Page 23 - The Jewish Voice - May '24
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The Jewish Voice, Page 23

      Lifestyles from page 22                              2. Chivalry still rules, no matter what you may hear.   back. Please continue to spread this good news to your friends.
                                                        Stand up to shake someone’s hand. Open the door for her   Lastly, follow your heart.
         This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your   (even if she is a stranger and especially for an elder).  XOXO, Kelly & Miranda
      local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones, Member   3. Go easy on yourself. You deserve it. Don’t put your      P.S. Exclusive VIP Memberships are available for Mother’s
      SIPC.                                             needs behind someone else’s. It is not the right example. If   Day. Mention this article when you book your appointment. We
         Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states   you constantly put yourself on the back burner, that is where   can’t wait to meet you!
      and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P.,   you will remain.                           #LoveOffLine #LoveMoreIn2024 #SummerOfLove
      and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through   4. Be open-minded. Try two new things this month that   #TellYourFriends #MenMagnets
      Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.; Edward   you have always thought about doing. Challenge yourself to      Revolution Dating Founder and CEO
      Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward   go out of your comfort zone.              Kelly Leary, M.S., has 33 years in the
      Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.      5. Review your intentions for 2024. It is still possible   dating industry and a master’s degree in
         Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot   to get back on track if you have fallen off course. Have you   clinical psychology. She has also been
      provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified tax   been single long? What have you tried to do to meet new   written about in The Palm Beach Post,
      advisor regarding your situation.                 quality people? If you have tried, ask yourself if the problem   PalmBeacher Magazine, Stuart News,
         Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,   is them or you. Adjust your sails accordingly because energy   Modern Luxury Palm Beach, Modern
      1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.  goes where energy flows. Don’t always blame others when   Luxury Manhattan, plus many more. Revolution Dating
                                                        the problem could be you. We are happy to help you see   members are pre-screened in-person including background
      The Singles Scene Column                ©         the light if you are questioning why you are having a tough   checks. Professional photos are taken by the staff. Revolution
                                                        journey to love again.                             Dating is NOT online dating or blind dating. In addition to
      Special Edition for SINGLE & TAKEN Readers:          6. Splurge on yourself. View your personal journey to   providing matchmaking services that make singles “UN-
      By Kelly Leary, M.S. & Miranda Capparelli         find your Plus One as an investment, not an expense. Finding   single” through their exclusive club memberships, Kelly and
      7 Ways to Thrive in May                           the right person is most definitely the gift that keeps on giving   her team also provide feedback from dates when appropriate.
                                                                                                           Mock Dates are available by request. Single Coaching Sessions
                                                        and is worth every penny.
         “The pessimist complains                          7. Don’t overthink. If you have spotted the one you   and Evaluations are also available by request for non-members
      about the wind; the optimist                      want or have eyes on someone, let him/her know how you   or as an add-on to some memberships. *All inquiries are
      expects it to change; the                         feel. If there is interest, they are yours. If there is no interest,   confidential. *By demand, a Northeast/TriState area Hub is
      realist adjusts the sails.” —                     move on. Consult with your matchmaker if you are unsure   now available for East Coast clients who love to travel. Do
      William Arthur Ward                               how to proceed in a budding relationship. Your situation is   call the main hotline for more information at 561-630-XOXO
         Let’s face it: May is a                        confidential. Clients LOVE Revolution Dating because we tell   (9696) or learn more on our website at https://revolutiondating.
      supercharged month filled                         it like it is. We take the guessing games off the table for you.   com/ Revolution Dating: Home of THE Award-Winning
      with graduations, chirping                           If you find yourself without a love interest this month,   Matchmaker This is a First Come, First Serve Model, so do
      birds, Mother’s Day, and                          don’t hesitate to reach out to the award-winning matchmakers.   get your name on the A-List today.
      upgrades. You can almost feel                     With our help, you can design a Summer of Love by taking
      the excitement rising — especially here in Florida. Summer   this month seriously. If you need solid advice, we are here   Covering Palm Beach to the
      is close, and yet, so far. So here’s the deal. You have 31 days   to give it to you.                 Northeast All Summer Long
      until June, and you will get what your heart desires. Before      Your success is our success, and we are more than determined      Upscale single, divorced, and
      summer officially starts, you can recalibrate your intentions   to change the trajectory of your love life. It’s never too late, and   widowed clientele are ready to live
      for 2024. Below are seven tips to make your month the most   you’re never too old to start. We had a man who was 101 call   and love offline and the demand
      game-changing time of the year. Shout out to the women we   us this week! Talk about being gutsy! We live in beautiful times   for quality matchmakers is soaring.
      interviewed for this article. For privacy, we will not mention   and we want you to enjoy your life even more. For those of you   Revolution Dating is a full-service
      any names. Privacy is key at Revolution Dating.   who jet-set out of Florida in the warmer months, you can still   matchmaking firm that specializes  Revolution
         1. Never take the women in your life for granted. Show   be matched over the summer via our Northeast area Hubs.   in screening and representing clients  Dating Wins Best
      them how much you appreciate them. A happy woman is a      Happy Mother’s Day to all of the incredible mothers,   from the Northeast to Palm Beach  Matchmaker
      happy everyone. Make this month super special for the women   grandmothers, fur moms, and aunties in and out of the club! We   for decades. With a corporate brick-  Award in 2024.
      in your life. And why stop there? Keep it going all year long.   have so many remarkable women in our loving community, and         #AwardWinningClub
      Women make the world go around.                   we thank you for sharing your love with us daily. We love you   Lifestyles on page 24


                                                 Come Celebrate Our Grand Opening!

                         Our Grand Opening weekend is finally here! Join us at our BRAND NEW studio for free demo stretches,
                          raffles, prizes, food, awesome vendors, and your last chance to get DISCOUNTED MEMBER RATES!
                                           Bring your friends, family, neighbor, and anyone else you can think of!
                                                              We can't wait to see you all there!


                                                                Thursday May 9th 8am-8pm
                                                                     Free Demo Stretches
           Scan Here to Reserve your
                   FREE DEMO!                                     Friday May 10th 9am-6pm
                                                                     Free Demo Stretches

                                                            Ribbon cutting, food and drinks - 2pm

                                                                Saturday May 11th 9am-2pm

                                                                     Free Demo Stretches
                                                                        Vendors All day

                                                             2pm - Raffle Winner Announcement

                                                        For More Membership Information

                                           Email us at or give us a call 561-873-2400
                                                        1209 Main Street Suite 110 Jupiter FL 33458
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