Page 22 - Abacoa Community News - June '24
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Page 22, Abacoa
      Financial Focus                          ®

      Financial Tips For Widows                         you qualify for survivor and retirement benefits, you’ll   that can help ease the stress you are naturally feeling.
                                                        receive the larger amount. Depending on your situation,
                                                                                                             Few events are as sad as losing a spouse. But when

      And Widowers                                      you might come out ahead by delaying your retirement   you feel ready, start taking the steps necessary to continue
                                                        benefits, giving them the chance to grow, while you accept   forward on your life’s journey.
      By Sally Sima Stahl                               survivor benefits. For more details on receiving Social      This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
         Losing a spouse is                             Security benefits, visit the Social Security Administration’s   your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
      one of the most painful                           website at                            Member SIPC.
      experiences anyone can                            Review Your Estate Plans                              Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
      have.  Unfortunately,                                The death of a spouse can certainly affect your family’s   all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.
      widows and widowers have                          estate plans. So, it’s a good idea to review these plans to see   Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and
      to deal with more than just                       what changes, if any, need to be made. When conducting   Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      the emotional trauma – they                       this review, you’ll benefit from working with an estate-  of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of
      also must consider a range                        planning professional.                             New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      of financial issues. If you’ve                       Finally,  keep  in  mind  that  you  don’t  have  to  go  it   of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      recently  been  widowed,                          alone during this difficult time. If you’re already working      Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
      what financial moves should                       with a financial professional, they can help. If you aren’t   cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your
      you consider?                                     currently working with one, now might be the time to   qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
         For starters, don’t rush into any major decisions. If   start. By looking at your finances and your family situation      Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
      you’re still in the grieving process, you are unlikely to   holistically, a financial professional can provide guidance   1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      be in the best shape to make significant choices affecting
      your finances and your life.
         But once you feel ready to look at your situation
      objectively and make appropriate choices, consider the
      following steps.
      Review Your Finances
         Look  at  your  entire  financial  picture  –  your  assets,
      investments, debts and income. If you and your spouse
      had  communicated  well  about  your  finances,  and  you
      shared decisions, you hopefully won’t encounter any big
      surprises. But if your spouse was the partner who mostly
      handled financial matters, you may need to get up to speed
      quickly on what you have and what you owe. And if your
      spouse had provided a large amount of your household
      income, you will also need to determine what changes
      you may need to make to your lifestyle.
      Address Insurance Issues
         If you will receive a death benefit from your spouse’s
      insurance policy, what will you do with the money? It may
      prove helpful in funding your own retirement or meeting
      other financial goals. But you’ll also want to be clear about
      what  other  beneficiaries,  such  as  your  children,  might
      receive. And while you’re looking at insurance, you also
      might want to look at your own policies – do you need to
      change beneficiaries?
      Review Your Social Security Options
         If you are at least 60 and you were married at least nine
      months, you may be entitled to Social Security survivor
      benefits.  (If  you  remarry  before  age  60,  you  typically
      cannot  receive  survivor  benefits,  but  you  can  reinstate
      them if this subsequent marriage ends.) The amount of your
      survivor’s benefits depends on your age and the age of your
      deceased spouse. You can’t claim your deceased spouse’s
      benefits along with your own retirement benefits, so if

        Science On The Cutting Edge from page 22

        own research program addressing critical unanswered
        questions of brain function. Given his scientific talent
        and accomplishments, and with the continued support
        from MPFI through the Max Planck Partnership
        program, he will be able to significantly impact the
        understanding of altered plasticity in autism and will
        expand cutting-edge neuroscience research in India.”
           TCG CREST was founded in 2020 by private equity
        firm The Chatterjee Group. The institute focuses on
        creating a global scientific collaboration to facilitate
        fundamental research. Located in Kolkata, India, the
        organization also provides graduate and postgraduate
        education programs as well as executive education
        programs. In addition to neuroscience, TCG CREST
        focuses on AI, sustainable energy and quantum
           Jain expressed his hope for a growing relationship
        between the institutes, “I look forward to exposing
        my trainees to the cutting-edge research at MPFI and
        introducing MPFI scientists to CHINTA, TCG CREST.
        I hope this partnership starts a lasting and productive
        scientific and training collaboration between the
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