Page 21 - Abacoa Community News - June '24
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      Science On The Cutting Edge from page 20          problem for Florida and the nation to understand and solve,   modulated  the  activity  of  one  specifically  involved  in
                                                        Puthanveettil said. Exploring the molecular workings of   memory formation, CaMKII.
         Sathya Puthanveettil, Ph.D., the study’s corresponding   learning and memory can provide new insights about such      This discovery opens many new avenues for further
      author, said the research also adds an important piece to   disease processes, he said.              study, Puthanveettil said.
      the enormously complex puzzle of how and why neurons      Jenna L. Wingfield, Ph.D., a postdoctoral researcher in      “We  need  to  pinpoint  its  role  in  development  and
      deliver such RNAs long distances, to their synapses, the   Puthanveettil’s group and co-first author on the new study,   disease,” Puthanveettil said. “There are a lot of molecular
      junctions between neurons.                        said despite how it sounds, SLAMR’s name wasn’t chosen   insights that need to be explored further.”
         “This actually changes the ways that we think about   because it evoked images of noisy prison doors. Rather,      The study, “Synaptically targeted long non-coding
      how synapses work,” Puthanveettil said.           it’s short for “Synaptically Localized Activity Modulated   RNA SLAMR promotes structural plasticity by increasing
         Having  the                                    lncRNAs.” The “lncRNA” part of its name is shorthand for   translation  and  CaMKII  activity,”  appeared  online  on
      RNA right where                                   “long noncoding RNA,” which are RNA of more than 200   March  27  in  the  journal  Nature Communications. In
      it’s needed, at the                               bases not involved in building proteins, but in coordinating   addition to Wingfield, Espadas, Kiebler, Yasuda, Rangaraju
      ends  of elongated                                certain cell activities.                           and Puthanveettil, authors included Yoshihisa Nakahta,
      brain cells, enables                                 Other authors include Ryohei Yasuda, Ph.D., scientific   Ilika Ghosh from the Max Planck Florida Institute for
      the  brain’s rapid                                director, and Vidhya Rangaraju, Ph.D., group leader, at the   Neuroscience; Kaushik Chanda, Eddie Grinman and
      response to an alarm                              Max Plank Florida Institute for Neuroscience; Michael   Bindu Raveendra from The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps
      signal. But how does                              Kiebler, Ph.D., of the Ludwig Maximilian University of   Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology; and
      it  move  there? The                              Munich, Germany; and members of their labs. The other   Karl  E.  Bauer  from  Ludwig-Maximilian  University
      study also discerned                              first author was Isabel Espadas, Ph.D., then a postdoctoral   Munich, in Germany.
      the molecular                                     researcher with Puthanveettil’s lab.                  This research was supported by grants from the National
      motor, or courier,  Green, blue and pink tags show the      Long noncoding RNAs play important roles in   Institutes of Health (5R01MH094607-05,1R21DA039417-
      that neurons use to  path of the SLAMR noncoding RNA   managing  the  activities  inside  cells. Which  ones  and   01A1, 1F32MH131420-01A1, and 1R01MH119541-
      move SLAMR from  as it moves within a neuron. Bumps   precisely how they carry out their duties aren’t well   01A1), the Max Planck Society and the German Research
      cell body to synapse.  on the branches are dendritic spines,   understood,  Puthanveettil  said.  Cells  have  tens  of   Foundation. Posted in Neuroscience, News.
      Coincidentally, the  critical for memory. Image by Jenna   thousands of them.
      courier, KIF5C, was  Wingfield, Ph.D., at The Wertheim      Their study originated with a discussion Puthanveettil
      one  discovered  by  UF Scripps Institute.        had with Espadas in 2016, about how to search for long
      their lab in a 2021                               noncoding  RNAs  involved  in  fear  conditioning.  The
      paper. They found it helped neurons build connections   scientists opted for a standard mouse experiment, a mild
      during memory formation.                          foot shock, and monitored whether the mice later recalled
         The scientists’ findings raise many questions, including   the experience. Mice that remembered would freeze when
      whether changes in SLAMR and its interacting partners   reintroduced to the chamber.                 MPFI Establishes Its First
      may play a role in memory loss, a hallmark of diseases      Sequencing the RNA from their neurons in specific
      such as Alzheimer’s.                              regions of their brain revealed elevation of SLAMR. More   International Partner Group
         The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that about   study showed that if it’s not present, mice fail to build
      580,000  Floridians  over  age  65  have Alzheimer’s.   densely branched dendrites, leading to fewer synaptic   The Max Planck Partner Group Will Be
      Nationally, about 7 million people in the United States   connections,  Puthanveettil  said.  Enriching  it  created   Headed By Dr. Anant Jain Of CHINTA, TCG
      live with Alzheimer’s. That number is expected to rise   more dense and complex connections. They traced how   CREST In Kolkata, India
      to 13 million by 2050, making it an urgently important   SLAMR directed production of multiple proteins, and      The Max Planck Florida Institute (MPFI) for Neuroscience
                 Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD,                                                                       will establish its first International Partner Group in India. Dr.

                                                                                                           Anant Jain, a former MPFI scientist in the lab of Dr. Ryohei
                             Gifted Testing                                                                Yasuda, will begin his own research group at the Centres for
                                                                                                           High Impact Neuroscience and Translational Applications
                                                                                                           (CHINTA), TCG Centres for Research Education Science
                                                                                                           and Technology (CREST).
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                                                                                                           Drs. Anant Jain (left) and Ryohel Yasuda (right) discuss their
                                                                                                           new partnership.
                 Susan Has Moved To A                                                                         “I am thrilled to head the Max Planck Partner Group,

                                                                                                           which will create a formal channel of collaboration between
                               New Location!                                                               my new group and the experts at MPFI. This partnership will
                                                                                                           help launch my research program in India,” says Jain.
                                                                                                              The Max Planck Partner Group program aims to
           Androcles Hair Salon                                                                            support emerging scientists while building international
                                                                                                           collaborations with countries interested in strengthening their
                                                                                                           research. The program is aimed at talented junior researchers
                4031 Hood Rd., Suite C-108                                                                 who have previously worked at a Max Planck Institute and
              Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410                                                                 enables them to continue their work while establishing a new
                                                                                                           research group abroad. There are more than 70 Max Planck
                                Susan                                                                      Partner Groups worldwide.

                                                                                                             Jain’s research will focus on mechanisms that maintain
                                                                                                           brain stability. These mechanisms, known as homeostatic
                            Swafford                                                                       plasticity, compensate for rapid changes during learning
                                                                                                           to maintain brain activity within a range required for brain
                                                                                                           health. “These changes are critical to rebalance our brain
                                                                                                           circuits and maintain the ability to keep learning throughout
           561-312-0457                                                                                    life,” explains Jain. “We have a limited understanding of how
                                                                                                           homeostatic mechanisms work in the context of learning, and
                                                                                                           hope to provide insights into this.” Jain’s research will also
                                                                                                           use cellular models of autism to investigate how homeostatic
                                     10%                                                                   processes work differently in people with autism. Children
                                                                                                           with autism have a much higher incidence of epileptic
                                                                                                           seizures, which are a hallmark of homeostatic failure.
                                     OFF                                                                     biosensors to see homeostatic mechanisms as they function.
                                                                                                             Critical to Jain’s work is the development of novel
                                                                                                           This biotechnology innovation is one area that will be aided
                                      Tues.                                                                by his partnership with MPFI, home to two world experts in
                                                                                                           biosensor development, Dr. Ryohei Yasuda and Dr. Lin Tian.
                                                                Products starting at  69                      Yasuda describes his enthusiasm for the partnership, “I
                                     New clients only                                                      am excited to support and celebrate Anant as he launches his
                                                                                                            Science On The Cutting Edge on page 23
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