                   and/or radiation.     2024 dancers, front row – Giselle Albrecht and Luisa
                                                                                     The CAHH Dance the  Monteverder, standing – Michael Koppy, Robert Dattolo,
                                                                                   Night Away 2024 Gala  Jennifer Tattanelli, Prince Mario Max Schaumburg-Lippe,
                                                                                   featured some of the best  Jennifer Parker, Doti Stangret, Marina Galli, Almong Olshtein
                                                                                   dancers for Palm Beach  and Jon White.
                                                                                   County’s celebrity dance-
                                                                                   off event. Eleven local nonprofessional ballroom dancers took private dance lessons from

                                                                                   Fundraising Event on page 5
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