Page 26 - The Jewish Voice - May '24
P. 26

Page 26, The Jewish Voice

      Lifestyles from page 24                                                                                 “I wanted to strengthen my training and knowledge
                                                        Tampa General Offers a Safe                        in prevention and nutrition,” said Dr. Rothman. “I started
      Understanding the Role of a                       and Medically Supervised                           integrating the concepts into my practice.”

                                                                                                             For example, she will review a patient’s overall health
      Life Care Planning Law Firm                       Weight Loss Program                                and consider factors such as family history. “We’re looking
                                                                                                           at total health and well-being to find lifestyle changes that
      By Anné Desormier-                                   It’s  no  secret  that  the                     are sustainable for the long term.”
      Cartwright, Esq.                                  rate of adult obesity in the                          The Weight Management Program is structured as a
         In today’s complex legal                       United States continues to                         membership with tiered pricing:
      landscape, specialized law                        rise. Recent figures from the                         • $300/month for three months
      firms cater to a wide range                       Centers for Disease Control                           • $280/month for six months
      of needs and circumstances.                       and  Prevention  (CDC)                             Membership includes:
      Among these, life care                            report that 41.9 percent of                           • Two visits per month with a physician who is board
      planning law firms stand out                      Americans are living with                          certified in obesity medicine
      for the unique focus on helping                   obesity, and medical costs                            • Two visits per month with a registered nurse
      individuals and families                          associated with the condition                         • Weight loss strategy, counseling, nutrition support, and
      navigate the intersection of                      totaled nearly $173 billion in                     psychological and social support
      legal, financial, and healthcare                  2019.                                                 • Prescription medications, such as semaglutide and
      considerations in planning for the future. This article dives into      According to the Trust  Dr. Laurie Rothman  tirzepatide, will be prescribed if appropriate, for an additional
      the concept of a life care planning law firm, and the services   for America’s Health, which         cost
      and value it provides to clients.                 tracks obesity rates across the country, 22 states now report      • Monthly body composition evaluation using a Tanita
                                                        rates at or above 35 percent. At 31 percent, Florida’s obesity   scale
      What is a life care planning law firm?            rate fairs slightly better, but there’s still cause for concern.      The use of medication, along with lifestyle improvements
         A life care planning law firm is a specialized legal practice that      Obesity contributes to chronic health issues such as high   in diet and exercise, results in weight loss that reduces the
      focuses on assisting individuals, particularly those with disabilities   blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular   risk of major coronary events, including heart attacks and
      or chronic illnesses, in creating comprehensive plans to address   disease. Plus, the noisy marketplace for weight loss remedies   strokes, improves metabolic health, and manages blood
      their long-term needs. These firms go beyond traditional estate   is daunting. How do you know which programs are reputable?   glucose levels.
      planning by incorporating a holistic approach that considers   If it involves medication, will you need a physician’s input?     You do not need to be a member of TGH Concierge Health
      not only the distribution of assets, but also the coordination of      For those struggling with losing weight, or their weight   to join the Weight Management Program. If you’re diagnosed
      healthcare, long-term care, and quality-of-life illnesses.  contributes to a chronic health condition, Tampa General   with a chronic health condition, or are at risk, commencing
                                                        Hospital  (TGH)  Concierge  Health  offers  a  medically   a medically supervised weight management program offers
      Services offered by lifecare planning law firms   supervised, safe, and effective Weight Management Program   you peace of mind, knowing that the program is backed by
         Life care planning law firms offer a range of services tailored   available to Palm Beach and Treasure Coast residents.   the world-class care of TGH, Florida’s leading academic
      to the unique needs of their clients. Some of the key services      Individuals will work one-on-one with Dr. Laurie   health system.
      provided by these law firms include:              Rothman, who is board certified in family medicine and      TGH Concierge Health, a service of TGH Primary Care,
         1. Creating comprehensive life care plans: Life care   obesity medicine, to develop a personalized, goal-oriented   is part of TGH’s commitment to connecting the Palm Beach
      planning attorneys work closely with clients and their families   weight management strategy that may or may not include   County and Treasure Coast communities to world-class care.
      to develop customize life care, plans that address current and   medication. Dr. Rothman has been practicing medicine for   TGH Concierge Health patients receive the highest level
      future healthcare needs, long-term care arrangements, financial   nearly 25 years and has two decades of experience caring for   of primary care, with after-hours access and personalized
      management, and legal considerations.             patients in Palm Beach County.                     care plans. TGH Concierge Health includes same-day or
         2. Special needs planning: Life care planning law firms      Dr. Rothman’s clinical focus is on preventative care,   next-day appointments, after-hours communication with the
      assist families with special needs individuals in creating trusts,   wellness, and metabolic health for adults and adolescents   concierge physician or staff, annual executive-level physical
      guardianship, and other legal mechanisms to ensure the long-  age 12 and up. She pursued board certification in obesity   examinations, and more.
      term financial security and well-being of their loved ones.  medicine after recognizing trends among her patients with      For more information about the Weight Management
         3. Medicaid and long-term care planning: These firms   hypertension, heart disease, osteoarthritis, and other chronic   Program offered by TGH Concierge Health, please call (561)
      help clients navigate the complexities of Medicaid eligibility,   conditions.                        739-4TGH (4844) or visit
      veterans’ pension benefits for wartime veterans, long-term care
      insurance, and other programs to cover the cost of healthcare
      and long-term care services.
         4. Advocacy and legal representation: Life care planning
      attorneys serve as advocates for their clients, helping them access
      necessary services, resolve disputes with healthcare providers
      or insurers, and protect their legal rights.

      The value of life care planning law firms
         Life care planning law firms provide invaluable support and
      guidance to individuals and families facing the challenges of
      aging, disability, or chronic illness. By taking a proactive and
      holistic approach to planning, these firms help clients achieve
      peace of mind, knowing that their future care needs are addressed
      and their legal affairs are in order. The expertise of life care
      planning attorneys can help clients navigate complex legal and
      healthcare systems, make informed decisions, and secure the
      best possible outcomes for themselves and their loved ones.
         Life care planning law firms play a vital role in helping
      individuals and families plan with confidence and security. By
      combining legal expertise with a compassionate approach to care
      and advocacy, these law firms empower clients to navigate life
      uncertainties with peace of mind whether facing a health crisis,
      caring for a loved one with special needs, or planning for your
      own long-term care needs. A life care planning law firm can
      provide the guidance and support needed to make informed
      decisions and safeguard your well-being.
         Elder & Estate Planning Attorneys PA is proud to be a part
      of the Life Care Planning Law Firm Association, a nation-wide
      associate of like-minded attorneys and law firms that provide
      the support for life care planning.
         If you have questions about this or your estate plan and what
      documents are necessary schedule a free consultation today by
      calling our office at 561-694-7827, Anné Desormier-Cartwright,
      Esq., Elder and Estate Planning Attorneys PA, 480 Maplewood
      Drive, Suite 3, Jupiter, FL 33458.
         The content of this article is general and should not be relied
      upon without review of your specific circumstances by competent
      legal counsel. Reliance on the information herein is at your
      own risk, as it expresses no opinion by the firm on your specific
      circumstances or legal needs. An attorney client relationship is
      not created through the information provided herein.
         To comply with the U.S. Treasury regulations, we must
      inform you that (i) any U.S. federal tax advice contained in this
      newsletter was not intended or written to be used, and cannot
      be used, by any person for the purpose of avoiding U.S. federal
      tax penalties that may be imposed on such person and (ii) each
      taxpayer should seek advice from their tax advisor based on the
      taxpayer’s particular circumstances.
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