Page 20 - Abacoa Community News - June '24
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Page 20, Abacoa
        science on tHe cutting edge

                                                           The program culminates in final presentations held in
                                                        Albuquerque, with participants also encouraged to attend
                                                        the Small Satellite Conference in Logan, Utah, in August.
                                                           The  FAU  UNP  is  spearheaded by Oscar M.  Curet,
                                                        Ph.D., an associate professor in the Department of Ocean
                                                        and Mechanical Engineering and a member of FAU’s  Yikes! Scientists Discover
                                                        Center of Connected Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence   Fear Factor Behind Brain
                                                        (CA-AI);  and  George  Sklivanitis,  Ph.D.,  Schmidt
      FAU Engineering Selected                          Research Associate Professor, a fellow of FAU’s Institute   Plasticity – April 16
                                                        for Sensing and Embedded Network Systems Engineering
      By NASA For University                            (I-SENSE), and a senior member of CA-AI. Curet’s     in the future. Computer virus from a misspelled email sender?
                                                                                                             Our brains remember frightening situations to keep us safe
                                                        research interests and expertise include fluid dynamics,
      Nanosatellite Program                             biomimetics and biological locomotion, hydrodynamics   Delete! That bite from a boot bug? Check those shoes.
                                                        of underwater vehicles and energy harvesting. Sklivanitis’
         A CubeSat is among a                           research interest and expertise include autonomous radios,
      class of research spacecraft                      ocean Internet of Things, networked AI and connected
      called nanosatellites about                       robotics.
      the  size of  a  4-inch  cube                        The three students selected for the FAU UNP are Vitas
      and typically weighing less                       Diktanas, a Ph.D. student in mechanical engineering with
      than 5 pounds.                                    a concentration in aerospace; Sky Rueff, an undergraduate
                                                        student in mechanical engineering; and Jonathan
      By Gisele Galoustian |                            Mazurkiewicz, an undergraduate student in computer
      4/17/2024                                         engineering.
         Florida Atlantic University’s College of Engineering      The 2024 Mission Concept Program provides funding
      and Computer Science is among eight university teams   for all travel, including kickoff, final event, and in-person
      in the United States selected to work with NASA and the   reviews,  allowing  faculty  and  students  to  formulate
      United States military to foster innovation and expertise   teams  without  straining  university  resources.  NASA
      in the small satellite sector.                    uses CSLI as one if its ways to attract and retain students
         NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI) is partnering   in science, technology, engineering and mathematics   Neuroscientist Sathya Puthanveettil, Ph.D., joins postdoctoral
      with the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force for the 2024   disciplines. This strengthens NASA’s and the nation’s   researcher Jenna Wingfield, Ph.D., in the lab. They led a
      Mission Concept Program. A CubeSat is among a class of   future workforce. The initiative promotes and develops   group that discovered a new long noncoding RNA that directs
      research spacecraft called nanosatellites about the size of a   innovative technology partnerships among NASA, U.S.   neurons to build connections during fear conditioning.
      4-inch cube and typically weighing less than five pounds.  industry and other sectors for the benefit of all.
         Running  from  May  through August,  the  University      Guided by years of spacecraft development history, the      A team led by neuroscientists at The Herbert Wertheim UF
      Nanosatellite Program (UNP) will provide students with   UNP structure is divided into four distinct phases: design   Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology
      systems engineering training for spacecraft development.   and development; integration and test; environmental test;   has discovered a key molecular player in fear conditioning.
      The program is designed to refine small satellite project   and mission operations. Successful completion of each   It’s a specialized RNA with a memorable acronym, SLAMR.
      proposals to increase students’ chances of sending their   phase is accomplished through specific entrance and exit   Their study found SLAMR must be present in adequate
      technology into space. The partnership aims to prepare   criteria and phases include various reviews and program   quantities for neurons to build the complex connections
      students to work in the space industry while simultaneously   down-selects intended to help as many teams as possible   required for fear conditioning. Their research appears in the
      enhancing small satellite expertise among faculty at U.S.   achieve successful mission operations.   journal Nature Communications.
         “We are incredibly excited and proud to have been                                                 Science On The Cutting Edge on page 21
      selected to work with NASA and the U.S. military to help
      revolutionize the space domain with tiny yet powerful
      small satellite technology,” said Stella Batalama, Ph.D.,
      dean, FAU College of Engineering and Computer Science.
      “Importantly,  this  initiative  will  offer  participating
      students invaluable systems engineering training specific
      to spacecraft development and is part of NASA’s broader
      strategy to engage and retain students in STEM fields to
      build a robust pipeline of talent in the aerospace sector.”
         The UNP teams met at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center
      in Florida for a four-day kickoff meeting in May, followed
      by seven weeks at the Air Force’s University Nanosatellite
      Program facilities in Albuquerque, N.M. During their time
      in Albuquerque, three students from each team will intern
      with  the  Space  Dynamics  Laboratory,  receiving  direct
      mentorship and guidance from small satellite experts
      to  refine  their  proposals  and  enhance  their  project’s
      viability for spaceflight under NASA’s CSLI or Air Force
      nanosatellite launch opportunities.

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